

100+ Posts
hpt2012 said:
Automo 65 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians
hpt...FYI, Coach Faircloth did meet with the seniors as well as the entire team for the first 3 days the week after the season was over. He sent several to basketball, several to baseball, and others not playing another sport are in a study hall class for now. This coaching staff has handled this group very professionally...you need to get your facts straight before you get on a message board and make false accusations!

Automo65, First of, I don't make accusation like you claim, My nephew played varsity the last two years. Second he is currently playing varsity basketball, And NO he has yet to meet with Coach Cloth individually like you claim they have and that goes for the other football seniors playing basketball with him, I think you need to get your facts straight my friend, before you start accusing folks.
I’m genuinely curious if there are actually players that are upset about not being talked to by a coach............Really???


Active Member
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.


1,000+ Posts
hookem14 said:
hpt2012 said:
Automo 65 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians
hpt...FYI, Coach Faircloth did meet with the seniors as well as the entire team for the first 3 days the week after the season was over. He sent several to basketball, several to baseball, and others not playing another sport are in a study hall class for now. This coaching staff has handled this group very professionally...you need to get your facts straight before you get on a message board and make false accusations!

Automo65, First of, I don't make accusation like you claim, My nephew played varsity the last two years. Second he is currently playing varsity basketball, And NO he has yet to meet with Coach Cloth individually like you claim they have and that goes for the other football seniors playing basketball with him, I think you need to get your facts straight my friend, before you start accusing folks.
I’m genuinely curious if there are actually players that are upset about not being talked to by a coach............Really???
December 76 coach Troy was the only one to talk to us. Doug never acknowledged us and Richey was in our class too. We always refered to us as "has beens" and enjoyed the low key spring of our senior year.


100+ Posts
bark said:
hookem14 said:
hpt2012 said:
Automo 65 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians
hpt...FYI, Coach Faircloth did meet with the seniors as well as the entire team for the first 3 days the week after the season was over. He sent several to basketball, several to baseball, and others not playing another sport are in a study hall class for now. This coaching staff has handled this group very professionally...you need to get your facts straight before you get on a message board and make false accusations!

Automo65, First of, I don't make accusation like you claim, My nephew played varsity the last two years. Second he is currently playing varsity basketball, And NO he has yet to meet with Coach Cloth individually like you claim they have and that goes for the other football seniors playing basketball with him, I think you need to get your facts straight my friend, before you start accusing folks.
I’m genuinely curious if there are actually players that are upset about not being talked to by a coach............Really???
December 76 coach Troy was the only one to talk to us. Doug never acknowledged us and Richey was in our class too. We always refered to us as "has beens" and enjoyed the low key spring of our senior year.

+1 , Lets leave this crap alone and look ahead. Who cares if coach talked to the boys. This thread is about 2013 and the Freshmen through Juniors who will represent this team next yr.


Staff member
hpt2012 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.

You sound like a bitter parent who's angry that your kid didn't play.


Active Member
IndianFan said:
hpt2012 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.

You sound like a bitter parent who's angry that your kid didn't play.

For your info MORON, I don't have any boys, So why don't you ask for before you judge. Make you look stupid. By chance you wouldn't happen to be a varsity football coach ?


100+ Posts
hpt2012 said:
IndianFan said:
hpt2012 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.

You sound like a bitter parent who's angry that your kid didn't play.

For your info MORON, I don't have any boys, So why don't you ask for before you judge. Make you look stupid. By chance you wouldn't happen to be a varsity football coach ?
He just said you sounded like a bitter parent, and to be honest, you did.........No disrespect, but if there are players upset that they did not get "Talked To", then maybe there should be some sensitivity training going on within the athletic department! That's pathetic. My boys aren't even in High School yet and they would not stress over something so minor!


Active Member
hookem14 said:
hpt2012 said:
IndianFan said:
hpt2012 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.

You sound like a bitter parent who's angry that your kid didn't play.

For your info MORON, I don't have any boys, So why don't you ask for before you judge. Make you look stupid. By chance you wouldn't happen to be a varsity football coach ?
He just said you sounded like a bitter parent, and to be honest, you did.........No disrespect, but if there are players upset that they did not get "Talked To", then maybe there should be some sensitivity training going on within the athletic department! That's pathetic. My boys aren't even in High School yet and they would not stress over something so minor!

Not a bitter parent here Hookem14, But I know where your coming from. I don't have any kiddos in PNG, All of mine are old and grumpy and they went to school in the Austin area, I think the "not getting talk to by the coach" got taken out of content, There was a post where someone had said that all the football team meet with coach BF, All I said that it wasn't true. I have a nephew that played varsity the last two years, No issue, Some senior players, and I said some, really didn't care for coach BF whither he meet with them our not, Like the old saying "no lost love here". But that's there personal issue with him. Indian Nation just keeps moving forward for 2013. Some one said that this thread was about 2013, And yes I agree. So here my two cents on 2013. This is going to be a development years as well, But with better results to our overall record. I would like to see Adam Morse commanding our offense as the starting QB, No disrespect to Ky, he did better than AJ before he got injured. But size seems to be of importants nowadays. Peace


Staff member
hpt2012 said:
IndianFan said:
hpt2012 said:
hpt2012 said:
When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that "crappy" or "plain sorry and UN-Indian" or do we just throw rocks at Faircloth? While we're playing the what if game, let's take out last season and what is his record? To me, last season was the anomally, not his first season. Y'all keep this crap up and he will leave for greener pastures and he will be successful wherever he goes. I guess that will make a segment of this community happy when they have one of their good ol boys back as the Head Coach, no matter what his record is.

Ndndrocks44, Sorry to here that Burnett through the seniors out as well. I hope you forgave him, that's crappy as well. But you cannot compare Burnett with Faircloth, And Burnett is not our issue here, The issue is our current head Coach. All i am saying is that he should've at least meet with his seniors, like he has the previous years. that's what a first class coach suppose to do. And if he decides to leave, Well it's not because there is a division of supporters, it's just that he had a better monetary offers, that is what we strive in life to better ourselves and our family. And if he leaves, not that we want him to, He will get replace with another quality coach, just like we did when he was hired. Trust me there is no shortage of top coaches in the state that would like to be part of the PNG coaching tradition. So no worries here. Go Indians

Says you and the Burnett loyalist.


IBLEEDPURPLE, FYI, No I am not a Burnett Loyalsit, Heck I am a outsider, so IDK who he is, other than he had a long tenure coaching career here in PNG just like Nederland's Neumann. So please remove me from the Burnett list. I have never seen some much bickering in regards to Burnett vs Faircloth. IMO I don't care who are coaches are our will be in the future, But once they settle in the comfort zone, They all will have some good old boys on there side. That's just the way it's always been.

You sound like a bitter parent who's angry that your kid didn't play.

For your info MORON, I don't have any boys, So why don't you ask for before you judge. Make you look stupid. By chance you wouldn't happen to be a varsity football coach ?

Maybe I am. Why the bitterness against varsity football coaches?
BTW, what do you do when someone does 'judge' you, like calling you a moron? Become completely unhinged?

Isn't offseason fun folks? ;D


Staff member
Maybe I'm a varsity coach. :helmet: hpt has already decided I'm a moron so no point in arguing that. ;)


Active Member
Old teacher I agree. That said I'm moving on. I will close this post by asking Indian nation to please keep Newtown,CT and the families that lost love ones in your prayers. God bless them. Hug your kiddos and tell them how much you love them.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
old teacher said:

Old Teacher...it is ridiculous...not rediculous...you got childish right...you're never too old to
learn. ;)

Go Indians...Peace.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Having a bit of fun (at IndianFan's expense). Gotta do SOMETHNG when the footballs are put away! :(


Staff member
Nothing at my expense PNGProud. Hopefully a few of you that have been around a while recognize that I'm having a little fun with the all knowing hpt2012 and others of his/her ilk.

hpt2012, if you don't have anything positive or respectful to say then do us all a favor and take it elsewhere.


Active Member
IndianFan said:
Nothing at my expense PNGProud. Hopefully a few of you that have been around a while recognize that I'm having a little fun with the all knowing hpt2012 and others of his/her ilk.

hpt2012, if you don't have anything positive or respectful to say then do us all a favor and take it elsewhere.
[/quote. Indian fan, you seem to be the one having a problem with me, quick dragging everyone else to take your side, and stand up for yourself. I don't feel I'm being disrespectful, as much as I called it like I see it, I don't sugarcoat my post like you do. If anyone on this post can't comment on there viewpoints, what's the point for your blog? You being the founder and administrator of this messageboard then you step up and make a decision in regards to me. If you don't want me in here just say it and I walk away like man.


Staff member
Yes, I do have a problem with you calling out the coaches and stirring the pot with some of the things you've inferred about player decisions since you've been posting here. As a matter of fact, you've been walking the line for a while with other moderators here. I don't know who you are, or really care about your tough guy/gal remarks. But I do know that what's best for all involved is that you take a time out and realize that you're wasting your time with the comebacks. No one wants to read it.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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