My Take on Game

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
IMO, the main things we need to work on is...
1) QB has got to stop throwing those high rainbow passes. Those will be picked off all year by a good team.
2) The running game lacked a lot. The downfield blocking seemed ok, but up front, we were having trouble getting past the front 4.
3) We can't keep going to the QB keeper. Silsbee showed us tonight that they will shut it down after a while.

I'm thrilled to escape with a win, but we got really lucky. 5 more minutes, and we lose.

BTW, Officiating sucked too.

Plenty of good points tho.


500+ Posts
Well I know Chipman was playing at about 60% due to a hamstring injury. My take. D line did well. D still needs to learn to tackle and lay some wood on the receivers. Stop the dang arm tackling or the running up and hitting with a shoulder hoping it knocks them down. Wrap up and drive. Zone D was wide open all nite long. D backs to me were always several steps off and that left the receivers wide open. If the Silsbee receivers hadn't dropped balls all nite it would have been bad. Outside containment looked good at best.
O. Well very disappointed. PNG usually pounds the ball down throats of teams and wears them out. We have to have a running game or the team will be in big trouble. O line has to block better on run plays and open up big holes. Or either get the ball to the back faster. I dont know. Just seemed like we couldn't run at all. AJ ran good. Also need more time for AJ to throw the ball.
Lots of mistakes last night. I think alot was mental or nerves. I think the coaches have alot of work to do this week with the team. Lets hope this game showed were the coaches need to work on.
I can't for the life of me figure out why there was such a huge change from the first half to the second half. Its like they came out flat. The O couldn't move the ball at all. The D spent most of the time on the field in the second half.
To end on a good note. WE WON !!!!


100+ Posts
I think A.J. will be a diamond in the rough. You can't really fault the kid because he didn't get much playing time last season and that's Faircloth's fault. I like his short passing game but he needs to show more accuracy in it. Of course, it would help with the receivers would catch the ball. It looks like again, we're not gonna have a QB who can throw it deep. I am more concerned about the running game or lack there of. 30 touches for only 56 yards isn't gonna cut it. It looks like A.J.'s gonna have to bear the brunt of the running game until the "bugs" are taken care of. Smith looked like he was hobbling the fourth quarter so that threat may be out as well next week. It looks like Tim Clopton has better size than Wommack. I'd give Tim a long look next week at RB. No complaints about the defense. They actually won the game for us. I agree also they need to clean up their tackling techniques though.


100+ Posts
got some work that needs to be done before district.. i believe BF will make the adjustment.. WOS should test us real good like Silsbee, these tight tough games will do us good when district starts.. the 3 teams that are going to give us fits in my opin is Vidor, nederland, ozen.. the link below is the HUMBLE SUMMER CREEK stats from last night.. we going to have to tackle better and get the running game going to keep the ball away from them .


Active Member
My unbiased opinion:

Good: run defense

Bad: qb accuracy, run game, pass defense, special teams.

Don't know how to sugar coat it. That was the most painful png game I've watched in a number of years. If silsbee could catch the ball, we lose that game by at least two td's. I try to take the good with the bad, but there isn't much upside here. We will do well against run heavy teams like vidor and Livingston, but will be hard pressed to do anything against balance. Sorry, but this is the real truth. I'd bring the sophomore qb up immediately as all we have to lose is getting him experience for the next couple of years IMO. Gonna be a long year. :sorry:


Active Member
Hey Lay! I was thinking the exact same thing. Long was QB for 3 years & the first year was a bit rough. Things just got better. I love the idea of a 3 year QB.


Active Member
Yes I second that keep Smith in :whiteflag: put the bring up the three qb :clap: Give him the experience he needs now and build on it. You don't get many opportunities to have three year starters. I say pull him up I would rather go maybe 5-5 then to go maybe 2-8 with Smith sorry thats my opinion! :shout:


Active Member
Yes I second that keep Smith in :whiteflag: put the bring up the three qb :clap: Give him the experience he needs now and build on it. You don't get many opportunities to have three year starters. I say pull him up I would rather go maybe 5-5 then to go maybe 2-8 with Smith sorry thats my opinion! :shout:


Active Member
Finally getting a chance to read through some of your thoughts on the game and as I'm reading I find some jerk that uses a screen name "pngdad12". Don't try to impersonate someone else on this forum or any other forum. You're just trying to start trouble, whoever you are. I can definitely tell you and all the forum who you're not; you're not anyone remotely close to the sophomore or his family (especially his Dad). This family came to PNG and has been welcomed with open arms. So don't come on this website talking smack while intentionally impersonating someone else. "Come on Man!!!"


Active Member
purple3X said:
Finally getting a chance to read through some of your thoughts on the game and as I'm reading I find some jerk that uses a screen name "pngdad12". Don't try to impersonate someone else on this forum or any other forum. You're just trying to start trouble, whoever you are. I can definitely tell you and all the forum who you're not; you're not anyone remotely close to the sophomore or his family (especially his Dad). This family came to PNG and has been welcomed with open arms. So don't come on this website talking smack while intentionally impersonating someone else. "Come on Man!!!"
Dude really? What's up with that? I am not impersonating anyone! I am not going after anyone! Don't know Ky or his family and don't know A.J. or his family and don't have an issue with either. Don 't really understand what u got from my post that "offended" you. I was a fan at the game with an opinion and i thought that was what this board was for. Not for taking this to heart and going after each other. After all, these are all just teenage boys playing a "game". Let us leave it at that! It's an opinion and EVERYBODY has one!


Active Member
Layingemdown said:
My unbiased opinion:

Good: run defense

Bad: qb accuracy, run game, pass defense, special teams.

Don't know how to sugar coat it. That was the most painful png game I've watched in a number of years. If silsbee could catch the ball, we lose that game by at least two td's. I try to take the good with the bad, but there isn't much upside here. We will do well against run heavy teams like vidor and Livingston, but will be hard pressed to do anything against balance. Sorry, but this is the real truth. I'd bring the sophomore qb up immediately as all we have to lose is getting him experience for the next couple of years IMO. Gonna be a long year. :sorry:
Better be careful>>>>purple 3X will come after you for having an opinion that doesn't match his!


Active Member
purple3X said:
Finally getting a chance to read through some of your thoughts on the game and as I'm reading I find some jerk that uses a screen name "pngdad12". Don't try to impersonate someone else on this forum or any other forum. You're just trying to start trouble, whoever you are. I can definitely tell you and all the forum who you're not; you're not anyone remotely close to the sophomore or his family (especially his Dad). This family came to PNG and has been welcomed with open arms. So don't come on this website talking smack while intentionally impersonating someone else. "Come on Man!!!"
:whiteflag: :sorry: :'(


1,000+ Posts
Looks like we got some "from the stands" coaching going on. Nothing wrong with your take on the game, but as for me, I got faith in BF to do what is best for the team. He has an awesome track record at PNG and to doubt what he is doing would be foolish.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Let's all take a wait and see approach. It was the first game of many. I'd give the QB and the OL some more time...I'd give the defense more time to work through the arm tackling...and, I say we take the W and be happy about it. Silsbee dropped some wide open balls, so did PN-G. Silsbee had chances to win the game, and they didn't do it. PN-G moved the ball in the first half and made a stop at the end of the game. Take the W and build on it. Look for positives in a W and work on eyesores that are there. Who knows what we will see in weeks 3, 4, 5, and beyond. Coach Faircloth hasn't missed the playoffs, yet, and he will find kids who want to make plays. Sounds like we found a couple of playmakers in Rose and Clopton. According to the radio broadcast, the zone read option with the big QB was working well in the 1st Q. The passing game will get better. The OL will gel and we'll be OK. The defense will learn to wrap up.

Keep the faith. It's's week 1 and we're on to week 2. We all want to go 10-0, win the district championship, and make a playoff run with big PN-G crowds coming from all over Texas. Give it some time and encourage our kids and coaches to make 2012 another playoff-bound year.

Go Indians. Peace.


Staff member
It's well established that Coach Faircloth is a top notch QB coach. He knows what he has to work with, and will make the right decision.


Staff member
NDNTime said:
Looks like we got some "from the stands" coaching going on. Nothing wrong with your take on the game, but as for me, I got faith in BF to do what is best for the team. He has an awesome track record at PNG and to doubt what he is doing would be foolish.

1989NDN said:
Let's all take a wait and see approach. It was the first game of many. I'd give the QB and the OL some more time...I'd give the defense more time to work through the arm tackling...and, I say we take the W and be happy about it. Silsbee dropped some wide open balls, so did PN-G. Silsbee had chances to win the game, and they didn't do it. PN-G moved the ball in the first half and made a stop at the end of the game. Take the W and build on it. Look for positives in a W and work on eyesores that are there. Who knows what we will see in weeks 3, 4, 5, and beyond. Coach Faircloth hasn't missed the playoffs, yet, and he will find kids who want to make plays. Sounds like we found a couple of playmakers in Rose and Clopton. According to the radio broadcast, the zone read option with the big QB was working well in the 1st Q. The passing game will get better. The OL will gel and we'll be OK. The defense will learn to wrap up.

Keep the faith. It's's week 1 and we're on to week 2. We all want to go 10-0, win the district championship, and make a playoff run with big PN-G crowds coming from all over Texas. Give it some time and encourage our kids and coaches to make 2012 another playoff-bound year.

Go Indians. Peace.

IndianFan said:
It's well established that Coach Faircloth is a top notch QB coach. He knows what he has to work with, and will make the right decision.

+1 on all counts.

Faircloth typically keeps his cards close to the vest early on. PN-G came on strong in the first half. I think a combination of Silsbee's adjustments and more conservative play-calling is what made the game so close in the end. I still have no doubt we'll make the playoffs, but I do think every game will be a battle this year.


2,000+ Posts
Just wished AJ would've played JV last year to get more snaps. Its going to take him several games to get the timing down.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I seem to recall the same comments about the secondary and arm tackling last year and/or the yr. before. BF made the right adjustments then and I don't doubt that he will this time too. He knows his personnel better than ANYONE on this board. I'm sure he'll field the best that is available for that position.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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