It was pretty embarrassing as a parent to sit and watch our team commit so many personal foul penaltie's against Lumberton tonite. We had 2 boy's get kicked out of the game, one for stomping on another player that was on the ground after the play, the other squirmish started after one of our player's pushed one of their's on the ground and then our player punched a kid in the stomach. We had other penaltie's for pushing after the play was over. This was done in front of Faircloth and assistant's. It seem's like our coaches would have made an example earlier in the game after the first penalty but nothing was done and the flag's kept coming. What was really bad was seeing the boy's on the sideline laughing along with the player's that was kicked out. I witnessed a lot of this stuff last year and figured it would be stopped by Faircloth and company. Another man sitting next to me said that he guesses everything Faircloth said in his speech to the parent's before the season started was political horses$%t. I'm not willing to go that far but last week we had a kid hit a player why he was on the ground and got a personal foul and he never came out of the game. If you keep letting them get away with this stuff, what are they learning besides that it is ok for this kind of play. Pretty bad when I recieved text's from Lumberton friend's asking me what are we teaching our kid's over here? I'm hoping there will be a price to pay next week at practice. I know previous incident's have went unnoticed.