Indian Stadium Renovation


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NDNTime said:
Maybe the heater cabinet means something about the food that will be provided...

Just a place where they can place all the pizzas they get from Pizza Inn to keep them warm.


500+ Posts
I asked the construction superintendent if there would be monitors for fans to keep up with the game while going to get refreshments. He said he knew monitors would be in the ticket booths and concession stand so workers could keep up. Whether there is one out in front of the concession stand......he was not sure. He will check into it.

This stadium is just so amazing. Still hard to believe it is........ours.

Plans are to pour more concrete tomorrow. Look out for that 50% chance of rain.


100+ Posts
I got this from png's website:

Bring the Family for Supper Before the Football Game!

The concession will open at 6 pm in the new Indian stadium for the October 10 football game against Livingston!

Chipped Beef BBQ Sandwich 4.00
Link in tortilla wrap 2.50
Pepperonie Pizza slice 2.00
20 oz. Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Diet Coke, Diet DP 2.00
20 oz. water 2.00
Popcorn, peanuts, sunflower seeds 1.00
All candy, each 1.00


500+ Posts
Wednesday will see the new sound system being installed. These are some of the larger speakers that will be installed in the video/scoreboard.
Today the numbers on the seats installation began. Comcrete was poured today and will also tomorrow.


500+ Posts
I have previously commented on how nice and comfortable the new curved seats are. Today I was able to take my stadium seat to see if it would fit on the new seats. Your stadium seats will work just fine.

Thanks for the menu update allstarmom. I know where I will be eating on game night.

Just 3 more days ! ! ! !


100+ Posts
NDNband69 said:
Wednesday will see the new sound system being installed. These are some of the larger speakers that will be installed in the video/scoreboard.
Today the numbers on the seats installation began. Comcrete was poured today and will also tomorrow.
Holly crap!!! :eek: Do they think those speakers are big enough??? Thanks for the update and pics. How is the press box coming along?


100+ Posts
How about a PNG kindness.Were all PNG fans come help the construction workers finish the stadium.LOL Can see it now everybody showing up and ready to work.That would be great really be apart of the new stadium.

Disclaimer:content may not be taken literally.All views are meant for fun.No hate replys welcome


100+ Posts
NDNBAND69, thanks for all the neat pics and all the updates. I know awhile back you posted a picture of the stairs. Well I have a question. Are they easier to climb than Nederlands stairs or the same? I was in a accident (with my granddaughters horse) and had to have knee surgery in February. My knee is still not 100% back to normal yet. The Nederland stadium stairs nearly killed me. I am still hurting from them. Unfortunately when my sister went to get our tickets this year she though it would be cool to trade up and forgot about my knee! :crazy: She got our season tickets almost at the top of this new stadium :faint: :angry: I can do the stairs fine, if they are not as deep (meaning so high to have to step up to) as the Nederland stairs. But if they are like the Nederland stadium stairs, I will never make it!!! :crip:


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
I *think* I heard that the stadium angle was steeper than before, but at least there are handrails now


Staff member
NDNBand69 misses no detail. ;) From a previous post...

Here are the aisle steps. They are very easy and comfortable to climb. Not awkward like at some stadiums.

They look like half steps.


100+ Posts
Well I today while I was going to a different work site,I saw on a flatbed truck the 2 speakers we had installed a couple of years ago. The ones with the PNG screen on them.So it looks like we'll be able to play music and have vocals and sound a lot better then nederlands. ;D can't wait couple more days


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
NDNBand69 misses no detail. ;) From a previous post...

Here are the aisle steps. They are very easy and comfortable to climb. Not awkward like at some stadiums.

They look like half steps.
From the pictures it looks like these stairs are going to be much easier to climb. I get so frustrated that my knee has not healed any fast than it has. But the doctor said since I tore my MCL and my Meniscus (sp?) in my knee that it would take a long time to heal right. Then he added, if it ever heals right! :cry: I just hate walking like I am my grandmothers age. :eek:ld:


500+ Posts
EX79NDN. Sorry to hear about your ailing knee. These are the dimensions of the steps.......just under a 7" step x 15" deep. are right....they are half steps......very comfortable half steps.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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