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Staff member
Ok, we've heard the rumors, the conjecture, and the conflicting stories. Let's get back to the solutions.

If this is true, then the only way to stop it is to ensure the job security of Faircloth and his staff. In order for that to happen, we have to know exactly who is undoubtedly involved and exactly what they are doing. So let's hear it: who is pulling the strings to run our coach out of town and what strings are they pulling? If we're talking Burnett family members (which I admittedly find hard to believe), then which ones? If we're talking board members, then who are they and when are they up for reelection?

If anyone has this information and knows it to be absolutely true but doesn't want to bring it to light themselves, send me a message. I will be more than happy to take it as an anonymous tip and report it in this thread accordingly.


Chief Touch The Clouds
Deleted my previous post! I just don't want to comment on conflicting stories would rather post about the positive.No offense to those who want to post their concerns.


Staff member
curiousfan said:
akifan94.....This curious fan wants to know if you were at that board meeting? Well this curious fan was and here are the facts.... $15,000.00 was donated and that was to cover the 3500 tickets for advanced ticket sales. In order for the district to break even 3500 advance tickets must be sold at $12 a piece. According to school administrators the projected minimum cost to send the football team, band, Indianettes, cheerleaders and sponsors is $42,000.00. All 3500 tickets must be sold by the district prior to the game to break even. Any tickets purchased at the gate does not benefit the district. It was also stated that PNG has only 2300 season tickets sold last football season. Being an avid PNG fan I hope all 3500 tickets are sold. However, beings that at the time this decision was being voted on it was public knowledge that the projected deficit was 3.6 million. I respect Mr. Balsamo's vote. It appears he did not want to gamble with the tax payers money. If you did or do not attend board meetings maybe you should so you can hear all the facts.

You're wondering if 3500 tickets will be sold? That's funny stuff. I wonder if Cherokee will be played. ;D


Staff member
curiousfan said:
Fair enough. Seems we have conflicting reports as Squaw stated he voted no after being tricked and lied to. That is now three opinions on one vote. Where does the truth lie?

The truth lies in Mr. Balsamo. Perhaps you should give him a call and ask him yourself instead of listening to others opinions. I had a concern unrelated to football and I called him to voice my concern. During our conversation we talked about many things related to our district. I now understand why he voted the way he did on some issues. Instead of listening to others opinions we all need to just go to the source and find out the real truth.

No offense, but anyone that wants to known the truth need to listen to and consider all opinions and facts. And then decide who holds 'the truth' themselves.


100+ Posts
Exactly IndianFan! I wonder if anyone will wear purple? Evidently curiousfan and Balsamo(if not one and the same) have been to school board meetings, but not a PNG football game! Those of you out of town need to get locals to buy tickets for you so it will go towards the 3500 tickets.


500+ Posts
curiousfan said:
Fair enough. Seems we have conflicting reports as Squaw stated he voted no after being tricked and lied to. That is now three opinions on one vote. Where does the truth lie?

The truth lies in Mr. Balsamo. Perhaps you should give him a call and ask him yourself instead of listening to others opinions. I had a concern unrelated to football and I called him to voice my concern. During our conversation we talked about many things related to our district. I now understand why he voted the way he did on some issues. Instead of listening to others opinions we all need to just go to the source and find out the real truth.

So we have a 3.6 million dollar deficit and he is so concerned we will not sell 2250 tickets that he votes not to send our athletes, band, indianettes, and cheerleaders on a trip that will make a lifelong memory for them. This is a one time chance for most. The Indian community is going to support the group so the ticket sales should not even be an issue. That should never be questioned. So what is the real issue?


Staff member
Others have pointed out that "immediately prior to the vote it was stated that funding was in place from one of the local chemical plants."


100+ Posts
Justafan said:
What happens when you keep some of the old regime around by CREATING a job with so much time on there hands. Think its time to eliminate a gravy over paid job!!!

Mrs Miller I think its time to do what you were elected for, because If they run BF off I don't think any current Board, Admins ....etc would be re-elected.

justafan..you are right there will be a blood-letting on the school board if Coach Faircloth leaves because of the crap he is putting up with. Fortunately, we have Mr. Brittain and Mr. McCutcheon that will fight for Coach Faircloth to the bitter end. These 2 took the brunt of the Burnett's wrath after they were sold out by another board member who went straight to the Burnett's with behind closed doors info. They also are the two instrumental in bringing Coach Faircloth to the Reservation. I wonder why squaw has singled them out several times on the school board election thread as needing to be replaced? Hmmmmmmmm.


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
Justafan said:
What happens when you keep some of the old regime around by CREATING a job with so much time on there hands. Think its time to eliminate a gravy over paid job!!!

Mrs Miller I think its time to do what you were elected for, because If they run BF off I don't think any current Board, Admins ....etc would be re-elected.

justafan..you are right there will be a blood-letting on the school board if Coach Faircloth leaves because of the crap he is putting up with. Fortunately, we have Mr. Brittain and Mr. McCutcheon that will fight for Coach Faircloth to the bitter end. These 2 took the brunt of the Burnett's wrath after they were sold out by another board member who went straight to the Burnett's with behind closed doors info. They also are the two instrumental in bringing Coach Faircloth to the Reservation. I wonder why squaw has singled them out several times on the school board election thread as needing to be replaced? Hmmmmmmmm.

there are some details and names for those that need it. When you are fighting all the board except for two members at every turn things can get old quick.


500+ Posts
curiousfan said:
to ndnsrock44...curiousfan and Balsamo are not one in the same. In reference to going to school board meetings yes, I do attend them I have an interst in the future of this district so what better way to get information than to attend a board meeting. And YES I attend football games (season ticket holder) as well as other sports functions. I have been a "BLEED PURPLE" fan for nearly 40 years.

to akifan94... Being that I am "curiousfan" I decided to call Balsamo and ask him "just what is the real issue?" We had a very nice informational conversation. I feel like I now know the "real issue". I suggest you do the same, you might be surprised as to what his opinions is. From my reliable source... Balsamo has 7 season tickets and has had 3 of them for 27 years. His son played football and I believe his daughter was manager of the Indianettes the past two years. He attends football games as well as other events because I have seen him there.

to indianfan..... yes immediately prior to the vote the "funding" that is being referred to was the $15,000.00 to cover the cost of the tickets. In order to cover all expenses all 3500 tickets that were sent must be sold out of our admin office.

For one of the playoff games we sold around 3000 tickets. We need to sell that plus 500 more for the district to break even. I hope we do sell them all. I guess I am one of those people that looks at the glass as half empty rather than half full.

Then what is it? Give me one good reason to vote against the game. Even if all the tickets do not sell we are talking a small amount compared to the overall deficit.


100+ Posts
Well, being a glass half FULL person, I look at is as every ticket over 3500 is 12 bucks in the school's pocket.I was at both playoff games and we packed our side of the stands. aldine was the smaller of the two stadiums and it holds 10,000. I am no math expert, but that would mean we had around 5000 on our side..Unless we have 2000 band and indianette members, something doesn't add up. There were people who camped overnight for Those tickets because they were afraid they would sell out. i know there may have been a few tickets left, but that was because a lot of people were scared off by the forecast. If you remember, the forecast looked like that game may not be played at all due to severe thunderstorms. So for the record...people camped out for 5000 tickets because they were afraid it would sell out in one day, but Balsamo doesn't think we can sell 3500 tickets.WOW! AMAZING!


Staff member
curiousfan said:
For one of the playoff games we sold around 3000 tickets. We need to sell that plus 500 more for the district to break even. I hope we do sell them all. I guess I am one of those people that looks at the glass as half empty rather than half full.

That's correct. We did only sell 3000... for the Brenham game, which was in a stadium that didn't have many seats to begin with. The Barbers Hill playoff game at Stallworth Stadium saw all 8250 seats filled.

This is PN-G. We have the largest fan base of any high school in the state - possibly the nation - and we're opening our season in the Alamodome, which means that fans from all over the state who are not always able to make it to every game have a chance to attend this one. I'm personally a fan of Mr. Balsamo; I've met him personally, generally agree with him, have seen him at a few band competitions, and remember how he reacted after certain issues regarding band transportation were brought to the school board's attention. However, I disagree with his vote regarding the San Antonio game.

Now, does that mean that he's conspiring against Faircloth? No. I have yet to see any evidence that would indict him on that charge, and I still have yet to see his name specifically mentioned by any of the posters who have brought this issue to our attention, which brings me back to my original point: we need names and proof. That's the only way to cap hysteria and prevent a witchhunt that may draw the innocent into the crossfire. If we can't get that information from any posters here, then where are the "details and names" located so we can go get them elsewhere?


1,000+ Posts
For the record, in will neither pull this thread nor will I lock it. This is a dialogue that needs to happen withing our community. I have been contacted by someone who wants this thread done away with because it is too anti-Burnett. (Don't ask, I will NOT give out the name. This board guarantees anonymity and I intend to keep it that way.)

I have two feelings on this matter. 1) If the Burnett's feel that they are unreasonably taking a black eye for the is, then they need to use the family name to put a stop to what is happening. 2) the community has a right know what is going on so we can band together and use our right to out a stop to it.

I will not do anything to this thread that will prohibit us from getting to the bottom of what is going on.

Also, I'd like to know names. You all know that I do not let out information that I am asked not to share. Please PM me if you know.


Staff member
bandkid said:
curiousfan said:
For one of the playoff games we sold around 3000 tickets. We need to sell that plus 500 more for the district to break even. I hope we do sell them all. I guess I am one of those people that looks at the glass as half empty rather than half full.

That's correct. We did only sell 3000... for the Brenham game, which was in a stadium that didn't have many seats to begin with. The Barbers Hill playoff game at Stallworth Stadium saw all 8250 seats filled.

This is PN-G. We have the largest fan base of any high school in the state - possibly the nation - and we're opening our season in the Alamodome, which means that fans from all over the state who are not always able to make it to every game have a chance to attend this one. I'm personally a fan of Mr. Balsamo; I've met him personally, generally agree with him, have seen him at a few band competitions, and remember how he reacted after certain issues regarding band transportation were brought to the school board's attention. However, I disagree with his vote regarding the San Antonio game.

Now, does that mean that he's conspiring against Faircloth? No. I have yet to see any evidence that would indict him on that charge, and I still have yet to see his name specifically mentioned by any of the posters who have brought this issue to our attention, which brings me back to my original point: we need names and proof. That's the only way to cap hysteria and prevent a witchhunt that may draw the innocent into the crossfire. If we can't get that information from any posters here, then where are the "details and names" located so we can go get them elsewhere?

It's not always that easy. But that doesn't make this any less concerning. I expect there will be a lot more said in the near future. Or better yet, those involved will come to an understanding and agreement of some sort.

I wish this were not even a topic that needs discussing. But to all concerned with PN-G, wouldn't you rather hear about this even if it turns out to be a huge misunderstanding? Or do you prefer to blindly put your faith in the hands of a few? I think the great situation that's now at PN-G is worth protecting even if a few feelings do get ruffled.

This message board has been here for 10 years for no other reason to discuss sports and community. And all sorts of opinions have been posted here including posts by individuals meant to sway school board elections.
It's all been here. So this is of no less relevance.

We don't live in a utopia. Sometimes there may be some difficult things to confront and understand. And this is bigger than any one individual or set of individuals on a school board. The PN-G Indian Nation of alumni and fans everywhere have a strong interest and stake in this. it doesn't just belong to the locals.


Staff member
pngfan93 said:
For the record, in will neither pull this thread nor will I lock it. This is a dialogue that needs to happen withing our community. I have been contacted by someone who wants this thread done away with because it is too anti-Burnett. (Don't ask, I will NOT give out the name. This board guarantees anonymity and I intend to keep it that way.)

I have two feelings on this matter. 1) If the Burnett's feel that they are unreasonably taking a black eye for the is, then they need to use the family name to put a stop to what is happening. 2) the community has a right know what is going on so we can band together and use our right to out a stop to it.

I will not do anything to this thread that will prohibit us from getting to the bottom of what is going on.

Also, I'd like to know names. You all know that I do not let out information that I am asked not to share. Please PM me if you know.

This thread will stay.


I have heard nothing remotely related to such a story as this...

I too, find it hard to believe that any Burnett would say or do anything to Coach Faircloth, but stranger things have happened in the past, and I will be happy to do some research and find out, just as soon as someone tells me what happened, specifically.

And maybe it was not a Burnett, but a supporter of Coach Burnett? Is this possible? Fans get out of hand, we all know this can happen. Is this what is happening this time? I guess I just find it hard to believe - if this sort of thing were to happen, it seems like it would have happened before now, before we had such a Great Season with Coach Faircloth. I know, I know - See Indian History i.e. Danny Malone. Give me some details and I will see what I can find out.



100+ Posts
curiousfan..you are right, Balsamo probably just voted no because of finanacial concerns, not as an anti-Faircloth move. But I do wonder...Why did Balsamo vote against hiring Coach Carey's wife and Coach Wingfield's wife as teachers? Hmmmmmm.


Active Member
Well i for one dont see this as a problem for selling 3000 tickets, what everyone needs to do is call everyone who they know is going and make sure that they buy their tickets here instead of the gate, i have no doubts that we can sell the tickets with no problem. I for one will surely buy my tickets in support of this effort and personally cant wait for kickoff!!!!


My email address is melmiller99@yahoo.com

That is where you can reach me with your concerns. I will be happy to talk things over with any of you.

As for where I stand. Coach Brandon Faircloth is our current HC and AD, he has my support and he knows it.



500+ Posts
I have no information on Coach Carey's wife or her job, but a position was supposedly made for Coach Wingfield's wife. Well, I do not know this for a fact, I was told this by another teacher.

All I can say is, Coach Wingfield is one of the best female coaches we have ever had at the high school. She was worth every penny.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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