Our great offensive strategy


100+ Posts
I don't know about anyone else, but i do not put most of the blame on Burnett for this loss. I will give him a little bit for assigning our OC. The OC does not seem to have a clue what is going on. It is bad when you look at the sidelines and you see the head coach and OC arguing the play calling; and you see the OC arguing with the QB coach over the plays. All in all, we were just out coached this game. If this is the strategy we will be using all season, then get ready for a one win season. I know it is just one loss, and nederland looked very good, but you can't have play calling like we did and expect to win any games. (Just one man's opinion)


100+ Posts
It just is really sad when you have all that talent and it is not utilized. I feel for the kids that give it there all year round to lose because they are out coached.


Active Member
**Edited** If we had an operation like that we would have won that game. How many times can you have the boys go up the middle. We have great talent but Burnett has his favorites and the boys know it. He needs to play the boys who deserve to play and not care who your daddy is or a coaches son. **Edited: Please refrain from criticizing players.** deron is an awesome receiver but put McElduff in as well.


Active Member
I agree with you Mod, there seems to be a great bit of arguing between the offensive coaches. I for one believe that all of the blame for the play calling should go against the OC (if that is what he is???). You can give credit to our HC for having this OC running the limitted offense. It was very sad that the person next to me called the first eight plays at the beginning of the game prior to kick off. I have heard from other coaches that they are not as smart as people think they are when it comes to defending against our Indians. It's just the Indians offense and their OC (HC) are so predictable. It's a sad day when there is a head coach with the caliber of MIKE LONG coaching at Kelly that would love to take over the program and lead us back to being a force to deal with. Mike Long knows how to get the most out of his players and although he coached at PNG before, he would play the best football players not the memories of their dads that starred there before them. I hope the team can overcome the shortcomings of their leadership and win more games this season for their sake. I just hope the HC and the OC will listen to their staff and do whats right for the team and give them a chance to win. Then next year replace the leadership with someone that is not out of the previous century and can bring excitement to INDIAN football.


Active Member
Fans, it's every year I read the same thing on here, every year I make the same post and again here it goes. Yes, we have some of the most talented, toughest, hard working kids in SETX, but we have average football seasons and if we make it to the play offs, we get knocked out in the early rounds. Fans, it is time for a coaching change, let's shop around and get a real football coach. Next year we will start the season with the new fied, let's have a new coach to go along with it. Mike Long could do wonders with this talent and all of the resources PNG has to offer, not sure that he would come back, but we have to try somethiing new. Matt B just does not get the job done and has not for years.


Active Member
Okay guys.. just my opinion. I feel that as the OC, Welch should be the one that we need a new strategy with, not Burnett. As soon as our team loses everyone has their feelings hurt and blame it all on the HC saying you would like a coach in here that barely won half his games last year at KELLY.. let me say that again.. KELLY high school. And still cannot put a winning season together, yet you people talk of him as some kind of hero coach. One loss is not the end of the season, our kids and coaches have a lot of season left. No need to bad talk our Indians for this one loss. We fans need to be behind our team, not cut them down for one loss, although its always huge to lose to Nederland. The players i guarantee read this and how would you feel if your fans can only dog you down?.. I cheered all I could last night which is what PNG fans our supposed to be. Not sitting down when our fight song is played as I see is happening again this year. Come on guys get all these negatives out. No doubt we need to see some variety in our playbook and I'm sure this week at practice Burnett will be working with our OC to colaborate on some playcalling. And then again I recall that last year Burnett led us to the second round of the playoffs and we lost to the eventual State Champs. Wow. Most people would be happy but we complain and want a new HC that hasnt won a game yet this year at KELLY..pretty sad. I am very excited to see what this team and coaching staff can pull together this season, its not over. We have some good looking players and I believe we're playoff bound. Lets get excited for this next game in the new PNG stadium, come on PNG fans... lets be the best fans we can be let the coaches coach. It's a hell of a responsibility to have to answer for actions of everyone on the team as Burnett does. See you at the field PNG FANS!!!


100+ Posts
Indianman said:
Okay guys.. just my opinion. I feel that as the OC, Welch should be the one that we need a new strategy with, not Burnett. As soon as our team loses everyone has their feelings hurt and blame it all on the HC saying you would like a coach in here that barely won half his games last year at KELLY.. let me say that again.. KELLY high school. And still cannot put a winning season together, yet you people talk of him as some kind of hero coach. One loss is not the end of the season, our kids and coaches have a lot of season left. No need to bad talk our Indians for this one loss. We fans need to be behind our team, not cut them down for one loss, although its always huge to lose to Nederland. The players i guarantee read this and how would you feel if your fans can only dog you down?.. I cheered all I could last night which is what PNG fans our supposed to be. Not sitting down when our fight song is played as I see is happening again this year. Come on guys get all these negatives out. No doubt we need to see some variety in our playbook and I'm sure this week at practice Burnett will be working with our OC to colaborate on some playcalling. And then again I recall that last year Burnett led us to the second round of the playoffs and we lost to the eventual State Champs. Wow. Most people would be happy but we complain and want a new HC that hasnt won a game yet this year at KELLY..pretty sad. I am very excited to see what this team and coaching staff can pull together this season, its not over. We have some good looking players and I believe we're playoff bound. Lets get excited for this next game in the new PNG stadium, come on PNG fans... lets be the best fans we can be let the coaches coach. It's a hell of a responsibility to have to answer for actions of everyone on the team as Burnett does. See you at the field PNG FANS!!!

You are a very wise man, I imagine. I will say this - I don't think anyone is doggin' the kids. They played their hearts out!!! I feel they did a great job. The thing about standing for Cherokee, when you are at the other end of the field and entranced by the game and can't hear Cherokee being played, then that could be part of the problem of fans not standing. I hope there is a microphone in the band section of our field so that we can hear it being played. Maybe they can program it into the scoreboard....


100+ Posts
I want someone to explain to me what the head coaches job is. Unless you are stuck under a tree, you can see that our offense needs some changes. Name another place in the U.S. where the other coaches are blamed for the problems. All you ever see is that the head coach gets the responsibility for the team. Thus the reasoning for the title, HEAD coach. Also, it is not just one game, it is almost every game. They have become so predictable, it is ridiculous. Anyone that believes otherwise either has not really been to all the games in the last three years or are still wearing those purple tinted glasses. Like i said earlier, it is really bad when you see coaches arguing the play calling on the sideline. All we are asking is the OC listen to some of your assistants when it comes time for an offensive strategy. That is what they are there for. If he doesn't want to listen, then the HC should recognize and fix the problem. Also, the reason I, and other people with me, or so frustrated is that the kids are very talented, and are playing their hearts out. I give all the credit in the world to the boys. I think this is a very talented team who has great potential. Let's just hope it is utilized right.


2,000+ Posts
modmouse78 said:
I want someone to explain to me what the head coaches job is. Unless you are stuck under a tree, you can see that our offense needs some changes. Name another place in the U.S. where the other coaches are blamed for the problems. All you ever see is that the head coach gets the responsibility for the team. Thus the reasoning for the title, HEAD coach. Also, it is not just one game, it is almost every game. They have become so predictable, it is ridiculous. Anyone that believes otherwise either has not really been to all the games in the last three years or are still wearing those purple tinted glasses. Like i said earlier, it is really bad when you see coaches arguing the play calling on the sideline. All we are asking is the OC listen to some of your assistants when it comes time for an offensive strategy. That is what they are there for. If he doesn't want to listen, then the HC should recognize and fix the problem. Also, the reason I, and other people with me, or so frustrated is that the kids are very talented, and are playing their hearts out. I give all the credit in the world to the boys. I think this is a very talented team who has great potential. Let's just hope it is utilized right.

Why do you think all the good assistant coaches have left PNG over the past 10 yrs?


100+ Posts
MightyNDNS said:
The thing about standing for Cherokee, when you are at the other end of the field and entranced by the game and can't hear Cherokee being played, then that could be part of the problem of fans not standing. I hope there is a microphone in the band section of our field so that we can hear it being played. Maybe they can program it into the scoreboard....

You are so right about not being able to hear Cherokee, particularly last night. If they could just maybe very slightly turn some of the brass section toward the other end of the stands, maybe we could hear it better. Some of the cheerleaders one time last night looked like they were having trouble hearing it as well. I hope it IS able to come out over the new speakers, that would really be awsome!


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Im not getting in to this one I will say that Mike Long is a great coach If we ever lose Burnett I think he would be a good candidate.


500+ Posts
How much pressure do you think Burnett has to put up with over the years? Every year someone is calling for his head. I would be willing to bet that none of you guys would enjoy having a job such as that, year after year. In my opinion, Burnett has done a great job year after year and has done so in a respectable manner.


Active Member
Well prepfootball fan... what would you base that coach Long is such a good coach on. No doubt is an outstanding high school football coach. But when people say he can come from KELLY, barely winning there and come in here an do better than Burnett. It infuriates me. Good Luck, cause you would need a hell o lot of it. PNG and Kelly are two wayyyyy different caliber teams. Again, no doubt some play calling needs to be adjusted with our offense, not denying that.But I totally agree on the band situation, it has never been so hard to hear the band. Really a bummer, thats a big part of our tradition. I heard also that alot of the band members are younger this year, dont know if thats the problem? Anyways, just keeping up conversation guys.. GO PNG!


Staff member
Indian99 said:
How much pressure do you think Burnett has to put up with over the years? Every year someone is calling for his head. I would be willing to bet that none of you guys would enjoy having a job such as that, year after year. In my opinion, Burnett has done a great job year after year and has done so in a respectable manner.

Can't speak for anyone else but I'm under the gun every week of the year in my career. Coaches face the firing squad 10-15 weeks out of the year.

Every tradition rich program has higher expectations that puts head coaches in a pressure cooker. Odessa Permian, for example, has gone through several coaches in the time MB has been at PN-G. It could be worse.


100+ Posts
Anyone that is in a career has the same pressure. Your boss is not going to come in and say do the best you can and that is good enough. No, it is to be done the way they want it done, and done right. If not, they will find someone better qualified and better capable to do the job. This is the real world. Where your actions are judged and consequences occur when things are not done right. They know what comes with the job when they took it. And how do you know we don't know what they go through. Maybe that is why i am so critical.


500+ Posts
I agree that with careers come pressure, that' a fact of life. I was thinking more on the lines that Burnett has thousands of people every year critique his every move. Most of us do not have that kind of pressure in our jobs.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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