Vote on Your Favorite Tempo for Cherokee

What is your preferred tempo for Cherokee after 1st downs and touchdowns?

  • 1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm.

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • 1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • 2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters


Staff member
The pop tunes are Ain't No Other Man and Soul Finger, the band may be ready to play War Chant and Geronimo's Fury, and we may be adding the second of Fire & Ice to the marching show (if it isn't here this week, it probably will be next week). We've also changed up the drill for the third movement (the one we played Friday).


1,000+ Posts
Thanks to all those fans who have open minds and really pay attention to what I have posted. Others did not see where I said the band began Cherokee loud and nice at the last game then played it low and slow the rest of the time. They are looking through past posts for something negative and they have no idea what context it was posted in. Yes, I AND others were upset not to see cheerleaders at basketball game because we feel that ALL sports should be supported. I suppose those "others" think that is wrong and the only activity to be supported is band. Well, sorry, but I will continue to support the band, the athletic players in all sports, the teachers and everything PNG. As a past teacher, both public schools and college-level, I know how hard all these people work to achieve their goals. YOU made it personal, not me. I believe you have a right to your opinions, as do I! We don't have to agree, but we do have to be civil. The saddest thing is that you don't even know me personally.


Staff member
squaw said:
Thanks to all those fans who have open minds and really pay attention to what I have posted. Others did not see where I said the band began Cherokee loud and nice at the last game then played it low and slow the rest of the time. They are looking through past posts for something negative and they have no idea what context it was posted in. Yes, I AND others were upset not to see cheerleaders at basketball game because we feel that ALL sports should be supported. I suppose those "others" think that is wrong and the only activity to be supported is band. Well, sorry, but I will continue to support the band, the athletic players in all sports, the teachers and everything PNG. As a past teacher, both public schools and college-level, I know how hard all these people work to achieve their goals. YOU made it personal, not me. I believe you have a right to your opinions, as do I! We don't have to agree, but we do have to be civil. The saddest thing is that you don't even know me personally.

I thought we had decided to move beyond all this?


I have a suggestion after talking to past band members and twirlers - who by the way, feel that Cherokee is slower and volumer is lower and the routines can be done at a faster tempo, because they did it. We as fans can't stand for Cherokee if we can't hear it, much less clap to it.

Let's try this...When it is time to play Cherokee, stand up and take two half steps to the left so the volume can be projected towards the fans..the isles are wider now and there is no reason this cannot be done. This will solve the volume problem in my opinion.

I can't prove it, but I am almost positive the other bands are instructed to play a song, any song, everytime we play Cherokee and that projects across the field contributing to the fact that we can't hear our beloved lets try the two half steps to the left...


100+ Posts
here's another idea.....what if they put a microphone where the drum majors stand so that everytime we play Cherokee, so it is blasted from the scoreboard speakers? Then everyone will hear it loud and clear!!! OR if that interfere's with the announcer, just turn the microphone on for the short version...something, anything...


Staff member
NDN X said:
here's another idea.....what if they put a microphone where the drum majors stand so that everytime we play Cherokee, so it is blasted from the scoreboard speakers? Then everyone will hear it loud and clear!!! OR if that interfere's with the announcer, just turn the microphone on for the short version...something, anything...

My view on that is that there's too much potential for feedback, something that would be very bad considering the volume of our new scoreboard.


100+ Posts
Well, can you please check into the band just turning in 1/2 a step towards the scoreboard? The players could still hear it and so would we all. (?) Just an idea...


NDN X said:
Well, can you please check into the band just turning in 1/2 a step towards the scoreboard? The players could still hear it and so would we all. (?) Just an idea...

Great minds think alike, especially when they are part of the same family, huh cuz!!! You will notice I gave you credit...


Staff member
Make that several minds. We mentioned that a few weeks ago. ;D

Some schools use their bands as strategic weapons. I've seen directors pointing the band at the line of scrimmage and timing play to start when the opposing offense lines up on the line of scrimmage. And having the band entirely turn to play into the stands a couple of times a game to fire up the crowd.


100+ Posts
NDNS81 said:
NDN X said:
Well, can you please check into the band just turning in 1/2 a step towards the scoreboard? The players could still hear it and so would we all. (?) Just an idea...

Great minds think alike, especially when they are part of the same family, huh cuz!!! You will notice I gave you credit...

I did, thanks...hope to see you in those same seats again soon...


IndianFan said:
Make that several minds. We mentioned that a few weeks ago. ;D

Some schools use their bands as strategic weapons. I've seen directors pointing the band at the line of scrimmage and timing play to start when the opposing offense lines up on the line of scrimmage. And having the band entirely turn to play into the stands a couple of times a game to fire up the crowd.
I guess I missed it...but that is funny!!! I guess we ARE all great minds!!! Or related? LOL ;D


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Not to be fuddy-duddy here, but UIL rules prohibit bands doing that very thing. The bandmembers are included in the "persons subject to the rules" and cannot use their horns to interfere with the game (e.g. make noise with horns to make it difficult for players to hear the snap count).

It is up to the opposing coach to notify the officials that he considers it a problem and then it can be halted. I believe MB actually did this to Central a few years ago.

If you notice during NCAA games, the band will play all the way up until the huddle breaks, then stops.

Fans (or anyone in the stands) can yell as loud as they want though.


Active Member
I have seen some ideas about the lack of volume on Cherokee, and one was that without the end zone seats, the sound gets lost. That go me to thinking.

Our band swings their horns when playing Cherokee. The thought is by swinging half one way, and half the other way, the volume is not effected.

However, the reason Cherokee used to be heard louder was because the Band played it loud, and straight across the field into the opponents stands, then the sound bounced back and could be heard by the home side. When the band swings their horns, the sound goes off it two directions with NOTHING to have it bounce back off of and be re-directed to the home side.

I did hear a few notes bounce back off the new building being built behind the field house.

I know the kids may not want to stop swinging their horns, but THAT will make a difference in the volume heard on the home side, especially sec D, E, & F.
Turning slightly towards the scoreboard will help too, if you play it without swinging the horns.

Band Kid...perhaps you could mention this and try it.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
There are some great ideas out here for increasing the volume of Cherokee. Just one thought from me though - and not intended to offend anyone!

Bandkid, you are a student. I know Mr. Wells is a super guy and gives consideration to what the students and parents say. I also know that the opinion of the fans carry weight with him as well.

Why don't we email the band director instead of going through bandkid? It might be more appropriate hearing it from us instead of from a student. We all want it to be louder!



Now we are cookin together...Should we all send an email or designate one person to email him and let him know that this one BIG email from several fans?


500+ Posts
I think it was addressed, but there have been several great ideas posted on how to possibly improve things and I think it's time to send these ideas to Mr. Wells, I know he is open to any suggestions.

I think one email with all the ideas/suggestions/concerns listed would be sufficient.


Active Member
Mr. Wells is always up for community emails and comments. I think that is a great idea. But I think you should email as individuals. I have emailed Mr. Wells more than once and he has always responded. One big email will just look like a petition which might not go over so well. Kill him with kindness if you want anything to change.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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