Looks like this board might get read a little.........


Active Member
As I have said before, If you want to just post on the message board that some of the board members have certain agendas, but are not willing to set and talk with them concerning their views and concerns on what is going on, then those certain posters are the ones that keep things in an uproar. Talk with the board members, then if you dislike their views then state the facts with quotes from the board member and this will show you are not trying to enhance your own agenda. I believe all of the board members will talk with you and let you know their views and concerns. After that, then you can discuss the direction in which each board member is going. DON'T talk to only a few and take their word as to what the other board members think. Don't let a few persuade or blur your vision, find out for yourself. Now, don't post anything unless you are totally informed and are willing to come out of the closet.


Web Guy
mdog said:
As I have said before, If you want to just post on the message board that some of the board members have certain agendas, but are not willing to set and talk with them concerning their views and concerns on what is going on, then those certain posters are the ones that keep things in an uproar. Talk with the board members, then if you dislike their views then state the facts with quotes from the board member and this will show you are not trying to enhance your own agenda. I believe all of the board members will talk with you and let you know their views and concerns. After that, then you can discuss the direction in which each board member is going. DON'T talk to only a few and take their word as to what the other board members think. Don't let a few persuade or blur your vision, find out for yourself. Now, don't post anything unless you are totally informed and are willing to come out of the closet.

Revealing personal identity or information is not a requirement for posting on any message board including this one.

Concerns are being posted and shared by individuals that are very much informed.


Active Member
Went to the Board meeting tonight. From my views Walters was very against the athletic program continually bringing up the budget after being told many time that was not the item that was being voted on. Was anyone else there tonight?


1,000+ Posts
I was at the board meeting tonight and I have to agree with OldSchool. I don't know what their views on ths coach/science teacher position are. But it passed overwhelmingly. I agree with this only because the population numbers support the need. I also respect those who are trying to be fiscally responsible. Not everyone has to vote the same way every time. I had a nice talk with Rusty Brittain. Also, we sat next to Brandon Faircloth who is a wonderful man who said "this community and school district and their support of athletics is why I chose to come here." He said that he knows how excited our fans get, unlike a lot of other schools that may have a great team but no team support. Torino doesn't know what he's talking about--I am deeply committed to our athletics, our schools, and our teachers and students. He also said he plans to stay here for a long time. I jokingly said I want you here for at least ten years.


500+ Posts
Thanks for the update from the board meeting. Was there a big crowd at the meeting tonight? I hope people realize what a special group of coaches that we have, and I hope they are here at PN-G for many years to come.


500+ Posts
IMHO I believe we are likely to lose some of our assistant coaches before we would lose BF. These assistants (rightly so) will someday want to better themselves and become head coaches, OC, etc.


500+ Posts
I agree with you OldEagle--I too think that we could loose some of our asst. coaches in the future because of our success. That same success should also create oppurtunities for other quality asst. coaches to come to the reservation and keep the good cycle going. IMHO I hope we do not loose any coaches for years to come. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
He told me he will be here for a long time before making a change (BF). I hope the assistants want to be part of the "New Revival" years


100+ Posts
mdog said:
As I have said before, If you want to just post on the message board that some of the board members have certain agendas, but are not willing to set and talk with them concerning their views and concerns on what is going on, then those certain posters are the ones that keep things in an uproar. Talk with the board members, then if you dislike their views then state the facts with quotes from the board member and this will show you are not trying to enhance your own agenda. I believe all of the board members will talk with you and let you know their views and concerns. After that, then you can discuss the direction in which each board member is going. DON'T talk to only a few and take their word as to what the other board members think. Don't let a few persuade or blur your vision, find out for yourself. Now, don't post anything unless you are totally informed and are willing to come out of the closet.
Wow! If it were only that simple. I really don't think that someone with an agenda would have a sit down with anyone on the message board and spill their guts about that agenda. You would have what we have now...board members voting to cut BF's staff while swearing up and down how much they love him. I agree with Torino's earlier post...anyone who posts on here about just dropping it or moving on is doing it to protect people. I don't have an agenda to "enhance". My only reason for posting info about what is going on is because I don't want to lose a great coach and great MAN. It is however very obvious that certain people, including a current board member have used this site to promote their agendas. mdog..you have defended Balsamo several times on this site. Also, you made several posts about being angry with what was happening when Coach Faircloth reassigned asst. coaches and let some of them go. You even went as far as to say say you would not renew your season tickets of over 30 years and would "bow out" of supporting the Indians if those coaches were let go. Do you have an agenda?


Chief Touch The Clouds
I don't have an agenda and I deleted my post about the board members.My experience with rumors is not so good.I had a friend that had cancer and was told that they were healed and I told them that I was happy for them and they passed away!So I try to be careful with hearsay.


Web Guy
mdog said:
As I have said before, If you want to just post on the message board that some of the board members have certain agendas, but are not willing to set and talk with them concerning their views and concerns on what is going on, then those certain posters are the ones that keep things in an uproar. Talk with the board members, then if you dislike their views then state the facts with quotes from the board member and this will show you are not trying to enhance your own agenda. I believe all of the board members will talk with you and let you know their views and concerns. After that, then you can discuss the direction in which each board member is going. DON'T talk to only a few and take their word as to what the other board members think. Don't let a few persuade or blur your vision, find out for yourself. Now, don't post anything unless you are totally informed and are willing to come out of the closet.

A message board is just another form of community communication. Actual concerns IN THE COMMUNITY are being discussed. The message board did not create the cause for the concerns.
The only "agenda" that anyone should have is making sure ridiculous politics, favoritism, or any other objectives don't impact the excellent people at PNG schools.


Active Member
Where did you sit squaw? The only reason it passed overwhelmingly is because people know that the community is actually keeping them responsible for their votes. They do not want the community in an uproar over what they vote on. They will have to tread carefully for awhile. Ndnsrock44 is right if a board member has an agenda you can't just ask them why they vote a certain way. They will just lie through their teeth to make you feel they are on your side. I agree that we should be fiscally responsible but this position is not being created out of thin air. This is a position that went unfilled last year so the money should still be there. Walters showed his true colors by keeping up argument about the athletic program. I am not that active in politics in our community and it was not very hard for me to figure out the situation. When the president of the board tells a member that what they are talking about is not on the agenda then they member needs to shut their mouth. Walters was trying to play a budget angle or some crap. I will not vote for Walters the next time he is up for election.


Active Member
PROUD OF YOU SQUAW....that is if you actually attended the meeting!! I wasn't there but would love to know if anyone actually saw you? ;D


100+ Posts
#1sportsmom said:
PROUD OF YOU SQUAW....that is if you actually attended the meeting!! I wasn't there but would love to know if anyone actually saw you? ;D
:ha: :clap: :ha: :clap: :ha: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt, Oldschool and #1sportsmom. I sat in front of Rhonda Walters before the meeting began. When the meeting started I moved across the aisle and sat with my husband and Brandon Faircloth. Where did I stand on the issue being voted on--let me explain for the last time. I vote for what I think is the right thing to do for the students. Because the numbers of students going out for freshman football (a large increase-if you need exact numbers I can provide them) and the increasing need for science teachers, I wanted the vote to be YES to hire a coach/science teacher. Balsamo and
Walters voted NO because they felt it isn't fiscally responsible. They have a right to vote for their convictions and I still like both of them. I am glad they want to serve on the board and hope the board comes together with differing views that will result in decisions made to favor our students. I hold no grudges about people who vote their convictions. So, sportsmom, PM me if you need "proof" that I was there. Why don't you tell me what I've done to offend you-especially since its obvious you don't know me personally?


Active Member
I dont even know what you look like that's why i was asking. I agree that we need to provide a coach for an increase in students, Walters though had to be spoon fed the information because he seemed to not grasp the concept. Randall stated that when a campus goes down in enrollment that they will lose teachers and when a campus goes up they will gain. Walters seemed like he was trying to play at the district cutting jobs to gain a new coach which is bull.




Active Member
Squaw, a lot of people know you including myself! You haven't offended me, I would just like to see you post your opinions based on actual first hand information and not information that you received from your "friends" on the phone. I will not PM you, what I have to say I will say straight forward so that everyone can see and know. Now if you want me to say that you know nothing, that I wont do, I do believe that you are a very intelligent, caring person that DOES love her community BUT at the same token I do believe that you have over stepped your boundaries on some of the "FOR SURE" issues you have commented on...in other words you need to make sure what you are saying you are saying whole hearted, honest and within your moral compas and information you obtained first hand! First hand information is information you got by being there and or participating in the debate with both sides! You can not judge and comment an issue if you can't stand the other party and we all know who you care for and don't. Now I hope I did not hurt your feelings but it is what it is. :sorry:


100+ Posts
well said #1sportsmom. there has been an awful lot of misinformation generated the last few years by certain individuals for political reasons , or still for reasons unknown. :stop: whatever the reason it appears lately that the community is waking up and taking notice. :clap: This is a good thing. For too long perception has been reality........... and when the perception is really deception it never ends up with great results. i for one am tired of hearing less than the truth with distorted facts. ENOUGH is ENOUGH !


100+ Posts
the only way you can get the truth is go to the meetings and hear first hand what is said and done. People tend to not tell the WHOLE story or what was actually said. I attend the board meetings regularly and have talked to the board members about my concerns and got first hand from their own mouth what they feel. too many people on her go by hearsay of what others tell them. I for one is glad that the community is waking up to what is going on, maybe that is why the current board members were voted in due to things that has happend in the past that they disagree with. As for the bashing of the old or new board members i feel that if you live in the community and pay the taxes and vote then you have a right to question what the board is doing or have a complaint. The out of towners that are bashing , should IMHO should keep their mouths shut, unless you come to a meeting and hear what is really said and done. The people in the community is tired of their taxes going up and they are considering anohter bond for the elementary schools to be built.. lots of disagreements and unforseen problems that occured with the last bond. Be hard press to get the votes to pass another bond in the future. I for one am tired of reading all the bashing from peo;e that do not know what really going on.


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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