Stadium Music

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100+ Posts
I know it has been talked about on another thread, but what is everyone's suggestions for stadium music. Someone mentioned AC/DC "Thunderstruck" earlier. I think this would be very cool while they are just about to run out before Cherokee starts. As we are chanting "thunder" we could also be making the thunder sound with out feet as we do during the game. Enter the Sandman was also mentioned, but someone said that is what Nederland uses, so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. What do you think? (maybe it doesn't matter what we think since I don't guess we get to vote, but it is fun to see what good ideas everyone has)


500+ Posts
Here is the video that my friends son made at the request of the football players. As they run through the sign they will blare Cherokee, he just couldn't find the music. Tell me what you think.


100+ Posts
I like it. Is this the one that the student made but was not allowed to use that was mentioned before?


no, this is a different video the other was was cool too, and i like it better


500+ Posts
NDN X said:
I know it has been talked about on another thread, but what is everyone's suggestions for stadium music. Someone mentioned AC/DC "Thunderstruck" earlier. I think this would be very cool while they are just about to run out before Cherokee starts. As we are chanting "thunder" we could also be making the thunder sound with out feet as we do during the game. Enter the Sandman was also mentioned, but someone said that is what Nederland uses, so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. What do you think? (maybe it doesn't matter what we think since I don't guess we get to vote, but it is fun to see what good ideas everyone has)

Yeah, I as well as others had mentioned ThunderStruck. I thought it was a really good song choice because we always do "thunder" in the stands, just made sense and it's a really cool, blood pumping song. I really liked the video too, I think it would be great to have some clips of Indian traditions like the burning PNG letters at the fire it up pep rally, the marching I, Indian Ken and Tip Durham doing their thing, the Indian Spirit, etc...then top it off with the video of the team running in to some kick *ss music, then when they really do run in, we should blare cherokee through the speakers, man other schools would really hate us then... ;D!! Oh well, not sure if they have time to put that together this season, but maybe next year, we can always hope.


i think the video should show like a indian on horseback with warpaint on it an the house rises up it front legs and the indian holding a spear in the air and then a lighting bolt xomes down and then go into thunderstruck opening and then after the guitar comes in and not want to hear the band sing, the team come bursting out of the teepee and song change to cheorkee!!

would like to see during the pregame that they have each starting player that tip introduce to have a video of that player with his name like they do on college/pro games.

i think when the team comes out of the field house at halftime the music should be the warchant (loud) and the fans stand up and do the tomahawk chop!


100+ Posts
wow! what an idea. I think that would be awesome. kinda similar to my pic under my name. Somebody really needs to see all these ideas. But who? A school board member? Principal? Who is in charge of the scoreboard? Journalism? You know they could also post a full screen of the cherokee nation symbol. :rocks: :rocks: Wish I knew how to make a video. Would be cool to at least have on here for all of us to enjoy. :popcorn: :thumbsup:


100+ Posts
I feel pretty sure they play music in the field house....what do they play in there? Current popular stuff? You know, while we are wishing, wouldn't it be way over the top for next year's Indian Spirit to ride into the stadium (without the feathers of course, just during the ride) on horseback for MCM? I know, I know, like I said , WAY over the top, but cool. Probably too many things to try to start new. Just a thought.


1,000+ Posts
I think it was mentioned on a previous post, but I would like the video to state Indian accolades such as:

22 district championships
13 regional championships
6 appearances - state championship game
3 time state champions
All time Highest attendance record - 1977 49,953 Texas Stadium


500+ Posts
I love all these ideas. However, I'm not too crazy about the "kid rock" stuff though. I think it should stick to some Indian theme personally, heck just really LOUD drums before leading into Cherokee, with the war painted Indian, hosreback, whatever, just WHO we are. We certainly aren't "kid rock" rednecks.

When we were in the field house, Etheridge didn't let us listen to ANYTHING. We had to be focused.... PERIOD..... there seems to be a common theme on all these threads about how unfocused we are now. But when you heard Cherokee outside...... It was time for WAR. Hell I get goose bumps on the back of my neck still just thinking about it. Everyone had their game faces on, all business. He expected nothing less.

We need the PRIDE and TRADITION back. I don't know what has happened and I now live in Austin, but I ache for it over here as well. Much to the dismay of my family, I'm in front of the computer on Friday nights. They think I'm insane. But that's who I was back then, and am still.

We can't even get a booster club together because it will get in the way of someone's agenda. We are too focused on being too stinking "PC" in these times that we can't do anything for fear of offending someone. It disgusts me and we lose who we once were...... PROUD of who we are. Let's the the swagger and the attitude back, the belief that we WILL win, the pleasure in knowing that we have THE most recognizable fan base, tradition, pride, fightsong, Indian Spirit, anywhere.

Sorry, still hearing Cherokee in my head :punchingbag: Bottomline is this, focus on who we are and what we do, in the stands, on the videos, in the lockeroom. Get it back to what it once was. Ok, I'm done. SCALP'EM INDIANS


100+ Posts
Couldn't agree more with you PNG15,PNG has lost their identity from how the fans act to the size and presentation of the band.I can't ever remember not being able to hear cherokee and the fans not standing for it.where are those 50,000 people that cheered for them.I never thought I would see the day when we would need a sound system play cherokee but it has come to that because nobody can hear it.I know we can't expect a crowd of that size week in week out.But as fans I don't think some of us aren't giving the support they way we use to.


Active Member
Since Cheermom isn't online right now, I'll post the updated video my son made. He had a few thoughts of his own, then talked to other students and members of the football team, and here's one idea they came up with. The Kid Rock music would play before they burst through the run-thru, and the video shown here would appear on the scoreboard:
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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