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  1. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    So how do you applaud or smite one's posting, I see no way of doing that, am I missing some buttons on my screen or what? Thanks Geaux NDNS
  2. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Can anyone explain what this "Karma" is by my screen name, I noticed it changed from 1 to 2? :huh: Thanks
  3. 1

    I saw a fight in the stands tonight

    Don't tell me that Rocky was playing over the PA system :band:
  4. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Ms Squaw.....I would never refer to you as an old geezer :-*.
  5. 1

    Stadium Music

    If the flag was not flown in the 10.2 million dollar stadium, the person responsible should be fired. As for the music, if the other thread is correct in which they witnessed a fight, maybe the theme for Rocky should be played. My gosh what is this world coming to, where are the values that we...
  6. 1

    I saw a fight in the stands tonight

    Jack Daniels throwing down on Jim Beam.
  7. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Mom's have every right to add their thoughts to this board, if it was not for the moms there would not be any players, cheerleaders, band members, NDNettes etc and etc. Moms keep it up, I hope my wife sees this post!!! As for the coaches enjoying themseleves after the game, more power to them...
  8. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    PNG football never utilizes the TE, we have thrown at the TE this year twice that I can recall, so that is like two years worth. We threw at the TE friday night 1 time for 8 yards. It should have been every time they put 8 in the box, pop him and let him run to whenever.
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    Stadium Music

  10. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Hey IndianFan are you Chuck Harder, just kidding!!
  11. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    I have told this to their faces, but they just don't get it, I really don't care if they know who I am. I fully understand where everyone on here is coming from, the deplorable conditions in which our schools are in. But, yet we spend 10 million plus on a football field, how stupid can po...
  12. 1

    Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions & LIVE UPDATES

    Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions I must disagree with the comment regarding the defense, our defense this year has not played up to previous years. An example of that is last night, our defense was on the filed for what 35 minutes and almost the entire 3rd quarter...
  13. 1

    I saw a fight in the stands tonight

    They were just trying to fire :machinegun: up the team, it was all an act MB paid those two guys.
  14. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Re: PNG vs. Lumberton Game Updates NDN FAN......What are you saying, yes the voters run the city and the ISD if we so elect to do so. The last time I checked even PN and PNGISD is a democracy and we elect city council, mayor, and the school board. It just seems that everyone in PN is happy...
  15. 1

    Coach B.

    I think he is trying to say unload him, send him packing, fire him, would that be correct?
  16. 1

    PNG vs. Lumberton

    Re: PNG vs. Lumberton Game Updates There was a post by PNCOACH last week under the Vidor game about playing more kids and what would happen if they would perform well, and really no support. As for a new school board, it is way past time for that, but the good old boy network continues to...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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