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  1. W

    NEXT GAME: PNG (12-1) vs Huntsville Hornets (8-5)

    I’m thinking Conroe, Galena Park or even Sheldon ISD stadiums could work.
  2. W


    I agree about Blair. He is an absolute beast! What I would like to see Blair,Issiah, AND Sean in the same backfield with Connor. Sean gives us the threat of running or doing a RB option pass. No team could stop that backfield.
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    #3 PN-G vs #1 Montgomery Lake Creek

    Let's Get It On!
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    "It Was The Best of Times,It Was The Worst Of Times."

    It was the "Tale of Two Games" last night. Our guys could do no wrong for the first half( except battling with some of the officials questionable calls.) and Creek looked puzzled on how to stop us. Then the second half started and roles were reversed. Creek was making all kind of plays and our...
  5. W

    To any of the players that read posts here...

    In speaking for the rest of the members on this board, we want to wish you good luck Thursday night against a tough Summer Creek team. You've defeated two regular season ranked teams already. We know you can make it three for three! We, as fans, have noticed a change in the heart of the team...
  6. W

    PNG vs Summer Creek

    I agree,just. I think most of our penalties came from our kids getting caught up in the WOS trash talk. WOS got "into our kids heads" and the tactic almost worked! I'm kinda concerned about Brant's two fumbles but hopefully those were from WOS trying to tackle the ball. Ky's two int's were...
  7. W

    We're hobbling but we're still standing!

    By "hobbling" I meant we shot both our feet last night with the 4 turnovers(2 fumbles and 2 int's). We didn't play mistake free football like we should have but we still got the job done. Coming away with a win with that many turnovers against a team like WO-S speaks volumes about our new found...
  8. W


    I totally agree...the right ATTITUDE will ALWAYS make one successful! I'm seeing this as well with this team. But one game does not a season make. Will this group still have the same attitude if things don't go their way on the field in the upcoming weeks? I'll be watching closely to see. "Life...
  9. W

    PNG vs WOS

    I'm thinking this game will be much closer than the Silsbee affair. Cornell's eyes have been opened and he'll have the 'Stangs ready. I'm concerned about WO-S's team speed. Jeremiah will not have the field day he had against the Silsbee secondary. I look for WO-S to double team Rose and put...
  10. W

    We may have something here....

    After having totally destroyed a ranked team last night, I'm thinking this team will make us forget about 2-8. Nothing but kudos to everyone that played last night. Can't really find any major faults with the play on either side. The team pretty much played perfect ball. The only thing I'm...
  11. W

    PNG vs Silsbee Predictions

    You guys are forgetting...coaches aren't going to play their first string an entire scrimmage. They want to look more at the back ups. Don't put too much stock in predicting the first game of the season on scrimmages. I'm thinking it will be a nip and tuck affair with Silsbee again. PNG 28...
  12. W

    From what I saw the past two scrimmages....

    Before I saw the H-F and Texas City scrimmages, I didn't think we were going to give anyone any problems on the field this year. But seeing the kids the past two weeks has me amped up! Granted you can't really gauge how successful a team can be by scrimmages but you can get a peek at over all...
  13. W

    2013 Baseball

    One has to wonder what will the kid(s) who made this video do if they make it to the college, minor or major league ranks. You can bet the coaches/managers there can deliver some third degree burns to the ears as well. And if I'm a jr. college or any type of higher education baseball coach, I'd...
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    "Indian March"

    Y'all may laugh at this but here goes. Why not use bagpipes also? Lamar's football team used it last year and it pumped up the fans and players. The players would walk across the highway bridge led by bagpipes. you know any other high school football team in Texas that would be led out...
  15. W

    My take on the Game. Summer Creek.

    I'm not gonna predict a final record for us because the kids read what we post here. I will say that it's going to be a struggle for us in district play unless things drastically change between now and district. I'm encouraged with the play of Medina and Walker from last night. Now if we can get...
  16. W

    Walker should be "The Man"

    I think Ky is better suited to drive our offense. A.J. had his chances but Ky throws with more authority and the offense seems more energized with him on the field. The only thing that worries me is his size. He's gonna have to throw around rushing linemen. A.J., because of his size, would be a...
  17. W

    Funky Cold Medina!

    FINALLY someone steps up to rescue the running game. That would be Diego Medina. Has good size, good speed and is not afraid to lower a shoulder into a defender. Now, BF can alternate between Womack and Medina. :clap:
  18. W

    Check Out SC QB on YouTube....

    Go to YouTube and search for Summer Creek Football. Aaron Sharp is African-American and he STARTED as a FRESHMAN on varisty. He's a junior this season so he has run the SC offense for three years already. It looks like they run the same spread that we do.
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    Some Summer Creek Info.....

    Some Summer Creek Bulldog personnel.... WR Dequan Ruffin...4.6 speed LB Dakota Allen...6-1, 220lbs, 4.7 RB Jordan Braden...5-10, 175, 4.5 LB Mark Domio...6-0, 215, 4.7 and the "Big Dawg"....Junior Aaron Sharp(6-3, 175, 4.6). Last season....completed 152 passes out of 229(that's a 66%...
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    PN-G vs WO-S: Official Game Thread

    Just as I thought. I was concerned about WOS' speed in an earlier post and my fears were confirmed. Not playing A.J. enough last year is biting BF in the ass this year. A.J.'s having to learn on the fly just like last year's QB. Now I see in the paper that Smith and Walker will share time...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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