I hope Josh Wright is OK


2,000+ Posts
Whodat said:
well to me if a kid does not play in a game but only for practice then what the point of being on the team? Suppose to be a team with out the I in it! If I was never played then i would quit the team and let the 11 starters play both ways since that what seems to happen. I can understand the professional rank of football but this is high school football an every kid should have a chance to play instead of rinding the bench. just like everything else there is politics in sports and who you know or who your parents are etc.

Did you really just post that? This is TEXAS STINKIN HIGH SCHOOL Football, we're not playing kids who aren't good enough to get it done in practice and that's how you get playing time on Friday's by showing something in practice. This whole "my kids getting a scholarship even though he sits the bench" and the play everybody cause it's fair conversation is what will sink this community. We had a tough year, get over it, we will be back, but not with an attitude like this.

Is that you coach???? But which one???? hmmmm...Can't be the Off. Cord because I could've read the writing just like I can the play calling

:sorry: :sorry: :sorry:


100+ Posts
Indian99 said:
IndianFan said:
Whodat said:
Going out on a limb and will assume Indianfan meant to keep him updated on the backups scholarships. That whole concept is pretty ridiculous.

You got it. :thumbsup: Given that many excellent players from PNG and other area schools have not had a shot at the next level over the years, it's very unlikely. But if it did happen that would be tremendous for a kid.

It's very hard for a player from PNG to get a scholarship playing football in college, or at least it was when I was there. The coaches didn't really push for the players to play football in college; such as sending tapes of the player's highlights, calling college coaches, etc. Most of the kids are on their own if they want to play at the next level. I don't know how it is done now, most of the coaches are gone from my days there; I'm just speaking from my own experience.

You are so right Indian99, and those that do get a scholarship sometimes - I said sometimes - piss it away. I can think of a recent PNG player that DID NOT go off and play football in order to get his education and had a free ride. He had enough - could be because he had to play both ways...I don't know the actual reason, except that he had enough of football....I only know of one kid that is still playing...


100+ Posts
Whodat said:
well to me if a kid does not play in a game but only for practice then what the point of being on the team? Suppose to be a team with out the I in it! If I was never played then i would quit the team and let the 11 starters play both ways since that what seems to happen. I can understand the professional rank of football but this is high school football an every kid should have a chance to play instead of rinding the bench. just like everything else there is politics in sports and who you know or who your parents are etc.

Did you really just post that? This is TEXAS STINKIN HIGH SCHOOL Football, we're not playing kids who aren't good enough to get it done in practice and that's how you get playing time on Friday's by showing something in practice. This whole "my kids getting a scholarship even though he sits the bench" and the play everybody cause it's fair conversation is what will sink this community. We had a tough year, get over it, we will be back, but not with an attitude like this.

I didn't say they were getting a scholarship - pay attention - I said they were talked to by scouts. That is something in my book. Why would they talk to them if they did not at least want them to try out? It could turn into a scholarship after the first year when they get them playing to their potential. Again, way to support the rest of the team - I think Bax is right, just have 11 kids on the team and let them play both ways - why do we need the other 50 sum odd players if this is the attitude we are going to take. Whodat - why don't you stick to something you know more about - I would imagine it is something along the lines of removing gum from the bottom of desks...


100+ Posts
well to me if a kid does not play in a game but only for practice then what the point of being on the team? Suppose to be a team with out the I in it! If I was never played then i would quit the team and let the 11 starters play both ways since that what seems to happen. I can understand the professional rank of football but this is high school football an every kid should have a chance to play instead of rinding the bench. just like everything else there is politics in sports and who you know or who your parents are etc.

First off I didnt say anything about playing both ways.Second of all I think i we want to continue to have this argument we need to have it posted somewhere else other then "I hope Josh Wright is OK"!! But since its here let me say this.When I played,I respected the scout team.You know why???Because they were the ones getting us ready for the next opp.Yeah some of them never played a single down,but you know what they didnt quit.Thats sends the wrong message to tell kids"well since you dont play its ok to quit" WRONG thats the last thing you want to tell anybody.Thats whats wrong with the world today,this everybody plays there are no losers and everybody gets a trophy its just flat out wrong.That teaches nothing.It tells them they dont have to try at anything because in the end they'll get what they want.Thats not how the real world works and thats not how sports work either.I can understand little league,pop warner and other youth sports making everybody play,But once you get to middle school and high school is a different story.Because nobodys job is on the line in little league.Everybody has their place on the team,yes i said team.Some are going to get the spotlight and some arent.To those that stick it out and dont quit have learned more about life then quitting will ever teach them.Thats what part of PNG program is about never quit never give up.These are life lessons not football lessons!!!!PNG isnt like most other teams we dress out alot of players,and sometimes talent is wasted but thats because there is more talent them spots.Most of the large schools have this problem,you have people that could be starters on other teams sitting the bench.Its just now people are complaining because we're losing.I would hate to be a coach with this problem.your not going to make everybody happy thats life.But i hope Josh Wright is ok.


1,000+ Posts
PNG1992 said:
squaw said:
MightyNDNS said:
Heard thru a friend that talked to his parents, that it is an ankle sprain. Nothing broken...so that is good news.
Oh, I am SO glad! He was in serious pain. He got hurt playing defense. Why can't we have players playing one way only?
He got hurt on a running play while playing offense. He played on a few 3rd down plays last night on defense but still spend the majority of the time playing at RB.
Sorry to disagree, but we sat on the 50 and watched him get hurt on DEFENSE! He did great on defense, but I think any player going both ways is at risk..they become fatigued from being on the field all night. JMHO


500+ Posts
Josh only played defense on certain 3rd down plays. It's not like he was a two way starter going all night!

Tomahawk Chop

Active Member
squaw said:
PNG1992 said:
squaw said:
MightyNDNS said:
Heard thru a friend that talked to his parents, that it is an ankle sprain. Nothing broken...so that is good news.
Oh, I am SO glad! He was in serious pain. He got hurt playing defense. Why can't we have players playing one way only?
He got hurt on a running play while playing offense. He played on a few 3rd down plays last night on defense but still spend the majority of the time playing at RB.
Sorry to disagree, but we sat on the 50 and watched him get hurt on DEFENSE! He did great on defense, but I think any player going both ways is at risk..they become fatigued from being on the field all night. JMHO

Sorry Squaw, but you're wrong on this one. He got hurt playing offense. He was tackled close to the Indians sidelines.


1,000+ Posts
Well at least we agree that he got hurt...But...I'll be the deciding vote, Wright got hurt on offense and then #17 went in for his replacement.


2,000+ Posts
NDNTime said:
Well at least we agree that he got hurt...But...I'll be the deciding vote, Wright got hurt on offense and then #17 went in for his replacement.

I like #17 Raggio. I don't know why he isn't play some receiver, seems to have size (height) good hands and some speed.


500+ Posts
"I like #17 Raggio. I don't know why he isn't play some receiver, seems to have size (height) good hands and some speed."

Why would the coaching staff want to find some playing time for a kid with talent??? What since would that make??? :crazy: ;D


500+ Posts
indian20106 said:
well he is wrights backup thais why. And yeah he can play but again he is behind wright

Not sure you get it?
If he has talent, you find some way to get him on the field, whether it be just getting him 5 or 6 carries spelling Wright or Harmon (move wright over to FB for a few plays), using him some at wideout, or using him in the secondary some.

I personally thought Wright would have helped this team more at middle linebacker than at TB because we needed that hard hitting, rip your head off mentallity that Wright brings on the defensive side, and he could have been the leader that the defense was missing. And knowing that we had another talented back on the sidelines only solidifies my thoughts. Starting Raggio at TB and Josh at LB and getting Josh a handfull of carries I think would have better served this team. Wright could have been our Beard (Lumberton). Of course I could be wrong???

Anyone heard how Josh is doing? It is a shame that he won't be on the field for the final play of this his Sr. season. I wish him well.


Staff member
badndn said:
I personally thought Wright would have helped this team more at middle linebacker than at TB because we needed that hard hitting, rip your head off mentality that Wright brings on the defensive side, and he could have been the leader that the defense was missing.

I second that. He had explosive quickness and power on defense.


Active Member
me and a few guys share this screen name. this is wright. yeah raggio is very talented and were great friends. i decided last night that i was going to let him start getting his carries for next year. my ankle was hurt i wasnt supposed to play any way and he did great. i would ahve loved to play line backer. but i guess it wasn in the plan


Staff member
Josh, you've been an incredible player for the Indians over the past three seasons and all of us hate to see it come to an end. Obviously the season didn't go as well as all hoped. But keep in mind that the 2008 Indians are not the first PN-G team, nor the last to have a rough year. It happens to the best of programs including Odessa Permian, La Marque, and many other traditionally great programs.

Regardless, I think I can speak for all or most Indian fans and say that you players are #1 in our hearts and minds. You fought hard and we're all proud of the effort. All the controversy this season comes from Port Neches and Groves being proud football towns where winning is important. Not because the players are not supported. So to all 2008 Indians, we know you're disappointed at the moment. But keep believing in yourself, continue to work hard in everything you do, and go forward with your heads held high. Being a PN-G Indian is an honor that sticks with you for life.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Josh, you've been an incredible player for the Indians over the past three seasons and all of us hate to see it come to an end. Obviously the season didn't go as well as all hoped. But keep in mind that the 2008 Indians are not the first PN-G team, nor the last to have a rough year. It happens to the best of programs including Odessa Permian, La Marque, and many other traditionally great programs.

Regardless, I think I can speak for all or most Indian fans and say that you players are #1 in our hearts and minds. You fought hard and we're all proud of the effort. All the controversy this season comes from Port Neches and Groves being proud football towns where winning is important. Not because the players are not supported. So to all 2008 Indians, we know you're disappointed at the moment. But keep believing in yourself, continue to work hard in everything you do, and go forward with your heads held high. Being a PN-G Indian is an honor that sticks with you for life.

I second that. Eloquently put.


100+ Posts
indian20106 said:
me and a few guys share this screen name. this is wright. yeah raggio is very talented and were great friends. i decided last night that i was going to let him start getting his carries for next year. my ankle was hurt i wasnt supposed to play any way and he did great. i would ahve loved to play line backer. but i guess it wasn in the plan

Josh - please let the rest of the team know that we were always behind our Team and if you will notice that only good things were said about the guys on the team, on this board. There has been some critisizium about stratgy and coaching, but we all learn from our mistakes throughout our lifetime. GOOD LUCK!!! Once an Indian, Always an Indian!!!


Active Member
i loved being an indian. i love being one still. and it does suck to see it come like this. ya know caleb harmon's been my little brother pretty much since we were in 3rd grade or something like that.. we were young. we always wanted to play together. and it came out like this. it sucks. but you do have to move on from it. its over now... and regardless of how sportsman like it was last night to get into a fight... all players agreed that all the things inside of us making it hard to breathe. it was let out after that brawl insued. i feel alot better. i hope caleb doesn have to have 2 disapointing years.. and i hope raggio doesn either,. he is my good friend to. alot of good guys are coming ujp next year. like ryan st.clair. he is a great athlete and a very hard runner. he runs harder than me, if he was as strong as me he would be Barber. I love the heck out of the indian fans. i love the school and i love it all... i didnt vote in the election.. but Barrack has a good catch phrase.. kind of inspirational


100+ Posts
indian20106 said:
i loved being an indian. i love being one still. and it does suck to see it come like this. ya know caleb harmon's been my little brother pretty much since we were in 3rd grade or something like that.. we were young. we always wanted to play together. and it came out like this. it sucks. but you do have to move on from it. its over now... and regardless of how sportsman like it was last night to get into a fight... all players agreed that all the things inside of us making it hard to breathe. it was let out after that brawl insued. i feel alot better. i hope caleb doesn have to have 2 disapointing years.. and i hope raggio doesn either,. he is my good friend to. alot of good guys are coming ujp next year. like ryan st.clair. he is a great athlete and a very hard runner. he runs harder than me, if he was as strong as me he would be Barber. I love the heck out of the indian fans. i love the school and i love it all... i didnt vote in the election.. but Barrack has a good catch phrase.. kind of inspirational

See - I told y'all- oh but no, they was nothing for these kids to be frustrated about!!! Well, now they can breathe....


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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