My Take Of Last Night....


100+ Posts
Well played game...questionable and some no calls by the officials. The knife through the jugular were the two fumbles. The game reminded me of last week's Livingston affair. Neither defense could stop the other then and they couldn't last night either. Without the two mistakes, I think it would have still have come down to the final seconds. Big problem for us was letting Forney have all night to throw his passes. Little or no pressure on him by our guys. Tackling was much better but still making mistakes in the secondary. Positives....Doty and Bertrand played their usual great game. OL,for the most part, allowed Doty to have some time to look downfield.


500+ Posts
IMO, Sonnier was the play maker for Nederland last night.I thought he did more damage than the quarterback.


500+ Posts
To me Forney wasn't much of a factor. He seemed confused on a lot of their plays. He hit a couple of passes,but that was more our guys out of position. I was not impressed by him. Good coaching on their part to cover Forney with the wildcat and Sonnier.I will not lose faith in our boys. They can still win 5 in a row and make it to the play-offs.We must all continue to support and believe in them.


Active Member
NDN79, I'm with you. I was lucky enough to be in Houston on business so I came in for the game. The Forney kid is tall...and that's about it. He did seem to have ALL day to throw the ball and our secondary was just not in position. His passes just hung up in the air waiting for our boys to pick him off; but they never did. I will say that the Nederland play calling was better than ours and their offense simply executed the plays they were given. I mean even the tiny #4 and #5 were blocking their assignments.

With all of this said, our boys are far more talented than Nederland. They know it and we know it. But they won last night so I tip my hat to them. The advantage we have going into the rest of district play is that most teams will look past us and get their butts stomped and we can get to the playoffs; where it's a clean slate.

P.S. - It was good to be home...I might live 1,800 miles away but my heart is here!


500+ Posts
Glad you were able to make it VegasNDN! It's always good to have INDIANS back in town.I agree with you. I think people will look past us now and that will work in our favor. Our coaches will make the necessary adjustments and we will still be a factor in the district race.


1,000+ Posts
Vegas, I was glad you were able to come. Our youngest son lives in Phoenix, AZ, and listens to the games and can't wait to see another MCM. As for our take on the game, all we know for sure is that it wasn't our boys who are the problem. They gave 112% or more effort. It wasn't our fans---most of us were standing and yelling most of the game. Now, who was it?


500+ Posts
OK so now it starts? We were in EVERY game that we lost so for. Some bad breaks, bad calls maybe, etc. Do not try to get rid of our coaches. My grandson says these are the best coaches we ever had. Why do you think the boys are giving such a great effort? We are still in contention to make the playoff. So don't start with your agenda especially during the football season.


500+ Posts
The secondary was out of position because they are in a soft zone coverage back there. That coverage will almost allow 5-15 yards every pass. If you noticed the defenders were playing 10 and 15 yards off of the recievers. How do you stop that reception yardage ? you can't unless you play up tight and do a bump and go to throw off the reciever. I still think playing some of the boys both ways would help with the secondary. Jalali is a good reciever and can jump as well. He would probably make a very good D back as well. The D line did a good job for only having 3 guys rushing the QB. I still think DJ would be a monster at a inside linebacker on the blitz. He also has the height to cover over the middle and knock down passes or even intercept them. The backers we have now are doing ok most of the time but they are small. # 42 on our D would also be another good strong inside linebacker. He has the speed to do it. Our O is firing great, just a few misques, fumbles and a bad snap. The other thing that is driving me crazy is the short kick offs. Its giving the other team to good of field position. For our D we need to pin the other team back deep.
I'm not trying to be negative I'm just telling you what I see. We are not coaches, just armchair coaches. If our coaches think that the D is ok and the way we cover other teams is ok then thats fine. I will be there to pull for our boys win, lose or draw !
Everyone should start going to the JV games as well, those boys are very good ! they are exciting to watch and they are very focused. Cox is doing a great job with the JV. Oh and the JV beat nederland firmly. The score would have been much different but coach Cox rotated everyone into the game in the second half as were Nederland JV kept their starters in almost the whole game. Everyone needs to come out and watch them. This is our pipeline for the future.


500+ Posts
OldEagle said:
OK so now it starts? We were in EVERY game that we lost so for. Some bad breaks, bad calls maybe, etc. Do not try to get rid of our coaches. My grandson says these are the best coaches we ever had. Why do you think the boys are giving such a great effort? We are still in contention to make the playoff. So don't start with your agenda especially during the football season.

well put OldEagle...if it were a problem with the kids, the coaches will take care of it...if it was the coaches, BF will take care of that. This MCM was a dang good game from both sides, very competitive and hard fought by both sides. I need to be counting PNG out...A whole lot can happen thru the 5 remaining games...look at us last year...SUPPORT the entire organization and quit the "who can I blame" BS. If my records are right, your 4 losses were by a total of 17 points...17 points.. that averages about 4 pts per game...No blowouts...not even close... All good teams lose games...but as long as they don't give up and keep plugging away...that's all ya can ask out of them. Good luck thru the rest of the season.


Staff member
Please feel free to ignore ridiculous comments by agenda driven 'fans'. :crazy:

Some adjustments might need to be made, but a football team has never existed that didn't need that. Especially at the high school level. These are teenagers after all...


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
Vegas, I was glad you were able to come. Our youngest son lives in Phoenix, AZ, and listens to the games and can't wait to see another MCM. As for our take on the game, all we know for sure is that it wasn't our boys who are the problem. They gave 112% or more effort. It wasn't our fans---most of us were standing and yelling most of the game. Now, who was it?

Then whose was it?


Chief Touch The Clouds
What is it about losing that brings out all the people that have all the answers? Indians have played their hearts out all season! These Indians have alot of football left to play.Maybe moving and supporting another team would suit some fans better!


2,000+ Posts
purplewarrior said:
What is it about losing that brings out all the people that have all the answers? Indians have played their hearts out all season! These Indians have alot of football left to play.Maybe moving and supporting another team would suit some fans better!



100+ Posts
This is the same squaw that just loves Coach Faircloth.(allegedly) Why, by golly, they joke about who cheers for the Indians the loudest at the baseball games.(allegedly) You hit it on the head IndianFan, she has an agenda. When we were coming off a 10-0 season she wouldn't admit that she is really part of the group that is resentful of the MB reassignment. Now that a little adversity has come upon us, she is licking her chops to stir it up. I have had kids on the team that have told me how frustrating this season has been and one of the reasons is because these coaches are so good that they are making adjustments during the game and it puts our defense into position to make plays, but we just aren't executing. As far as the coverages we are running, we are having trouble making plays in our zone, just imagine if we man up on the outside. Coach Kroeker was a 5A D-coordinator for 6 or 7 years and did a great job last year, I am sure he didn't forget how to run a defense during the off season. Brandon Faircloth has assembled a staff from some high profile programs around the state and they are first rate. We need to let them build our program and that takes some time.When we get some teams that have been in this system since 7th out! Squaw, didn't you call Kroeker a defensive genius in a earlier thread? I guess you know more than he does now. All you have to do is ask the boys who play for these coaches what they think of them and you will find out how much they value them.


1,000+ Posts
OldEagle said:
OK so now it starts? We were in EVERY game that we lost so for. Some bad breaks, bad calls maybe, etc. Do not try to get rid of our coaches. My grandson says these are the best coaches we ever had. Why do you think the boys are giving such a great effort? We are still in contention to make the playoff. So don't start with your agenda especially during the football season.
I never said that!! Don't put words or negative connotation on what I was saying. All I said is "who is at fault?" because it clearly is NOT the players fault. The boys played their hearts out. I am very proud of our team.


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
OldEagle said:
OK so now it starts? We were in EVERY game that we lost so for. Some bad breaks, bad calls maybe, etc. Do not try to get rid of our coaches. My grandson says these are the best coaches we ever had. Why do you think the boys are giving such a great effort? We are still in contention to make the playoff. So don't start with your agenda especially during the football season.
I never said that!! Don't put words or negative connotation on what I was saying. All I said is "who is at fault?" because it clearly is NOT the players fault. The boys played their hearts out. I am very proud of our team.

Your an embarrassment to yourself and the Port Neches community.


100+ Posts
squaw said:
Vegas, I was glad you were able to come. Our youngest son lives in Phoenix, AZ, and listens to the games and can't wait to see another MCM. As for our take on the game, all we know for sure is that it wasn't our boys who are the problem. They gave 112% or more effort. It wasn't our fans---most of us were standing and yelling most of the game. Now, who was it?

And what is this supposed to mean?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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