Freshman game was an embarrassment!

png tribe

100+ Posts
It was pretty embarrassing as a parent to sit and watch our team commit so many personal foul penaltie's against Lumberton tonite. We had 2 boy's get kicked out of the game, one for stomping on another player that was on the ground after the play, the other squirmish started after one of our player's pushed one of their's on the ground and then our player punched a kid in the stomach. We had other penaltie's for pushing after the play was over. This was done in front of Faircloth and assistant's. It seem's like our coaches would have made an example earlier in the game after the first penalty but nothing was done and the flag's kept coming. What was really bad was seeing the boy's on the sideline laughing along with the player's that was kicked out. I witnessed a lot of this stuff last year and figured it would be stopped by Faircloth and company. Another man sitting next to me said that he guesses everything Faircloth said in his speech to the parent's before the season started was political horses$%t. I'm not willing to go that far but last week we had a kid hit a player why he was on the ground and got a personal foul and he never came out of the game. If you keep letting them get away with this stuff, what are they learning besides that it is ok for this kind of play. Pretty bad when I recieved text's from Lumberton friend's asking me what are we teaching our kid's over here? I'm hoping there will be a price to pay next week at practice. I know previous incident's have went unnoticed.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Are you a Lumberton fan upset with the score? Or, a supporter of the former regime at PN-G upset with Coach Faircloth and the new regime? Coach Faircloth does not tolerate personal fouls or the type of conduct you described. Players who commit personal fouls are disciplined. Go to a practice and watch. Football is a violent game played with aggression and passion. Maybe we should move up some these FROSH playing so aggessive ... we could use some of that on the varsity level instead of the passive hugging we've seen thus far. It amazes me what trolls and some PN-G fans will complain about. Some "fans" remind me of the guy who was married to Cindy Crawford or Halle Berry but complained that she could not cook. Text your Lumberton friend and tell him/her we are teaching our kids to be successful on and off the field ... and football is a contact sport. PN-G is not known for being a dirty team. What's next? "Fans" complain about Cherokee, standing for Cherokee, who plays, who doesn't play, we get too many penalties .... Go to a Booster Club meeting and ask Coach Faircloth --- in person in front of everyone there --- about your concerns. I assure you he will answer your concerns. Let me guess, you haven't joined the Booster Club so you can't or won't ask him?

Thank the Lord for Coach Faircloth and the new regime. I hope he stays at PN-G for a long time ... but with our "fans" longing to return to the mediocrity of run, run, pass, punt, who could blame the man for moving on a to community that genuinely supports him. Go Indians. Peace.


Chief Touch The Clouds
You don't have to be a booster club member to go and ask a question either!Plenty of seats open at the next meeting.


100+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
My question is: Is what "png tribe" described in his post an accurate account of what happened at the game ?
No. He failed to mention that Lumberton had a kid kicked out also. In the heat of battle you don't know what transpired to get to the point where the 2 kids got into it. As far as "stomping" on a kid, that was not the case. Our player stepped on the Lumberton player's shoulder pads and the ref said he stepped on his head/face. It is amaing how fast people will turn on this coach because we have lost some games. Trust me, those boys will pay for what they did next week in practice. I have seen the coaches rip some "star" players when they got personal fouls on varsity, then when they get through with them, Coach Faircloth rips 'em. Coach Fairloth is a leader in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is very serious about his faith. As far as some personal fouls go, they are sometimes the case of being overly aggresive or like the PF penalty in the ned game, a crap call. I would rather give up a personal foul every now and then, than to have our players timid to hit somebody. I guess in the 14 years that these kids had with their parents before they got to the Freshman team, they were never taught any self control. Because according to you, the coaches are completely to blame. As far as your friend from Lumberton...Lumberton has been known for being cheap shot artists for years. At the end of the game when Tezeno was a Junior, after he ran the ball on the last play, four Lumberton players held him down and beat the crap out of him until PNG players saw what was going on and went over and helped him. Ask your son what happens to them next week to pay for those personal fouls. Of course, there will be parents that whine about the coaches being mean to their little darlings.


100+ Posts
1989NDN...I think the majority of this community still understands that we have an exceptional staff in place. Unfortunately, the few dissenters always seem to be the most vocal and love to nit-pick on this forum. I too, hope that they are here for a long time. It is hilarious to see some posts on here by all the "experts". I would love for them to meet with our coaches, or any varsity coach and share their "knowledge" of the game. they would find out real quick how much they don't know. There is so much that goes into preparing for games and the level to which they know the game would blow away most fans if they sat in film study, meetings and game planning for each week.


500+ Posts
1989NDN said:
Are you a Lumberton fan upset with the score? Or, a supporter of the former regime at PN-G upset with Coach Faircloth and the new regime? Coach Faircloth does not tolerate personal fouls or the type of conduct you described. Players who commit personal fouls are disciplined. Go to a practice and watch. Football is a violent game played with aggression and passion. Maybe we should move up some these FROSH playing so aggessive ... we could use some of that on the varsity level instead of the passive hugging we've seen thus far. It amazes me what trolls and some PN-G fans will complain about. Some "fans" remind me of the guy who was married to Cindy Crawford or Halle Berry but complained that she could not cook. Text your Lumberton friend and tell him/her we are teaching our kids to be successful on and off the field ... and football is a contact sport. PN-G is not known for being a dirty team. What's next? "Fans" complain about Cherokee, standing for Cherokee, who plays, who doesn't play, we get too many penalties .... Go to a Booster Club meeting and ask Coach Faircloth --- in person in front of everyone there --- about your concerns. I assure you he will answer your concerns. Let me guess, you haven't joined the Booster Club so you can't or won't ask him?

Thank the Lord for Coach Faircloth and the new regime. I hope he stays at PN-G for a long time ... but with our "fans" longing to return to the mediocrity of run, run, pass, punt, who could blame the man for moving on a to community that genuinely supports him. Go Indians. Peace.

:ha: Brilliant +1


Active Member
I saw & heard the chewing BF put on a player at the Memorial scrimage so I doubt cheap shots & late hits are let slide.

If Lumberton fan wants to see embarrassing, have them take a look at the parent fight at the Lumberton pee-wee game. Clean up your house and we will worry about ours.

png tribe

100+ Posts
I am a booster club member and have become friend's with several of these new coaches. I went to just about every practice before school started and I praise everything that they do, so don't make this into something that is not. I never said that the coaches would put up with, I simply stated that something needed to be done at practice. It amazes me that people think that everything is just this perfect world within PNG football. It does not matter who is coaching, there will alway's be something that happen's. No, we dam'n sure don't need to play like this on the varsity. If none of this happened, we wouldn't have kept getting 15 yard penaltie's. Yes, the kid stomped on the kid why he was on the ground. Yes, the kid threw a punch and hit the kid in the stomach. Yes, we had 2 different times after the whistle blew that we pushed another player to the ground and got a flag for it. Yes, on the sideline the boy's were laughing and showing what they actually did. I'm not one to ever bash these coaches. What I am saying is this group of boy's need's to be put in their place and told that these action's are for punk's. I watched at the middle school level and didn't like it. Believe me, there is no one around here that talk's these coaches up as much as I do, I am a huge fan of this group. This group has reenergized the love of football for my son again, so don't think I have some type of grudge against any of these coaches. Why is it that everytime someone mention's anything that is not positive, that they get attacked as being a supporter of the old regime. Sometime's as parent's we have to realize our little baby boy's do thing's that are not alway's right. Kind of funny, how everyone around was say that the coaches need's to get this type of behavior taken care of.

png tribe

100+ Posts
By the way, I've sat and had dinner and talked plenty of football with some of these coaches on more than one occasion. I never even spoke to the previous staff. I would love to say that PNG never does anything wrong and we are the best at everything but it just ain't possible. So there is no reason for the personal attack's.


500+ Posts
OldEagle said:
So why didn't you just mentioned it to the coaches you know instead of mentioned it on this site?

Because this site is the best way for him to try to move others to his point of view! Also, any true indian knows we aren't perfect, but we are THE BEST!


Chief Touch The Clouds
Maybe you could address this issue at the next booster meeting when coach Faircloth asks if there are any question! GO to the source.


1,000+ Posts
There are things going on that not everyone knows. For example, last nights officials were from the East Texas Chapter and tonight's officials are from the Houston Chapter which did the Texas City game and also killed the baseball team during their playoffs. My point is that the officiating in this case MAY have been very bad. Why not use Southeast Texas Chapter? For some reason, Lumberton does not use SETX Chapter. The only thing I don't understand is why are we allowing them to choose the officials when we are the home team? I'm not being critical of the coaches--just curious.


Active Member
After reading all the negative comments in this thread I must have missed the score. :huh:

anyone know what the score was?


Active Member
Oldschool said:
I believe that both coaches have to come to an agreement on officials

If it's the same crew we had officiating the JV game last night, it does not bode well for the varsity tonight!


1,000+ Posts
I think if both Coaches don't agree on the Local Chapter, a chapter is chosen that is neither coaches 1st choice.

But, I don't think you should ever blame a loss on an official. In my opinion, our sportsmanship has loosened up the last few years - but maybe that's society. We have commented that Ethridge would freak out if the taunting on the sideline would have happened then and also the way Luncefore called out the fans. For the most part we were allowed to say we'll put out our 100% effort and with the support of our fans we will bring home a victory, I know times have changed but - I have never seen an article like that one.


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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