PN-G vs LC-M Game Thread


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
A lot of us have had sons who played, and played ourselves, and completely understand all the emotions that go into the game.

It's football in the state of texas. And it's PN-G football. Fans are passionate about the sport and the team. Also realize that every community discusses the sport in the same manner. It's not personal.



500+ Posts
Well I have a son who plays on the team this year. Yeah he is very bummed about last night. I take the approach with him that I am there for him, to support and encourage him. To keep his head up and never give up no matter what happens or how bad things get. I tell him to encourage his team mates to never give up, to go out and play each play to the best of their ability. Lots of the players played very hard last night. But, everyone has to be firing together to make good things happen. They all know that. I don't beat down on him about the team and their performances. They beat themselves up enough already about how the team plays. Now, whether some care or not out on the field I don't care. But I tell my son to keep his head up and press forward and make something good happen. There are problems and I think everyone knows it. If fans want to slam the team and coaches then that is ya'lls choice. Lots of the players and playing their hearts out and want to win no matter what. So maybe somehow as fans we can at times point out some of the good things even if the team loses.

Warlick was everywhere on the field last night and making some nice hits. Kudo's to you ! Reasons had a night full of pancake blocks. Great job, hope to see him at the next level. Rose made a awesome catch in the endzone. Peveto at the D back spot was all over the field as well and in on alot of the tackles.

No sugar coating. There were some players who gave their all !


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Well said pngfan66. Tell your son to keep playing hard, holding his head high, and giving his best effort in the classroom and on the playing field. At times, things in life don't go your way for one reason or another. All you can do is to keep at it...onward and upward. Any PN-G student that puts on the purple and white and competes for PN-GISD is a winner in my book. To make a commitment to a team, program, coach, school, teacher, ISD, fans, etc. is something that makes all Indians winners. It's not the season that anyone wanted or expected, but "once and Indian, always an Indian" means something to me regardless of whether we win or lose. They keep score for a reason and I love winning more than anyone, but I'll never give up on my PN-G Indians. On to Central...let's go get a W.

Go Indians. Peace.

Purple Dove

Active Member
pngfan66, I agree with you. I am proud of our team and behind them all the way. I know they play their hearts
out. We love our PN-G Indians.


Web Guy
Everyone here supports the student athletes 100%. So the comments about 'bashing' and 'slamming' the team are pointless. Football fans cheer the big plays and wins, and are disappointed with anything less.

Teams have down years even at the college and pro level and they're taking their pick of proven athletes. Some years you don't have enough big/fast/strong players to get a lot of wins. So why is anyone upset and angry because the same is pointed out in a high school season? At the high school level it's up to your current talent pool.
Even the historically best programs have down years. West Orange-Stark, LaMarque, Stephenville, etc.

So far it's not looking like a big PN-G year. But we dedicated fans still encourage the players to go 100%. The Indians can still line up and win the games. And if they don't, we're still proud of them as long as they fight hard every play.


2,000+ Posts
Very well said IndianFan. With a school our size, the talent pool isn't going to be their every year. We've been lucky the pass 4 years.


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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