PN-G Traditions


100+ Posts
Hey I have an idea, if this "new" generation wants "flashy" than why don't they look into ordering new uniforms with sequins down the side of the pants and across their back in their name. :ha:

Just like I originally said, unless the new generation has the $$$$$ to pay for this new stadium, new coach and new uniforms with outer space helmets than they had better stick to the traditions that their forefathers (and mothers) laid out for them. They need to understand, that if it was not for the older generations upholding the traditions that PNG is known for than they would not be playing in a state of the art stadium today. If you want to be an Indian, play for the Indians and attend PNG than you need to accept the Traditions that go along with that Honor and Pride. Let all the other schools change to modern day all they want. They do not have traditions, honor, pride and morals to be able to brag about.


NDNMom83 said:
Okay, this one will date me back to the days before freshmen were at PNG, but remember the sophomore class being called to the stadium field and having to get on our knees and hold our hands high in the air while reciting "The Creed"....this tradition ended when the 9th grade became part of the high school. ALL these years later I still remember the final part of "The Creed" which said "although, I'm the lowest form of life on the reservation I'm still better than any student help me Geronimo!" then having to bow to the senior class three times. That really brought us together as Warriors and Braves and made us Indians. It was one of those rites of passage that you dreaded happening and then had fun when it did happen. Even when you had to keep starting over, because the juniors and seniors couldn't hear you, lol. :clap: :clap:

If you graduated in 1983, then I was one of those Seniors making you start over!!! But, it was done to us - we were the only Sophmore Class never to stand up for the first pep rally - they we screaming at us, teachers were fussing at us the next Monday - we were just hard headed and thought we were "smarty pants". There were a few rebels in my class!!!! So help me, Geronimo!!!!


CardiacKids 92 said:
Sounds great. During my senior football season I brought a small totem pole (about 2 ft tall) made by Cherokee Indians up to the field house. We hung the totem pole above the door to the football field and everyone touched it as we headed out the door. For us it was all about honoring the Cherokee Nation and never giving up on the football field.

Not sure if anyone else did something similar, it might have been a one time thing. I've still got the Totem Pole if anyone wants to revive our tradition...

When my dad played (Bum Philips Era) I know he told me they used to make the underclassmen bow to the Totem Pole on campus. Of course back then it was a wooden one and he told me the week they played Nederland someone cut it down with a chainsaw and he and some other football players placed a piece of the totem pole in their helmets for motivation.

Heard the same stories from my Mom - they sure got a surprise when the Steel Totem Pole was put up!!!!!


Web Guy
The whole discussion about helmet colors has gotten off topic. But since we're on the subject, the idea of silver helmets at PN-G is the equivalent of UT, A&M, OU, or Alabama wearing silver helmets with their 'traditional' colors. Those images just do not equate.

CardiacKids 92

100+ Posts
indian20106 said:
its alternate jerseys... silver is a flashy color

Sorry, if it's not Purple or White it's NOT PNG Football. Flashy has never won a football game for PNG.
It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of heart!

Silver helmets would be an abomination!


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
The whole discussion about helmet colors has gotten off topic. But since we're on the subject, the idea of silver helmets at PN-G is the equivalent of UT, A&M, OU, or Alabama wearing silver helmets with their 'traditional' colors. Those images just do not equate.
I agree!!!!

Sorry, if it's not Purple or White it's NOT PNG Football. Flashy has never won a football game for PNG.
It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of heart!

Silver helmets would be an abomination!
I agree with this also. PNG football teams in the past did not win state championships by being "Flashy". They won by sticking to good old down to earth hard work, determination and traditions. Kind of reminds me of Rocky I and Rocky II. :punchingbag: In Rocky I, Rocky won his fight being a nobody that had a drive to win. He practiced with little to nothing to practice with. Than in Rocky II, he got to "Flashy" and over confident. He just knew he was going to win because he was Rocky and what happened? He got the snot beat out of him. He had to be brought back to his roots to remind him where he came from before he could win. Maybe that is what today's generation needs. Seems like to me, todays football players are to worried about what music will be playing while they workout or when they run out instead of what music will be playing "When" they "Win" a game! :woot:


1,000+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
IMHO PNG IS Purple & White and Cherokee...nothing more--nothing less.
What a nice, sportsmanlike comment from a Bulldog fan. Beware--you may make us bark! lol You are right, PNG is purple and white and Cherokee===NOT purple and silver or black and NOT a "tea time" rendition of Cherokee.


Personally, I like the uniforms with the zig zag on the arm!!! No silver helmets, please. The purple, black and white is not so bad IMO.

Side note: We have used purple, black and white on softball uniforms and it looks really nice. The black is more of an outline than anything else. Makes things stand out better...


Active Member
I am pretty sure uniforms and helmets have already been ordered so IMO MB decided what next years uniforms would look like......I have never seen him go agianst many traditions on the reservation....As for the new coach, maybe next year we see a change in uniforms....Until then we sit in the waitings for a head coach like all the other high schools looking for a coach....

I do agree with Smurf....


Active Member
I think a new coach can and should usher in a new era of traditions. Obviously, whoever it is that we hire will be steeped in the knowledge that IS PN-G football. He will not take away all the old traditions, only try to add new ones and then mold both new & old together. I think that is what you have to do as a newbie. Remain in touch w/ the loyalty of the traditionalists & slowly bring in what everyone wants. Fresh attitudes, new ways of thinking, just an overall new excitement!!! Just by looking at this board, there is no doubt the Reservation is primed & itching for change. All he has to do is open the door to it and all will follow. It is a time like never before at the Reservation!
I-N-D-I-A-N-S Scalp Em Indians, SCALP EM!


Active Member
I would think some type of a new LOGO onthe helmet wouldnt be so bad for the new coach and team......Maybe they could put out 4 or 5 new ones and have the team vote on what they like....Of course the coaches have last decision.....

Maybe this would get rid of the last seasons ghosts!!


Active Member
I know there will be those that absolutely will not want to change the logo. I am w/ you gumbeaux, I think that a new logo could be a great change.


Active Member
When Malone came in uniforms and helmets were changed before the first season. We went from the white helmets with the same logo as now to a purple helmet with their number on the side.


Port Neches, TEXAS
pngfan1 said:
When Malone came in uniforms and helmets were changed before the first season. We went from the white helmets with the same logo as now to a purple helmet with their number on the side.

nah the helmets were white with a Florida State logo. Not the arrows on their helmets but the indian head they have at midfield and on their pants:


The pants were white with purple zigzags and the jerseys were short with PNG on the front and Big Purple Pride on the back where the names would be. Very unique and cool uniforms.


Active Member
I dont mind the uniforms having a little change to them...As long as the colors stick with majority purple and white with black outline or silver outline it doesnt bother me.....As long as we see some WINS..... :band:


Active Member
To this day, I still think the pants Malone brought in w/ the Zig Zags are the best looking ones we have had. That right there is a tradition that needs to be incorporated. Back in the day, it used to be in the old gym at the top of the gym. Prior to Malone, Coach Troy's guys had the zig zag on the sleeve. It is just unique and IMO it needs to be brought back in some way.


1,000+ Posts
ScalpEm24 said:
To this day, I still think the pants Malone brought in w/ the Zig Zags are the best looking ones we have had. That right there is a tradition that needs to be incorporated. Back in the day, it used to be in the old gym at the top of the gym. Prior to Malone, Coach Troy's guys had the zig zag on the sleeve. It is just unique and IMO it needs to be brought back in some way.
I agree. I loved the zig zags on the sleeve, too. That's not the problem---changing school colors would be a major problem. To heck with silver anything. I hated it when, for a short while, the Indianettes and/or cheerleaders wore lavender rather than purple. GAG! I liked the design on the hems on the cheerleaders purple uniforms when we won state in 1975, also.


Active Member
We arent saying change the school colors, just saying that you could outline numbers and letters with black and silver to make it standout....


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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