Indian Stadium Renovation


100+ Posts
NDNband69 said:
EX79NDN. Sorry to hear about your ailing knee. These are the dimensions of the steps.......just under a 7" step x 15" deep. are right....they are half steps......very comfortable half steps.
O thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You are ssssssooooo wonderful. :rocks: I thought the steps looked better than Nederlands (in your pictures) but I was not sure. I know I can do those, with no problem and still be able to enjoy the game....pain free!!! :woot: Now I just have to get there early to get a good parking spot. I guess supper at the concession stand it is!!!! They need to add bags of chips to the menu to go with the sandwiches....


100+ Posts
anybody got any updates on how the pressbox is coming along,haven't been able to drive by and see.Are they going to have the jumbotron working fri night?? I hope they play some better music


100+ Posts
Still working on pressbox, it's like the project from hell. They've been working on this thing forever. I don't know much about the different phases of construction, but you would think that they would be very close to finishing by now, or maybe I'm wrong. Alot of work left to be done. I heard a player last week went under the stands to get something and sliced his knee open pretty good. I wish they would not open the stadium until completely finished or pick everything up. There are going to be more people hurt unless they clean up better.


100+ Posts
Sorry, that's what happens when rumors start. Maybe ya'll are right, I was just repeating what was told to me. They still need to finish the stadium ;D


100+ Posts
I noticed today that the ledge mentioned earlier where several people either tripped or fell is now painted RED Also, the press box doesn't look much different on the outside to me than it did, except for some sheets of plywood.


2,000+ Posts
They blamed the delay on the storm which is a bunch of bull. They were back to work less than a week after the storm. The delay is from only having 10 workers working at any given time during the project. The pressbox still looks to be months away from being completed.


100+ Posts
NDN X said:
I noticed today that the ledge mentioned earlier where several people either tripped or fell is now painted RED Also, the press box doesn't look much different on the outside to me than it did, except for some sheets of plywood.

It just goes to show that "They" do read this site! Whoever, "They" may be... ;D


100+ Posts
PNGIndianFan06 said:
NDN X said:
I noticed today that the ledge mentioned earlier where several people either tripped or fell is now painted RED Also, the press box doesn't look much different on the outside to me than it did, except for some sheets of plywood.

It just goes to show that "They" do read this site! Whoever, "They" may be... ;D

true! ;D


1,000+ Posts
Man, you think of great shots to take!

I'm already gearing up for that 46 row hike to the top tomorrow night. Guess I'll get there at least an hour early again and enjoy the atmosphere.


i will be there at 5pm , gotta help the wife set up the pta project grad sell. we got tickets tuesday and in sect F , and down low!! :woohoo:


100+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
Does anyone know when the new Rez is going to be 100% completed ??

"They" say it will be completely ready for next season. Or at least that is the last thing I heard. The press box sure looks like it is taking a LONG time.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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