Pee Wee Football - Two PN-G teams in semi's


100+ Posts
I know that there is a youth football section, but I know that more people will see this post here. This Saturday (10/31/09) at LC-M Stadium, PNG White will play PNG Purple in the semi-finals of the STJFL playoffs at 9:00 AM. Lumberton plays WO-S at 11:00 AM in the other semi-final. It is awesome having two PN-G 7 & 8 year old teams in the final four. We would love to have some extra Indian fans out there to root for the kids. There will be a PA announcer and Sheffield Productions will be doing color commentary and videoing the game for purchase on DVD. Really cool thing for the kids ! Video board will be up and running for replays. The Super Bowl is set for the following Saturday at The Reservation so at least one PN-G team will be involved. :clap:


500+ Posts
I hear that both teams run the same offense as the Varsity, scaled way down of course, but they are running out of the shotgun with multiple receiver sets and throwing the ball some. This is unlike what the teams at Lumberton and Nederland are doing, which is running offenses they will not run in the future. These kids are being groomed! Building his program from the ground up!


100+ Posts
This is true. A much more "watered down" version of Coach Faircloth's offense. This stems from a deal made with him at the beginning of the season. We could use the facilities and they would help in any way that they could, in return for grooming the young kids for upper level football. It is so nice to have someone in charge that is interested in the youth programs. Coach organized a coaching clinic to teach the offense and defense, and the rest is history. STJFL Super Bowls are scheduled for Nov. 7 and the youth Mid County Madness games are scheduled for Nov. 14 all at the "New Reservation". What a thrill for the kids !!! We need to do whatever we can to keep this staff at PN-G...


500+ Posts
PN-G Flag Purple is undefeated and will also be playing in the tournament Saturday. We will play either Ned White or Lumberton at 3:45, then after we win that game ;D we'll play either WO-S or Orangefield(?) for a spot in the Superbowl!! Keep in mind these are 5, 6, 7 year old kids and they may get a chance to play at the new Reservation and they are so excited!! It would be GREAT to have lots of support out for all the games, even if you don't have a kid playing, please come out and support our future NDN' won't regret it!!


You know what would be totally KEWL ????

If the PNG Band, Cheerleaders, Twirlers, Indianettes, Indian Spirit and Varsity players showed up, or at least some of them................

It might put too much pressure to put on the young men, but could you just IMAGINE how it would make them FEEL??? If you were in their place, how would YOU feel??? At least some Cheerleaders, the Indian Spirit and some Varsity players showing up and at least watching. AND wouldn't it be extra KEWL if the Varsity Coaches could pitch in and get them ready....That may be a bit too much to ask with getting the Varsity ready also.................

But just IMAGINE..................................


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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