PN-G Traditions


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Staff member
Yep, the zig-zag on the pants from Malone, combined with zig-zag on the sleeve from Ethridge/Troy days. would be cool. Bring back the white helmet with purple letters.



I don't particularly care for the Tomahawk Chop - the only reason is that you are mixing Tribes there and it seems that we "mess up" or something bad happens when we play it - just an observation....


the uniform and helments should stay purple and white and take the players name off of the uniforms no person is bigger than an indian! look at the yankees, and i think penn state is one of them teams that remindes me of PNG NOT FLASHY, HARD WORK, WINNING TEAMS!


100+ Posts
Don't bring up the Yankees. They are the reason baseball will start loosing money.

NDNS81 said:
I don't particularly care for the Tomahawk Chop - the only reason is that you are mixing Tribes there and it seems that we "mess up" or something bad happens when we play it - just an observation....

This sounds all too familiar. Sounds like someone i know (GET THAT BALL) ;D ;D ;D


the uniform and helments should stay purple and white and take the players name off of the uniforms no person is bigger than an indian! look at the yankees, and i think penn state is one of them teams that remindes me of PNG NOT FLASHY, HARD WORK, WINNING TEAMS!

oh i hate the yankees and i agree with ya on that, they and boston are ruining baseball by paying all these high dollar salaries.. just saying that there is no one player that is greater than the yankees organization traditions.

and i hate the tomahawk chop too!! hated alanta braves when they did/do that!

and as for as the black in the uniform we do npt need that.. just give the other team a black and purple bruise to let them know that they are playing the INDIANS!

CardiacKids 92

100+ Posts
PNG1992 said:
pngfan1 said:
When Malone came in uniforms and helmets were changed before the first season. We went from the white helmets with the same logo as now to a purple helmet with their number on the side.

nah the helmets were white with a Florida State logo. Not the arrows on their helmets but the indian head they have at midfield and on their pants:


The pants were white with purple zigzags and the jerseys were short with PNG on the front and Big Purple Pride on the back where the names would be. Very unique and cool uniforms.
PNG NDN Fan said:
Yep, the zig-zag on the pants from Malone, combined with zig-zag on the sleeve from Ethridge/Troy days. would be cool. Bring back the white helmet with purple letters.


Zig-Zag, Zig-Zag, Zig Zag those were some fine uniforms and guess what...they were purple and white not silver!



1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Wonder why they couldn't stagger the PNG and use the arrow and make some sort of teepee shaped logo? Just wondering.


1,000+ Posts
Gumbeaux said:
We arent saying change the school colors, just saying that you could outline numbers and letters with black and silver to make it standout....

I agree. I think the outline in black will make the numbers stand out more. In the new stadium the endzones are outlines in black are they not?


100+ Posts
NDNS81 said:
Did anyone like BANZI, besides me? Talk about fire you up!!!

Help a newbie out, we are relatively new to the area and I am enjoying this thread and learning about all the PNG traditions. What is/was Bonzai? Thanks.


1,000+ Posts
PNGIndianFan06 said:
NDNS81 said:
Did anyone like BANZI, besides me? Talk about fire you up!!!

Help a newbie out, we are relatively new to the area and I am enjoying this thread and learning about all the PNG traditions. What is/was Bonzai? Thanks.
Coach Malone began that. One of the players, designated as the Bonzai man, did theatrics on the field and revved up the fans to a fever pitch. It was great fun and we won ballgames then, too. I really had trouble trying to describe bonzai--maybe others can do a better job.


100+ Posts
Bonzai was someone on the kickoff team that stood next to the ball, after it was placed on the tee, and jumped up and down, screaming at the crowd to pump them up. The other teams hated the bonzai and would send two or three people to block that person.


100+ Posts
He also usually rared (sp) back and beat his chest kind of like Tarzan right as the kicker started running. I agree, the other teams hated it and usually double or triple teamed him.


1,000+ Posts
I think there's a picture of Ted Ancelet doing Bonzai in Down Trails of Victory. Can someone scan that picture and post it here? i don't have access to the book or a scanner at the moment.


Active Member
in regards to the other comments about the uniform, I really think a new uniform would be great, but i don't think the silver helmet thing is true.They are ordering a few revo speeds but that would mean for them to be silver they would have to paint all the purple helmets we already have silver.I think if we are really getting new unis that a design like florida state with the zigzag on the collar would be really nice in purple and white.Imo


IMO i think we should keep the uni simple, PNG is not flashy! If we really want a tradition then we need to be more like NOTRE DAME! SIMPLE! when you see the green and gold uni you knew it was NOTRE DAME! And ppl know of who the PURPLE AND WHITE are! I think the uni should be purple with white numbers/names with INDIANS across the front . and the pants be white with purple stripes. The helemts should be either the PNG or the INDIAN CHIEF on the pngisd website

to me the chief looks intimidated, has the firm ain't taking no shxt look!


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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