PNGISD Multipurpose Facility

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Good move. Another reason why PNG is the envy of other area schools. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Staff member
Just curious, has anyone seen the plans for this facility?

It doesn't seem like $530K would build much. The turf alone would probably be nearly that much.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I have seen some conceptual drawings. But being that they hired an architect I would be led to believe they will be different. The building is not supposed to be air conditioning that will cut off a ton of money.


Staff member
Once again, just curious. Articles mention that the multipurpose facility will be 17,000SF and include a 50 yard field. The superintendent also mentioned that including technology classrooms would be a goal.

A standard width field is 53.5 yards. So a 50 yard field + end zone would be 28,620SF plus whatever sideline area they want to fit in.

Looking at the original drawings of the stadium expansion, the area they have to build out would easily allow an 80+ yard field. That would be a 43,000+ square foot building.

Calculating the area based on satellite image indicates a potential area of 51,000SF.


The math isn't adding up...

This post from 2010 includes a drawing that shows a larger planned practice field area. Maybe the 17,000SF number was a typo?,1522.msg20668.html#msg20668


Staff member
Having a day or two off results in a wandering mind. ;D

It must have been a typo. See below... The original announcement was a 31,500 SF building rather than 17,000 as recently stated. 31,500 would handle a 50 yard field + 10 yard end zone.

Dear Indian Supporters,The PNG Athletic Booster Club is working to get all Indian student athletes into first class athletic facilities. The centerpiece of these efforts will be the All Purpose Facility. This state of the art facility will sit directly behind the field house and be 31,500 square feet. The APF will contain a 50 yard turf field and a 50 yard hanging net. The facility will be used by band, baseball, softball, football, Indianettes, soccer, cheerleaders and golf. The facility will accommodate all groups during inclement weather and allows us to do twice as much work in the off season. Any successful athletic program is a direct result of a supportive and proactive community that not only demands the best, but makes the sacrifices necessary to be the best. At this point in time, our school district (like many others) is dealing with a budget deficit that will make it difficult for them to assist in this project. Therefore, the building will only be built with money from private donations. This type of project is a huge undertaking but has the potential to benefit the PNG Indians for decades to come. All tax deductible donations can be made to the PNG Athletic Booster Club and mailed to the address below. Please call the athletic office at 409-729-7644 ext. 123 if you have any questions. If you would like to make a donation by credit card you may do so by going to our booster club website at Please forward this letter to any fans or alumni that you think may be interested in donating. Thanks in advance for your help on the Reservation. Mail donations to…PNG ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUBP.O. BOX 850GROVES, TX 77619


1,000+ Posts
Not the original specs.

Kinda wish we would wait to get what was originally proposed even if it takes a while. My donation was modest but still a donation. Would be interesting to know the average donation of the 120,000 given by the PNGABC from us.

Not complaining, just curious about the particulars.

Not what the letter said.


Staff member
It would be a shame if they end up building some compromising structure just to build it. Especially if the superintendent or other school admins are influencing decisions that take away from the sports aspect.

I guess this could be similar to the past controversy that existed back when there was contention between booster club and the school or coaches.

If money is raised for a specific purpose, with plans in mind, those contributing the funds should have a voice, and the school should listen. In this case, the best multi-sports facility that the private contributions can buy. The most field surface and best ventilation would be most advantageous to sports or band activity. An 80 yard field would be better than 50, unless they need storage space for related equipment.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
These are not the drawing that I have seen. I'll try to find that picture.

As far as the classrooms go, BF said that they weren't doing that now. The reason that it was originally stated was, since one of the refineries was donating, and, since they cannot donate to "Strictly sports", they considered combining some classrooms, to make everything legit. Makes sense.


1,000+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
These are not the drawing that I have seen. I'll try to find that picture.

As far as the classrooms go, BF said that they weren't doing that now. The reason that it was originally stated was, since one of the refineries was donating, and, since they cannot donate to "Strictly sports", they considered combining some classrooms, to make everything legit. Makes sense.
Not sure, but sounds like BS to me. BASF donates to the scoreboard, soccer field, etc... For whatever reason the decision makers(whoever that is) wants it now.

What refineries donated and how much. No AC really means no classrooms. Name me one classroom in PNG without AC?
Just be straight forward and name who made the decision to build a lesser I.F. --- no big deal!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Don't shoot the messenger! LOL Just telling you what was told to me.

BTW Bark, when you and I went there, we never had 1 day of A/C! Funny how things change. If A/C goes out, they send the kids home!


1,000+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
Don't shoot the messenger! LOL Just telling you what was told to me.

BTW Bark, when you and I went there, we never had 1 day of A/C! Funny how things change. If A/C goes out, they send the kids home!
Yep no AC till my Jr year.

When I post questions, it's just because I am curious. Anything we build is great -- just be upfront and honest.

Like I have posted many times, we have a great program with great kiddos and fans. Our Program is growing with good young players and young coaches.

Thanks to anyone who can answer the questions with regard to who makes the decisions on the I.F.

Promise me we didn't give all the money to the School Board who don't have a great track record for spending $ on sport.


Staff member
Visual comparison of indoor practice fields. 50 yards really should be the MINIMUM. Take a look at the University of Georgia's indoor field. Why even build that?

20 yards


50 yards + endzone


100 yards


2,000+ Posts
If you can attend you need to try and make it!!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I WILL definitely be there... but for a different reason. My son is receiving the schoolboard's "Spotlight on Excellence" award. ;D


500+ Posts
Bark, to answer your question, of the 120,000 donated from the booster club, 73,000 came from the booster club general account. Anytime someone made a donation for the building, that money was deposited into the buster club building fund account. Hope this answers your question.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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