Sugar Coating Part Deux


100+ Posts
Once again our front seven did their job and we were killed on third and long and broken plays. I wish someone had the stats on the amount of times we had a team at 3rd and long or stopped and they wound up converting a big play. The DB's job is to stop long gainers period.

No matter how many ways you want to try and get around it 3 out of the 4 DB's are not consistent. They have all made good plays time to time but not on a consistent basis. A win is a win but when you have to go to OT against Ozen with our offense we still have issues that will not carry us very far.



Active Member
i'm not gonna sugar coat anything either. you don't know a lot about football or are just a complete doofus. especially if you watched the game


Active Member
I must have been watching a different game. What I saw was our front 7 loose containment and the Ozen QB run all over the field and throw on his time. We cannot expect our DB's to run all over the field and stay on a receiver for 8-9 seconds, the receiver will eventually break loose. The outside LB did a poor job of containment, the QB was flushed from the pocket several times from the middle and our LB had their big linemen on them dancing with them. If you are going to play LB for PNG, you better run like a deer and hit like a train, and when you get your hands on them you put them to the ground. That is what we used to have and I want to see it again, real soon like this Friday. Linebackers, get your a$$e$ ready to hit somebody!


500+ Posts
Whoa Whoa ! everyone take a deep breath ! Its not time to pull out a rope on these boys. Some of those kids are juniors and sophmores on the D. Yeah they may have gotten burned on some deep balls but to me they did play a better game than I have seen in a while from our secondary. Yes the outside backers have to play containment when they are not covering a inside route reciever. One of the other things is that our linebackers are relatively small this year, excluding DJ. I think you will see some changes in the backers this week. Remember it was one of our secondary defenders who knocked the ball away in the 2nd ot to win the game. Give these boys some credit they are working very hard inpractice and in the games. I have seen improvment with the D as the changes have been made in personnel and the new D formation. So just take a breath and chill ! IF you think you can do better then suit up and get out there and show them all how its suppose to be ! Oh and tell the coaches they don't know what they are doing while your at it !


100+ Posts
Never played a down, never watched a game in my life just going on hear say. Hookem14 or old school I'll match you any amount you got on who has attened more PNG sporting events (not just football) and knows a few things about the game. My old O coach Greg Davis will attest. I speak with several players (including 2 DB's) before and after every game and will support them to the end. Just my opinion and thanks for the kind words.



Active Member
Played Linebacker at a major college football factory and raised a PNG linebacker. Can I do it now, certainly not, but do I know what is supposed to be done, yes I do. I was not slamming the kids, just stating what went on, it was not the issue of poor play by the DB's.


100+ Posts
You can't hang it all on the DB's. D-line lost containment and LB's overran plays and missed tackles. As said earlier, a DB can't be expected to maintain coverage that long. I did notice that our DB's were left isolated in one-on-one coverage ALOT ! Don't really understand that due to the frequency of us getting beaten by the deep ball. I think if we don't give DJ's interception back on the fumble, the game isn't even close. Let's play the game of our lives on D this week and take it to the Bears. We know you guys can do it and we support all of you ! Go Indians !


2,000+ Posts
I watched the replay of the game lastnight and I don't believe in calling out players, but a couple of our guys on defense were not containing the QB. On several occations one guy was faked out everytime the QB faked the handoff to the RB and the QB took off down field.
If we can't contain the line of scrimmage the next 3 games are going to be brutal.
Last year Kerr, Benoit and Raggio controlled the line of scrimmage, they went and made things happend. They didn't wait for the play to come to them. One of our guys Saturday night ran around in circles.


Scalp Em Indians
People need to chill out....are we really starting this again? Here is my take...ozen played a lot of sandlot football Saturday night and our guys stood there ground. I'm NOT going to bash any PN-G Athlete giving there all and you can't really think the DB's are going to hang with a WR for 8-9 seconds like a earlier poster said.


100+ Posts
Not bashing any players at all. I do think we need to work on TACKLES. Wrap them up and take em down. Stop with all this one arm grabbing stuff or running full speed and when the running cuts to the left or right our guy can't make that came cut.


500+ Posts
Not bashing any players either...but agreeing with the must work on tackles. Tired of seeing 3 of our guys hanging off a player and the guy is still up and going. But I must say when our D gets mad things start happening. :clap:


100+ Posts
You know OUR players get in here and read this, One of them is my son, I am very proud of him and what he has done this year at his DB positions.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pngdad8520 said:
You know OUR players get in here and read this, One of them is my son, I am very proud of him and what he has done this year at his DB positions.

As you should be ... tell him to keep working hard, play fast, and have fun. Other teams will make some plays; it is football and other teams have coaches, players, and game plans. Tell him not to get too high or too low when the good and bad happens. Practice hard, play hard, and have fun. Our defense has made some stops and they will make some more vs. LC-M, Vidor, Central, and in the playoffs. Fans use the message board to vent ... but, all of the fans, alumni, students, and parents support the young men putting on the purple and white. We win as a team and lose as a team. It's not the O's fault, the D's fault, or any particular position. We need the entire defense to play as 1 unit. DL get pressure, LBs pursue the ball, DBs cover as best you can. If we take care of the things we control (no mental mistakes, penalties, or missed assignments), we will be just fine. All DBs give up some plays ... all defenders miss some tackles ... we can overcome those things. We have been in games ... we've been in position to make some stops. We've made some; we've missed some. Put those rally caps on and get excited to fight, scratch, kick, and "will" our way into the playoffs. The coaches will put you in position to make some plays ... go make them and be excited to build on success.

We are going to beat LC-M, Vidor, and Central. We have the best coaching staff on The Reservation ... our coaches are the best in SE TX and Region III ... we can stack our coaches up against anyone ... we have some playmakers ... we have some role players ... we have the ingredients for success. Work hard and it will all come together just in time for the playoffs. Keep the faith; we are PN-G. And, to the players that don't get to play much, hang in there ... you are Indians and practice players are vital parts to our success. You make our players better. If you put on the purple and white, then you are PN-G. Be proud ... play hard, play fast, and have fun.

Go Indians. Peace.


100+ Posts
1989NDN said:
pngdad8520 said:
You know OUR players get in here and read this, One of them is my son, I am very proud of him and what he has done this year at his DB positions.

As you should be ... tell him to keep working hard, play fast, and have fun. Other teams will make some plays; it is football and other teams have coaches, players, and game plans. Tell him not to get too high or too low when the good and bad happens. Practice hard, play hard, and have fun. Our defense has made some stops and they will make some more vs. LC-M, Vidor, Central, and in the playoffs. Fans use the message board to vent ... but, all of the fans, alumni, students, and parents support the young men putting on the purple and white. We win as a team and lose as a team. It's not the O's fault, the D's fault, or any particular position. We need the entire defense to play as 1 unit. DL get pressure, LBs pursue the ball, DBs cover as best you can. If we take care of the things we control (no mental mistakes, penalties, or missed assignments), we will be just fine. All DBs give up some plays ... all defenders miss some tackles ... we can overcome those things. We have been in games ... we've been in position to make some stops. We've made some; we've missed some. Put those rally caps on and get excited to fight, scratch, kick, and "will" our way into the playoffs. The coaches will put you in position to make some plays ... go make them and be excited to build on success.

We are going to beat LC-M, Vidor, and Central. We have the best coaching staff on The Reservation ... our coaches are the best in SE TX and Region III ... we can stack our coaches up against anyone ... we have some playmakers ... we have some role players ... we have the ingredients for success. Work hard and it will all come together just in time for the playoffs. Keep the faith; we are PN-G. And, to the players that don't get to play much, hang in there ... you are Indians and practice players are vital parts to our success. You make our players better. If you put on the purple and white, then you are PN-G. Be proud ... play hard, play fast, and have fun.

Go Indians. Peace.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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