Will the 12th. Indian play 4 quarters in the Brenham game?


100+ Posts
What will it take to keep the fans cheering for 4 quarters? I have always said that you've gotta want it to win it. I think the coaches and team want it. So fans how bad do you want it? Are you willing to cheer for 4 quarters? Lets hear what you have to say and see if you can support what you say at the game.


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Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

I agree, please don't put us on par with the Aggies !!!!!!!!


100+ Posts
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

afndn said:
12th Indian? We aren't Aggies. Come on.

You're absolutely right, but the Aggies believe in the 12th. man and it works for them. The Aggies and the Longhorns have a great fan base. Their fans stand and cheer the whole game.

No disrespect to you but I would like to get the fans pumped up and in the game this week. I have watched a lot of NDN football over the years. PNG fans will show up in record numbers. They always have and always will. I have seen times when the fans got into the game and it made a difference. Make no mistake about it, Brenham will bring their fans and their A game Friday night. I think our awesome Indian fans cheering for 4 quarters can make a difference. I want to see if our fans are up for the challenge. Are you?


Staff member
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

Your point is understood PNGROW4650YRDLN and well taken.

A&M calls it 12th man. Maybe we need to invent a similar phrase for Indian fans.


Active Member
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

I'm all for cheering loudly when appropriate, but I won't participate in anything that resembles Aggy. We will end up getting beat 65-10 like they did tonight.
And for the record, I'm a Horns fan and wouldn't want to copy anything from there either. I'm for being original.

"It only takes 11"


100+ Posts
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

afndn said:
I'm all for cheering loudly when appropriate, but I won't participate in anything that resembles Aggy. We will end up getting beat 65-10 like they did tonight.
And for the record, I'm a Horns fan and wouldn't want to copy anything from there either. I'm for being original.

"It only takes 11"
I assumed you were a Longhorns fan by your name. Seriously, it's not about copying anybody. Not Longhorns or Aggies.

At the Barbers Hill game the fans waited until late in the 3rd. quarter to get in the game.
Friday night will be a very competitive game. It's about 100 percent total fan support for 4 quarters. I truly think that gives the team additional incentive. Not only that, when the fans are loud, the other team can't hear as well. Brenham has a tradition of excelling in sports and their fans are accustomed to winning. So our fans need to get in the game from the beginning.

You are right that it only takes 11, but that's on the field. As for appropriate, the game is 4 quarters. The coaches coach for 4 quarters. The team plays for 4 quarters. Therefore I believe it would then be considered appropriate to cheer for 4 quarters.

This is the playoffs. I feel the excitement and anticipation for this game this week. I think our team deserves our fans cheering from the beginning.


500+ Posts
I think our fans understand the importance of showing up to the game and cheering their team on. The fans did a great job Friday night at the BH game. They will do a great job again this Friday at Aldine stadium against Brenham. Your excitement is understandable, but don't underestimate the excitement that the rest of the PN-G FAITHFUL FANS have too. Our fans will show up LOUD--PURPLE--AND PROUD this Friday!! Don't worry about us, save that for Brenham!!


1,000+ Posts
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

IndianFan said:
Your point is understood PNGROW4650YRDLN and well taken.

A&M calls it 12th man. Maybe we need to invent a similar phrase for Indian fans.
I call it "the Purple High". We've had it for years and are glad to see others get it. It sustained up during the not-so-good years while we waited for the High to return. Once you get this High, you are hooked for life. Its amazing to see.


Staff member
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

squaw said:
IndianFan said:
Your point is understood PNGROW4650YRDLN and well taken.

A&M calls it 12th man. Maybe we need to invent a similar phrase for Indian fans.
I call it "the Purple High". We've had it for years and are glad to see others get it. It sustained up during the not-so-good years while we waited for the High to return. Once you get this High, you are hooked for life. Its amazing to see.

Port Neches-Groves alumni don't need to catch a high. That's for transplants and friends from other towns who discover INDIAN SPIRIT later in life. Alumni were raised on it from day 1 in school and most never lose it. :thumbsup:


Active Member
Pass out Large Margaritas to all fans in line before the game. Keep passing out Margaritas until gates open. This will guarantee that fans will be in the proper "mood" for the game.

Truly, it's all about a certain "fan recipe". The crowd in Baytown was more like a Home Crowd. Nobody got up unless it was needed. I think the fans went in not really excited because it felt like a win before we even showed up. The more threatened the fans feel, the more intense they will be. As the crowds grow larger, they will be louder.
The true away games are always more fun because the fans that travel as far as Livingston are the ones who are going to scream their heads off.
I think we will see a rabid crowd this Friday at Aldine. Hopefully it won't be too chilly.


500+ Posts
afndn said:
Pass out Large Margaritas to all fans in line before the game. Keep passing out Margaritas until gates open. This will guarantee that fans will be in the proper "mood" for the game.

Truly, it's all about a certain "fan recipe". The crowd in Baytown was more like a Home Crowd. Nobody got up unless it was needed. I think the fans went in not really excited because it felt like a win before we even showed up. The more threatened the fans feel, the more intense they will be. As the crowds grow larger, they will be louder.
The true away games are always more fun because the fans that travel as far as Livingston are the ones who are going to scream their heads off.
I think we will see a rabid crowd this Friday at Aldine. Hopefully it won't be too chilly.

I sure hope so.


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
I think our fans understand the importance of showing up to the game and cheering their team on. The fans did a great job Friday night at the BH game. They will do a great job again this Friday at Aldine stadium against Brenham. Your excitement is understandable, but don't underestimate the excitement that the rest of the PN-G FAITHFUL FANS have too. Our fans will show up LOUD--PURPLE--AND PROUD this Friday!! Don't worry about us, save that for Brenham!!

I don't know what game you were at if you thought our fans "did great". The fans around us sat for the majority of the times. The boys were giving it there all and then they would turn to the crowd and raise there hands for some noise and still some of them just sat there like bumps on a log. Those boys need for US fans to cheer them on weather they are doing good or not so good. Fan support is very important to ALL of those boys.

We had friends with us from Nederland who were shocked that our fans were sitting so much. She said that that is what the fans did at the Nederland games. My friends made me proud they came and supported our boys and were happy that we won. It was just sad that they noticed how our fans sit and don't cheer on those boys as much as we should.


Active Member
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

IndianFan said:
squaw said:
IndianFan said:
Your point is understood PNGROW4650YRDLN and well taken.

A&M calls it 12th man. Maybe we need to invent a similar phrase for Indian fans.
I call it "the Purple High". We've had it for years and are glad to see others get it. It sustained up during the not-so-good years while we waited for the High to return. Once you get this High, you are hooked for life. Its amazing to see.

Port Neches-Groves alumni don't need to catch a high. That's for transplants and friends from other towns who discover INDIAN SPIRIT later in life. Alumni were raised on it from day 1 in school and most never lose it. :thumbsup:
:huh:Okay so... Coach BF is a transplant also? He doesn't have the same will and spirit the so called "alumni" have? You see how ridiculous that statement was...
My wife is from one state and I'm from another we happen to make this place our home. I go to the games to cheer :woot: my heart out for my son and his team.
PNGROW4650YRDLN ....I understood your post. At the BH game the alumni we had a great crowd but the cheering was substandard at best and we can do a better job. That's all PNGROW was saying...


1,000+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
NDN79 said:
I think our fans understand the importance of showing up to the game and cheering their team on. The fans did a great job Friday night at the BH game. They will do a great job again this Friday at Aldine stadium against Brenham. Your excitement is understandable, but don't underestimate the excitement that the rest of the PN-G FAITHFUL FANS have too. Our fans will show up LOUD--PURPLE--AND PROUD this Friday!! Don't worry about us, save that for Brenham!!

I don't know what game you were at if you thought our fans "did great". The fans around us sat for the majority of the times. The boys were giving it there all and then they would turn to the crowd and raise there hands for some noise and still some of them just sat there like bumps on a log. Those boys need for US fans to cheer them on weather they are doing good or not so good. Fan support is very important to ALL of those boys.

We had friends with us from Nederland who were shocked that our fans were sitting so much. She said that that is what the fans did at the Nederland games. My friends made me proud they came and supported our boys and were happy that we won. It was just sad that they noticed how our fans sit and don't cheer on those boys as much as we should.

Without trying to ruffle anyone’s feathers..... I have to agree with Cheermom4.

We were at the game Friday night too and were a little surprised of the number of people who didn't stand for Cherokee and or did not involve themselves during critical plays or when the defense needed to step it up. We were sitting on the 35 yard (closest to the band) so there was no issue with hearing Cherokee.

Hopefully as the boy’s progress through the playoffs....everyone will "catch the spirit".



Staff member
Re: Will the 12th. Indian play the whole game?

sddmbr said:
IndianFan said:
squaw said:
IndianFan said:
Your point is understood PNGROW4650YRDLN and well taken.

A&M calls it 12th man. Maybe we need to invent a similar phrase for Indian fans.
I call it "the Purple High". We've had it for years and are glad to see others get it. It sustained up during the not-so-good years while we waited for the High to return. Once you get this High, you are hooked for life. Its amazing to see.

Port Neches-Groves alumni don't need to catch a high. That's for transplants and friends from other towns who discover INDIAN SPIRIT later in life. Alumni were raised on it from day 1 in school and most never lose it. :thumbsup:
:huh:Okay so... Coach BF is a transplant also? He doesn't have the same will and spirit the so called "alumni" have? You see how ridiculous that statement was...
My wife is from one state and I'm from another we happen to make this place our home. I go to the games to cheer :woot: my heart out for my son and his team.
PNGROW4650YRDLN ....I understood your post. At the BH game the alumni we had a great crowd but the cheering was substandard at best and we can do a better job. That's all PNGROW was saying...

Relax... You misinterpreted the point. Whatever the label someone chooses to put on it, there is no shortage of spirit, it's contagious, and it's available to all. Some discover it later in life. Some discover it after attending a playoff game with friends. With some it's instilled form the beginning and there's nothing to catch. You are the perfect example that it's all good regardless of the source.

All I know is that it's something greater than the normal 'school spirit' and is a force to be reckoned with. Thus the comparison to A&M's 12th man which is much more than fans making noise at games.


500+ Posts
I state again--our fans were great friday night at the BH game. If that's not good enough for some of you--well sorry, you will just have to deal with it. I don't think that we should ever be critical of our crowd/fans, especially after they travel from home and fight rush-hour traffic, and then wait in long lines to get in the parking lot. Maybe some of our great fans like to clap and holler while sitting down. I think we have the best fans in the state and they do a great job of supporting the team, it might not be as much as you like, but it is still a great job.


Staff member
It's not realistic to think that every person is going to cheer the same way. Some have less energy, some are less demonstrative by nature, etc. But all paid for their tickets, made the drive, and are part of the crowd presence. Speaking of A&M fans, they have this same topic of discussion and they're recognized as the loudest home crowd in the nation.


100+ Posts
NDN79 said:
I state again--our fans were great friday night at the BH game. If that's not good enough for some of you--well sorry, you will just have to deal with it. I don't think that we should ever be critical of our crowd/fans, especially after they travel from home and fight rush-hour traffic, and then wait in long lines to get in the parking lot. Maybe some of our great fans like to clap and holler while sitting down. I think we have the best fans in the state and they do a great job of supporting the team, it might not be as much as you like, but it is still a great job.
I think our fans got too accustomed to sitting with their hands in their laps a little too much last year. I don't know where you were sitting for the BH game, but from where I was sitting (at the top), I saw the players raising their hands begging for fan support. Anytime our players have to do that, the fans are being vocally substandard whether in their seats or on their feet.

There was young lady from Nederland who attended the Lumberton game with her PNG boyfriend. At that game she somewhat reserved. At the BH she and her boyfriend ran to the top to secure their seats and knew us old ladies would be soon to follow. That young lady stood with us the entire game, with megaphone and clappers in hand and probably had a difficult time speaking Saturday morning. I don't know the boyfriend, but I'd say she's a keeper.

As for what cheermom4 said about the folks from Nederland that were with her, it was a player's parents. I can tell you that Nederland mom was standing and cheering as if her son was on the field and actually he was sitting just down the row and played in Saturday's game.

My daughter is dating a young man who graduated from West Orange. The first game (Nederland game), he was kind of quiet. The second game more vocal. The last two games, he stands like the rest of us. He sends me text messages during the week like what time do we need to leave for the game, do we have the tickets, etc. I think he's a keeper and by the time we are done with this season, he will have a classic case of the PURPLE HIGH previously referred to.

Some seem to take offense at the idea of my referring to the fans as the 12th. Indian. The administrator said previously that we might want to call it something else. So I think I will now refer to the fans as the INDIAN NATION. When native Indians prepared for battle, they danced in tribal tradition, sang, and chanted sometimes for days. They never tired in their preparation. When they were about to enter battle, they really hollered as they met their enemy.

If you need to drink a margarita to get you over the drive, parking lot wait, or long line, you're on your own for that one. We do have the best fans in the state. That's why so many people envy us. Not because we are in the playoffs every year, but for our fan base. I will just say this, we are in the playoffs fans and it's been a while since we had a team that would compare to this one. The INDIAN NATION needs to show up in full prideful force Friday night. The PURPLE HIGH needs to be evident to Brenham players and their fans nonstop for 4 quarters. So let's see if you are up for the challenge fans.

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
I sat in the lower section of the stadium and the fans around me were very vocal and on their feet alot of the game. As for the players begging for fan support, the boys always raise their hands for more cheering. I had very little voice on Saturday and I hope that continues!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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