Vote on Your Favorite Tempo for Cherokee

What is your preferred tempo for Cherokee after 1st downs and touchdowns?

  • 1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm.

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • 1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • 2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Thanks Indian Fan! The kids and their parents read this Board too and will appreciate your comments. We are far from perfect but the kids are working hard to rebuild and to achieve their goals - in the stadium and at the contests! We appreciate you too! :clap:


Active Member
-- ::) I really try to understand people and there point of view but :thud:. :huh: Squaw I think you really need to realize the 70's were an awesome time for PNG football, but this is 2009 and we haven't had a team like the 70's since. And as for the band, those kids get out in the summer heat for two a days just like the football players. :band: :band: They work really hard and have tremendous pride in what they do. Our fans should be supportive of all of our students, band, indianettes, volleyball, debate, track, weightlifting, etc, whatever they are involved with. They all try their best and I for one am proud for all of them and I do care that they achieve their goals. Squaw why don't you try to back our all of our students, and shame on you for not caring about the band :nono: Let's try to stop living in the past and try looking to the future. If we could let our band kids know that we do appreciate them and that we are proud of them and WE DO CARE IF THEY MAKE A ONEat contest then just maybe we might be the PNG of the 70's when everyone (all students) were proud of our traditions and of each other. To all you band kids, I am proud of you and think you are awesome and I know a "ONE" is in your future. ALL THE WAY TO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
True Blue??? I've been to all the games since 1969. Can you say the same? All I want to say is that I'm tired of you and others using my name and attributing things to me that I did NOT say! I have always supported the band 100%. I, and others, just want our fight song played like a fight song and we want EVERYONE to be able to hear it. What's wrong with that? As for UIL competition, I also support the band. I just would prefer to see different programs instead of the same program ten times. I am NOT a negative person, just want people to be informed. Aren't I the one who said concession monies, after expenses, should go to the students? Do you have a problem with that? I DO have a right to state my opinion also and I don't want it misconstrued.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
squaw said:
OK, Bandkid, you asked for it. We've sat on the 30 yd line (by choice) for almost 40 years and we are still in the same area. I did get goosebumps when the drums began and I could hear them, but that changed quickly when the rest of the fight song began. It was slow and low. Not many people standing where we were. I used to get goosebumps the first few times I heard Cherokee, but haven't in several years now. The band during the glory days (the 70's) was absolutely awesome. Personally, a lot of fans don't care if the band gets a 1 or a zero at contest--we want to be proud of them every week at the game. We enjoyed watching a different performance at every game, too. Now all we see is the same thing time after time.


Your words quoted back to you. I wasn't old enough to go to PNG games in 1969 - or didn't know if I did! No I cannot say the same. Nothing is wrong with wanting the fight song to be played as a fight song and so everyone can hear it. They are trying to figure out how to do that with a band half the size of it's former self and a stadium twice the size! The problem is the negativity you project to the kids.

The most positive thing I have seen from this debacle is how many people, band parents or not, are discussing this topic and your posts off this board. It has caused a lot of fans to stop and thank band members. Your actions have united many and for that we owe you a debt of gratitude.

You mentioned that you hope that people stop misconstrueing your posts. Perhaps you don't mean them to be as debasing to the kids as it sounds. I know the kids have taken it that way across multiple threads. We have watched you call for the band director's impeachment in your posts, and be very negative. Those were your words. You have posted on other threads the same concerns that people misconstrue what you say. Maybe it is the fact that it is written and not said in person. I really don't know. I do know that many kids have been hurt since your messages have been interpreted as going way beyond wanting to hear Cherokee louder. Many parents are becoming more concerned.

That said, have a great trip to Italy. Maybe upon your return we can all meet at a BAC meeting and resolve this once and for all.
THANK YOU PROUD BAND MOM !!!!!! BUSTED, yes !!! :clap:

Again, Squaw, nothing positive has been said by you about our band/band kids !!!! All you have to say is gripes and negative complaints!! Like the saying goes, if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all!!!

I am inviting you to please come to our October BAC meeting and voice your concerns and comments!!


Active Member
Not sure if some of the posts are still on here, but Squaw was also bashing the cheer sponsor at one time last year.


Active Member
squaw said:
We went to the game last night, PNG vs. Central, and enjoyed it thoroughly. We have a really good team this year and great ball players. The only negative thing I can say is that we were shocked and surprised to see all of Central's cheerleaders leading cheers and the only PNG cheerleader I saw was sitting in the stands. In the past years, the cheerleaders cheered at both football and basketball games. Who is cheerleader sponsor now and who is responsible to see that both sports are supported? Our boys deserved better.

Found this remark left by Squaw last year during basketball season...seems as if most of Squaw's remarks are negative. This is just the first remark from a thread she started under the Basketball heading and it seems as if a few of the cheerleaders responded accordingly.
Like I've said a little while ago.... IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!

"nice" = NON NEGATIVE remarks !!!

I think it will be quite nice when she (Squaw) leaves for Italy on the message board!! We will have a couple of weeks of 'non bashing' our band and the kids from her!!

If she has soo many concerns and complaints, she needs to attend one of our BAC (Band Action Committee) meetings and let it all be heard by the band director and the band parents !!


Active Member
Wow, BandKid! You have a lot of great things to say, but some of your info isn't correct. Mr. Moore was a volunteer and had no previous percussion teaching experience when he was "working" with the percussion. He wasn't even going for a music or teaching degree in college. Mr. Ramos hired Mrs. Wells to be the band director at GMS and began using her as the district percussion instructor as well in '06. She is a certified teacher and has a long resume teaching percussion. She also writes some of the music for the percussion. She now works contract if I'm not mistaken.

As for Cherokee, march tempo is mm120 and is the standard tempo after asking around. If it was played much faster during the marching I then Indian Spirit, Twirlers, and Indianettes would have a hard time doing all their stuff.


Active Member
squaw said:
True Blue??? I've been to all the games since 1969. Can you say the same? All I want to say is that I'm tired of you and others using my name and attributing things to me that I did NOT say! I have always supported the band 100%. I, and others, just want our fight song played like a fight song and we want EVERYONE to be able to hear it. What's wrong with that? As for UIL competition, I also support the band. I just would prefer to see different programs instead of the same program ten times. I am NOT a negative person, just want people to be informed. Aren't I the one who said concession monies, after expenses, should go to the students? Do you have a problem with that? I DO have a right to state my opinion also and I don't want it misconstrued.

I can tell you this Squaw, I was in the band in 1983, the last year that we did more than one show all year long. We went to state after performing our contest show 3 or 4 games, the first 6 or 7 we did different shows. The reason we had to begin doing "one" show for the season was because the UIL changed the contest schedule. In 1983, Region Marching Contest was held after the last football game, and then if you received 3 first division ratings and were selected by the judges to go to state, you advanced to State. We did that in 1983.

In 1984, the UIL added a second level, you had District, Regional, then State. By doing this they had to move the contest schedule up by several weeks. Having more contests to potentially compete in, and fewer weeks to perfect a show, it became necessary to work on "one" show for competition. We worked on "one" show in 1984 and the band has done this ever since.

Squaw, this is nothing new. This is now “Tradition”, do one show and learn to do it perfectly so you can compete in the contests, and advance beyond District.

Our Band is known for its excellent showmanship, and ability.

Our Band program is GREAT because of the hard work and dedication of the band members!!

Keep up the good work Purple Pride!!


2,000+ Posts
My 2cents,

I think its time to lay off of Squaw, she is a die hard Indian Fan and not a fair weather fan like most. She lives and breathes purple and white. Do I always agree with what she says?? No I don't, me and her have bashed on this site many times over the years. But one thing I you can't question is her loyality to PNG.

My kids are out of school but were in the band and on the football team. Like my name Justafan, I am a fan of everything PNG from football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, band, etc........ And I have to say Squaw is the same and wants whats best for PNG and these kids.

Band parents, you all have to agree Cherokee needs to be faster. I know the band has strunk in size the past several years but there options they can work on to make it louder and faster. I have all the respect in the world for Mr. Wells and the band kids. I attend every PNG game and I watch every halftime performance at every game and there is no better band out there than ours.


Active Member
I apologize for posting my last post "To Squaw".

That message is for everyone wondering why the band only does one show a year.

Things can get heated on these boards like a debate. That was not my intent.

Squaw, please accept my apology. I know you are a "bleed purple" fan like I am.


Staff member
Pataflafla said:
Wow, BandKid! You have a lot of great things to say, but some of your info isn't correct. Mr. Moore was a volunteer and had no previous percussion teaching experience when he was "working" with the percussion. He wasn't even going for a music or teaching degree in college. Mr. Ramos hired Mrs. Wells to be the band director at GMS and began using her as the district percussion instructor as well in '06. She is a certified teacher and has a long resume teaching percussion. She also writes some of the music for the percussion. She now works contract if I'm not mistaken.

As for Cherokee, march tempo is mm120 and is the standard tempo after asking around. If it was played much faster during the marching I then Indian Spirit, Twirlers, and Indianettes would have a hard time doing all their stuff.

If that's the case, then I apologize. I knew that Mrs. Wells had taken over the GMS band for the '06-'07 school year, but I didn't know her contract included directing percussion at the high school level and I was under the impression that Mr. Moore received some compensation for his work.

Justafan said:
My 2cents,

I think its time to lay off of Squaw, she is a die hard Indian Fan and not a fair weather fan like most. She lives and breathes purple and white. Do I always agree with what she says?? No I don't, me and her have bashed on this site many times over the years. But one thing I you can't question is her loyality to PNG.

My kids are out of school but were in the band and on the football team. Like my name Justafan, I am a fan of everything PNG from football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, band, etc........ And I have to say Squaw is the same and wants whats best for PNG and these kids.

Band parents, you all have to agree Cherokee needs to be faster. I know the band has strunk in size the past several years but there options they can work on to make it louder and faster. I have all the respect in the world for Mr. Wells and the band kids. I attend every PNG game and I watch every halftime performance at every game and there is no better band out there than ours.

squaw needs to to lay off some herself. Everyone knows that she is a die-hard Indian fan and noone has a problem with that. The problem here is her open negativity and, in some cases, downright mean-spiritedness. Sure, Cherokee needs to be faster and louder, and we're working on that, just as was mentioned in some other posts, but squaw has made some openly aggressive and negative posts rather than posting her concerns and offering suggestions in a positive manner as so many others have. squaw has brought her current situation on herself.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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