Lumberton Raiders at Port Neches-Groves Indians


Web Guy
For the 100th time, no one is 'bashing' students.

Fans have made comments about the teams they support as long as football has been played. That's not going to change. The only difference now, in this modern age that we live in, is that those comments are published for the rest of the world to read. That's not going to change either.

If players are reading this and are bothered, parents of players need to explain this to their student athletes and help them keep it on perspective, or suggest that they not read it.


Scalp Em Indians
My two cents on this is that the team is having a bad year PERIOD and we just need to support the boys to play at there best every week. Watching the fans Friday just sit on their hands and not cheering these guys is in my opinion worse then what people put on a message board


Staff member
Folks, it's hard to call it a "bad year" when the year isn't over. LC-M, Livingston and Central are all going to be hard battles but they're winnable. Beat those three and we're in the playoffs.


500+ Posts
Our entire O-Line needs to be benched. Edit. Make that our entire secondary too.
I do believe this statement is the voice of a trader. Only true fans understand that this is a sport of High School boys and not professionals. To all that sit behind their usernames an bash our students need to be knock off the forum. We as parents and fans need to support our teams and understand that they themselves beat themselves up when they do wrong. As fans it is not our right to bash them. We should be supporting them and our coaches and let the coaches take care of our teams. After all that is why they are coaches. Each week we sit in our stands and make personal comments about our coaches and players when in fact a fan supports them even when things go bad for us. We forget as parents and fans that all the finger pointing is not going to do anything for our students but keep their morale down. Instead of recognizing that not only do our boys compete against their oppents but they also have to contend with the officials and now the so called fans that bash them on this forum and the so called fans that leave before the game is over. Maybe this week if everyone will be supportive and show the boys and coaches they we are truly fans then maybe you will see a difference. If not they are still our children that try hard to win.

I am not bashing. Just stating the obvious that if you do not perform then someone else needs a shot. That is all. These young men do not need to be coddled. If what a random fan says on a messageboard holds sway over their performance on the field then they do not need to be playing the game.


500+ Posts
Did anyone see the Lumberton coach come out mid field and chew his player all the way back to the sidelines...our players have it good...I have never seen The Chief do something like that.


100+ Posts
yes, and i do not blame the coach for doing that.. the kid got a flag for unsportmanlike conduct.. cost them 15 yds.. can not win games when you give up those yards to the other team. And i believe that player did not playh again the rest of the night.


Active Member
Akin, what he's saying is that they are playing the best they've got in the program, you either trust that this staff can put the beat out there or you don't. They can't be great coaches without evaluating to have the best personnel available on the field. If you bench em all, it just gets worse, so your comments can't be for anything positive about the future of the season. They aren't constructive, just venting frustrations I guess? This isn't about coddling, its about reality of the situation


500+ Posts
Whodat said:
Akin, what he's saying is that they are playing the best they've got in the program, you either trust that this staff can put the beat out there or you don't. They can't be great coaches without evaluating to have the best personnel available on the field. If you bench em all, it just gets worse, so your comments can't be for anything positive about the future of the season. They aren't constructive, just venting frustrations I guess? This isn't about coddling, its about reality of the situation

That post was made in the middle of the game and was made in jest. I do not want to be harsh on the boys playing their hearts out but I am also not going to live in some rah-rah fantasy land either. This board is here so fans can vent, praise, discuss, etc. If I was a player I would stay far away from these boards and concern myself with playing the best game I can week in and week out. I really hope they win them all and if not at least play like it is the last game they will ever play. As a fan that is all I can ask for.


500+ Posts
Saw Creuder chew out #24. Applauded it. That was the kids 2nd stupid personal foul and the teams 4th. He made a statement to the rest of the team with that display and they did not commit another PF the rest of the night! Those 4 personal fouls went a long way in helping decide the game.


500+ Posts
Did anyone see the Lumberton coach come out mid field and chew his player all the way back to the sidelines...our players have it good...I have never seen The Chief do something like that.

No, but I sure do remember Coach Cox going toe to toe with a player on the sideline that wore #33 I think.

Correction it wasn't Coach Cox it was Coach Kroeker (sp?). It was also DJ but he was an awesome emotional player.


500+ Posts
I think Cheermom4 is referring to Seigler last year. It was a come to Jesus meeting at the Livingston game


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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