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2,500+ Posts
Staff member
So who are the well placed people that are upset? Please name some names. Who is this good old boy network that is trying to ruin what could be another 3 or 4 year period of deep playoff runs? Coach Faircloth is the HC and AD. He has control of the athletic department. The PN-GISD Superintendent appears to have a good working relationship with Coach Faircloth. So, who is doing what?

Are you referring to the Burnett family? I have a hard time (extremely difficult time) believing that they would do anything at all to hurt PN-GISD, its students, alumni, and fans. They have given a lot to support all things PN-G. They are a good family with integrity. The men and women serving on the school board are public figures. If one or more does something that raises concern, then go to a meeting, get on the agenda, and voice that concern.

Is Coach Faircloth upset? Has anyone visited with him about this? If there is any concern on his part, what can be done to resolve the issue(s)? Get the local community out front on this issue if there is one.

All PN-G Indians from near and far should work together and pull the wagon in the same direction for the best interests of students, teachers, ISD, and communities of Port Neches and Groves. Put the spotlights on what is good about PN-GISD ... do not let the negativity or a small group of naysayers bring you down. I think Coach Faircloth and the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Indians will go a deep playoff run and then he can, and rightfully should, be King of Mid-County. The man can develop QBs and move the football. The back-up QB this year (Miller -- sp?) could start at other schools in our district. He can be a good one under Coach Faircloth. A couple of 8th and 9th graders can be good one in the future if we keep Coach Faircloth. I hope none of this mess is true. Let's get those funds in the door and build that multi-purpose activity center. Let's keep our coaches here. Coach Faircloth and his staff are WINNERS. In high school sports, coaching makes all the difference in the world. Ask Southlake Carroll, LaMarque, Stephenville, Katy, Odessa Permian, Austin Westlake, Highland Park, Lake Travis ... if you have some facilities and a good coach, you will win and can win big.

Go Indians. Peace.


Port Neches, TEXAS
I have a hard time thinking any of this is as serious as some are stating. Sure theyre probably a few old timers that still cant get over the changes but not enought to cause a rift.

IF there are polictial figures that are causing problems behind the scenes then throw their names out there. why protect them? Get the names out there and question them about it when you see them. Hell, run against them during the next election if we're not happy with the way they do their business.

Again, I have my doubt any of this is any more than just small time b!tching by a few unhappy folks.


500+ Posts
I am just delivering the message I was asked to post. NDNFAN#1 has posted the exact same thing I did. I have no idea who he/she is and they are getting the same info I am. If the people i have spoke with feel names should be put out I will not hesitate to post them.


Web Guy
I would suggest erring on the side of caution on this. Ask questions and find out. Don't let it get out of hand, because it's happened in the past, and shouldn't just be brushed off as ridiculous.
Coach Faircloth has the backing and support of the fans and overall community. He definitely has support here. If there are any silly agendas going on, the spotlight will be directed at it.


500+ Posts
'94 you said you were just delivering the message for someone. Next time have them do it themselves if they are so sure of their information and they can get everything out front.I agree with PNG1992--I do not think there is any substance to any of this, and some coward that got their feelings hurt is trying unsuccessfully to stir the pot and create controversy where none exists. I stand with Coach Faircloth and his staff proudly as a devoted Indian Supporter, and I know that thousands of others in Indian Nation do too!!


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I would like to know what or who is the problem here I would be glad to walk up to em and ask them about it. I have made friends with one of our new coaches as late as last week he said nothing about any trouble brewing.


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
'94 you said you were just delivering the message for someone. Next time have them do it themselves if they are so sure of their information and they can get everything out front.I agree with PNG1992--I do not think there is any substance to any of this, and some coward that got their feelings hurt is trying unsuccessfully to stir the pot and create controversy where none exists. I stand with Coach Faircloth and his staff proudly as a devoted Indian Supporter, and I know that thousands of others in Indian Nation do too!!

I stand by him also. That is why I posted it. I have gotten pm's from people on here backing me up and they will post more soon enough.


500+ Posts
No offense was intended towards you '94! I know that you are a loyal supporter and fan and always will be. I personally feel it is time for the Administrator to lock out this topic because it is not going to accomplish anything positive. IMHO Thanks!


Web Guy
If there is any shred of truth, there is a lot of good that can come out of discussing this.
Hopefully a lot of questions will be asked, and then we'll know.

If this turns out to be a bad rumor, then I'll be the first to support whomever has been incorrectly represented. If it's true then hopefully citizen and fan pressure will prevail in supporting the current coach.


100+ Posts
This is no rumor or misrepresentation of facts. i have heard the same things akifan94 has and i do not know who he is. Light needs to be shed on this situation or we will lose the best coach we have ever had at PNG. For the naysayers..What motivation would someone have to come on here and make these claims other than to use this board as a vehicle for making people aware of a truly disturbing and unbelievable situation? That is what needs to happen..the light needs to be shed on what is going on. VegasNDN..you are right.."the gloves need to come off" and the whole community needs to know what is going on. i have to believe that is why this thread was started. When I first heard about this, my immediate reaction was that this had to be a bunch of garbage. I am in no way a political animal, so I, like most of the community am out of the loop. Fortunately I do know some highly placed individuals and went to them in the hope that they would confirm my belief that this was indeed garbage.. I was shocked to learn that is was true and was way more involved than my naive mind could imagine. There are quite a few people who are flat out deceiving people on where they stand on the Burnetts vs Faircloth situation and have lied to people's faces when confronted about it. I love PNG with all my heart and would never do anything to"stir the pot" or hurt anything PNG. It is important that people know that this is going on..and that is my one and only motivation for posting this.


500+ Posts
WHAT EXACTLY IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOING ON. I can't lend any validity to something described in such shadowy terms as IT,THEM, SOMETHING, ETC... If you want fan support, then please tell us exactly what this situation really entails. WHAT IS IT????


Web Guy
squaw said:
All I can say is that its wonderful that Coach Faircloth doesn't get on here and doesn't listen to all the rumors. We discussed this with him at the baseball game last night and he was reassured that his job is safe and in no jeopardy. He is a great coach, but, even more important, he is a straight-up person who loves his students. He and I always tease about who yells the loudest for the Indians and its a tie for now. :) We all know how many hours he spends on football prep. How many coaches would spend the time to sit in the stands and enjoy a good ballgame?? BTW, they were awesome last night and the 3rd game is at 2:00 today. Hopefully, our crowd will be even better. If you can come, you won't be disappointed.

Don't discount the opinions of other posters on this board. How are their concerns any less important than the allusions you've posted here?

The concern is not that his job would be in danger. No sensible person would even think or imply that. The concern is that others have an agenda to cause him to want to leave.


500+ Posts
hookem14 said:
I agree with NDN79, someone actually say something of value !!!!

What more you want? Three posters who do not know each other have now posted the same thing. The old regime is using political stroke to make EVERYTHING difficult for the new one. The majority of us will not see it or hear about it until it is too late if things don't change. Some people need to let go and either get on board or get the hell out of the way.


1,000+ Posts
Can anyone say if Faircloth plans on being here next year? Is this something immediate, or is he looking after next football season if things don't improve?


100+ Posts
What I want is probably what most of these people want, that is to know EXACTLY who is the old regime and EXACTLY what is being said or done against the knew one. Until someone is willing to come out and say it none of this seems to matter much.


Active Member
I have heard the same things that are circulating around this board. I am not at all surprised that there are people on the Burnet crew that are upset that the Burnet regime lost their power and have heard some of the utterly nasty things that have been said towards faircloth and his new coaching staff. It is just pathetic that because the man lost his job due to poor coaching performance that his family and crew have to go around giving new coaches crap. Burnett should have lost his job many years ago and should be thankful that he has stuck around so long. If you have a problem with Faircloth come out and say it. I support Faircloth one hundred percent. Trust me i am no keyboard bully if you have a problem with what i have to say I will tell you who i am and will face you with no fear or concern. We need to fight to keep faircloth and get rid of this bull crap "good ol' boys" crap. Thats what kept our program down for so many years. As a former player i have been around burnett and his BS. BF is a hell of a coach and i wish i could have played for him. Lets rally the troops and make sure we keep BF because after the season he had last year be damn sure he will have no problem finding a job elsewhere in the state.

The gloves are off come and get me


1,000+ Posts
I am at a loss as to what this is all about. We are considered "old timers" and we are personal friends of the Burnett family and also attend church with them and I have NEVER heard a negative thing about PNG football or Faircloth out of their mouths and, beieve me, if they felt that way I WOULD know! If someone has a beef or some "inside into" they think is true, come clean. People on here know I speak my opinion and if I knew anything I'd share it. Could this conspiracy theory come board trustees or past board trustees? I know its not true because we support our coach and coaches totally and I'd sure be interested in who is starting these stories?


500+ Posts
This was posted on the school board thread by Straight Arrow.

Dear squaw: We know who pulls your string, the board president. You believe just what she tells you, which is not always true. We know that the pres. is backed by the OCAW, her husband is the president, and Walter Umphrey. Who knew. The voters had better think twice before they get rid of the two remaining encumbrances(sic). I also hear that the head coach is very worried about his future.

Another example posted on the same thread......Balsamo was the only member that voted against PNG participating in the Kickoff Classic this upcoming school year in San Antonio. I could have maybe understood of a possible concern over funding ; however , immediately prior to the vote it was stated that the funding was in place from one of the local chemical plants.(BASF?) He voted NO.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
So, what can be done to stop the issues from getting worse and getting everyone onboard with the Indians programs? Let's work on solutions.
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I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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