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500+ Posts
I might catch some heat for this but here it goes.

I have now heard from two very reliable sources that the good ole boy network is alive and well at PN-G. Seems prominent members of our community who I will not name and members of the former coaching regime (including family) are still not happy with the current staffs success and forward progress. We will be looking for a new coach if things do not tone down and the power plays do not stop. I really hope I am hearing wrong and I will glady apologize and eat crow if I am. There are other members of this message board who are hearing the same thing and might choose to chime in or not. In my opinion people need to let go of the past and embrace the future direction of our program before we have a Danny Malone part II. Our kids deserve better than the bitterness that is being portrayed.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
akifan94 said:
...are still not happy with the current staffs success and forward progress.

An outright district championship in the first year and competitive game against a state finalist was not enough?


Staff member
PNG NDN Fan said:
akifan94 said:
...are still not happy with the current staffs success and forward progress.

An outright district championship in the first year and competitive game against a state finalist was not enough?

Is anything ever enough?


100+ Posts
I dont know what y'all are talking about. If folks aren't happy now, well maybe they just cant be made happy. You cant ask for much more success than our coaches are delivering. The kids I've talked to love the coaches and are happy with the programs. Judging by last nights graduating class and the $$$ of scholarships, I think that things are well here and the future is bright. OF course, I'm not a member of the Old Port Neches Good Ole Boys club either.


500+ Posts
Jealousy and bitterness from the past. Too much success and forward progress. Booster club, practice facility, etc....there are people who still do not like the way the change occurred.


100+ Posts
The Good Ole boy network is alive and still kicking. That is what the last two elections were about. Notice we have not had any real contested elections until the coaching change came up. A certain politician was unhappy about the coaching change and has been using his political connections to change who runs the "Good Ole Boy Network". They have used the same tactic that Obama used and have succeeded. Tell everyone that there is corruption and shady deals going on and it gets people motivated. The only problem is when these people get into office they do the same things to a greater extent. This new Board could care less about athletics, they just owe a debt to this politician for getting them into office. If we are not careful, we could end up losing the best thing that has happened to PNG in a long time.


500+ Posts
NDNfan#1 said:
The Good Ole boy network is alive and still kicking. That is what the last two elections were about. Notice we have not had any real contested elections until the coaching change came up. A certain politician was unhappy about the coaching change and has been using his political connections to change who runs the "Good Ole Boy Network". They have used the same tactic that Obama used and have succeeded. Tell everyone that there is corruption and shady deals going on and it gets people motivated. The only problem is when these people get into office they do the same things to a greater extent. This new Board could care less about athletics, they just owe a debt to this politician for getting them into office. If we are not careful, we could end up losing the best thing that has happened to PNG in a long time.



1,000+ Posts
shovelhead said:
I dont know what y'all are talking about. If folks aren't happy now, well maybe they just cant be made happy. You cant ask for much more success than our coaches are delivering. The kids I've talked to love the coaches and are happy with the programs. Judging by last nights graduating class and the $$$ of scholarships, I think that things are well here and the future is bright. OF course, I'm not a member of the Old Port Neches Good Ole Boys club either.
Here I am agreeing with you! We are good ole boys (whatever is meant by that) and have not heard anything but excitement about our football and baseball teams. I think someone's trying to drive wedges where they don't belong. Our coaches are awesome and more than delivering. Kids are happy and fans are happy. BTW Good Ole Boys are exactly that--good ole boys and very proud of PN and Groves and we love our school district.


500+ Posts
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.


1,000+ Posts
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.

Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of harrassment is going on? Have I missed something in the past couple of months?


Staff member
If something like that did go down, it would shameful and a dishonor to every upstanding citizen, alumnus and fan. It would be downright sickening.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my lifelong allegiance to PN-G football would have to be laid to rest if such local politics and cronyism did cause that to happen.

Coach Faircloth is a WINNER. And the staff and program he has built in one year is incredible. He's probably as good a coach as has ever, or ever will set foot on The Reservation. A DEAD football program has been revived and the excitement and potential seems endless. A program that was once a local joke is now considered an automatic front runner in the district race.

IF this is true, to anyone who supports such a personal agenda, take a look in the mirror. What you see is not a PN-G Indian.


500+ Posts
NDNTime said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.

Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of harassment is going on? Have I missed something in the past couple of months?

I am not going into detail. There are people on this message board who know. If they choose to comment further they can. Faircloth can coach anywhere in the state. He is not going to tolerate the backdoor politics for too long.

I wish there was no truth to this but it will all come out in time if it does not stop. Well placed people know what they are doing and know they are wrong but when ego's and hurt feelings get involved I guess the bad comes out in people.


500+ Posts
NDNTime said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.

Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of harrassment is going on? Have I missed something in the past couple of months?

I would like to know who is trying to run off the new coaches. Whether we agree on every aspect of the school district, it is safe to say that these new coaches have brought excitement to the community. They are the best things that have happened to PNG in a long time. I don't have a son still in school, but I hope these coaches stay for a long time. They do support all sports at PNG, not just football.

I have no problem with even paying them more money, if that would help keep them here.

Having more kids invovled in extra curricular activities means better grades and better students in the classrooms.


Staff member
pngmom4 said:
NDNTime said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.

Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of harrassment is going on? Have I missed something in the past couple of months?

I would like to know who is trying to run off the new coaches. Whether we agree on every aspect of the school district, it is safe to say that these new coaches have brought excitement to the community. They are the best things that have happened to PNG in a long time. I don't have a son still in school, but I hope these coaches stay for a long time. They do support all sports at PNG, not just football.

I have no problem with even paying them more money, if that would help keep them here.

Having more kids invovled in extra curricular activities means better grades and better students in the classrooms.

Not just sports. They support all things PN-G. When we got back from Concert & Sightreading Contest, the first person to ask how we did was one of the new coaches.

If anyone is trying to run Faircloth and his staff off, then they're the ones who need to be run off.


Active Member
You know, there comes a time and a place when the "gloves are off" attitude is in order. I believe now is the time. There's absolutely no reason to even start a thread like this unless you have the guts to name the exact source that told you this. Nothing in this community will ever change unless the entire community is aware of what exactly is being said. I'm not talking about "he said she said garbage"; but actual facts. If you ask me, which you didn't, you are as much to blame for the garbage talk as the people talking if you are not brave enough to say who said what and who all heard the conversation.

So I'll take this thread for what it is and chalk it up as just something to talk about since it's not quite football season.

BTW, how about diverting some of this energy over to the baseball team. In case you have yet to notice, their pretty darned good this year!


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
pngmom4 said:
NDNTime said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
This is all just a bunch of CR*P! A few people are probably just trying to get a reaction out of someone. No unhappy or disgruntled person, ex-coach, spouse, know-it-all, or jealous fan from another area is going to sour or ruin what has happened on THE RESERVATION IN THE LAST YEAR!! PERIOD!! You are giving way to much credit to a very, very, very small group of "know it all" people who will never be happy no matter what. Please do not give them credit by discussing it on this forum. I think that this forum should be for all things positive concerning PN-G Football. Let all the nay-sayers go cry on some other forum. For the record: I predict that Coach Faircloth is NOT going anywhere any time soon!!! IMHO!

I hope you are sure about what you are saying. When the harassment doesn't stop and it happens you can all come back to this thread as the warning.

Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of harrassment is going on? Have I missed something in the past couple of months?

I would like to know who is trying to run off the new coaches. Whether we agree on every aspect of the school district, it is safe to say that these new coaches have brought excitement to the community. They are the best things that have happened to PNG in a long time. I don't have a son still in school, but I hope these coaches stay for a long time. They do support all sports at PNG, not just football.

I have no problem with even paying them more money, if that would help keep them here.

Having more kids invovled in extra curricular activities means better grades and better students in the classrooms.

Not just sports. They support all things PN-G. When we got back from Concert & Sightreading Contest, the first person to ask how we did was one of the new coaches.

If anyone is trying to run Faircloth and his staff off, then they're the ones who need to be run off.

I am not surprised by this Bandkid. They make everyone around them excited to be a part of the community.


500+ Posts
I agree with VegasNDN 100%. Don't even start a thread like this unless you have 100% irrefutable evidence that something wrong has been done or said. When hints at this/or that, rumors, or half-truths and statements get thrown around--then nothing good can come of it. No disrespect intended to those that are truly PN-G supporters and are looking out for the best interest of this program, but I support what VegasNDN said: If you have proof of something going on then bring forth the evidence and lets take care of the issue. Otherwise, all you do is add fuel to the fire of PN-G haters.If someone got their little feelings hurt because of the wonderful changes that took place on the Reservation this last year--then Get Over It, Move On, and GROW UP.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
If something like that did go down, it would shameful and a dishonor to every upstanding citizen, alumnus and fan. It would be downright sickening.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my lifelong allegiance to PN-G football would have to be laid to rest if such local politics and cronyism did cause that to happen.

Coach Faircloth is a WINNER. And the staff and program he has built in one year is incredible. He's probably as good a coach as has ever, or ever will set foot on The Reservation. A DEAD football program has been revived and the excitement and potential seems endless. A program that was once a local joke is now considered an automatic front runner in the district race.

IF this is true, to anyone who supports such a personal agenda, take a look in the mirror. What you see is not a PN-G Indian.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I haven't heard anything, but if this is true, the community as a whole needs to let their voices be heard. I think I hear Orange or Hardin County calling if this is true.


1,000+ Posts
All I can say is that its wonderful that Coach Faircloth doesn't get on here and doesn't listen to all the rumors. We discussed this with him at the baseball game last night and he was reassured that his job is safe and in no jeopardy. He is a great coach, but, even more important, he is a straight-up person who loves his students. He and I always tease about who yells the loudest for the Indians and its a tie for now. :) We all know how many hours he spends on football prep. How many coaches would spend the time to sit in the stands and enjoy a good ballgame?? BTW, they were awesome last night and the 3rd game is at 2:00 today. Hopefully, our crowd will be even better. If you can come, you won't be disappointed.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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