
Active Member
It may just me r my pc but its hard to get on the site anymore always says its offline......anyone having the same problem as myself? SCALP'EM INDIANS SCALP'EM!!!!!!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
purpleproud82 said:
It may just me r my pc but its hard to get on the site anymore always says its offline......anyone having the same problem as myself? SCALP'EM INDIANS SCALP'EM!!!!!!!!!!

same here...????


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
This is been happening for a few days and the Admin is aware of the problem. If you want to jump directly to the messsageboard, you can key in www.boards.pngindians.com directly into your browser and it should take you messageboard.


Overloaded.....Too many people trying to get on the Website

On another note, why do they have so many problems each week getting the game on the Webcast???? 92.5 needs better Engineers..........And I need to hear the Game!!!!!

and I need to learn to proof read before I Post


500+ Posts
I'm listening to the NED game on PANews Friday night experience. it sounds great..
Your game is also being covered by FNE...


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
The problem is only on the webcast. The radio signal from cool 92.5 was fine at the start of the game, according to my peeps back in SETX.


Staff member
Traffic is at a high level on pngindians.com. Working on the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Staff member
I've always operated this site at the lowest cost possible. The downside is that buys you a shared server which probably hosts 100 or more other sites as well.

But before I consider that to be the problem, I'm doing my best in what very little spare time to determine if this is a bandwidth, software, or other problem. For the software/database geeks out there like myself who are interested, it could be a rogue SQL script that needs to be optimized, PHP settings that need to be tweaked, a denial of service attack, CPU throttling that the host company has implemented recently, or a half dozen other things.

It's frustrating and I apologize to all the fans who are not able to get on the site. I hope to spend more time looking at it tomorrow.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
IndianFan said:
I've always operated this site at the lowest cost possible. The downside is that buys you a shared server which probably hosts 100 or more other sites as well.

But before I consider that to be the problem, I'm doing my best in what very little spare time to determine if this is a bandwidth, software, or other problem. For the software/database geeks out there like myself who are interested, it could be a rogue SQL script that needs to be optimized, PHP settings that need to be tweaked, a denial of service attack, CPU throttling that the host company has implemented recently, or a half dozen other things.

It's frustrating and I apologize to all the fans who are not able to get on the site. I hope to spend more time looking at it tomorrow.

Amazing! that's EXACTLY what I was thinking!


500+ Posts
IndianFan: You have ALWAYS done an OUTSTANDING job running this web-site!! I for one REALLY APPRECIATE your hard work and the time and effort it takes to keep it going. This is a great benefit to Indian Fans across the area,state,country, and world. Thank You for all that you do to keep it going!! :) :thumbsup: :)


Staff member
Always welcome. Since I'm one of the fans that's away, I completely understand the need and benefit. Especially when others contribute photos and video.

It seems that adjusting database and PHP settings seemed to relieve some of the stress. Keep me informed.


Seems fine now, but there is no game in progress right now. Going by the messages that we get when the problem occurs and the actions of what happens when accessing the site through the main page or by going straight to the http://......../fanforum page, I would have to guess it is NOT a CPU, PHP or SQL Database error but an issue with your provider's service offering. In all cases of the different messages received, it all points to a capacity problem. Bandwidth consumption when lots of people accessing the site pre-game and during the game could be the problem but really doesn't fit the error messages we are seeing. If I had to make a guess I would say it is a Service Level problem, Licensing problem of IP Socket problem. You may want to address this with the provider and check the Sercive Level Agreement you have with them to see of you are exceeding the number of concurrent connections allowed. They should have monitoring and reporting statistics that they can provide you that show the number of connections at any time and if you are exceeding them on game night. I personally think you (actually WE, the fans) are exceeding the number of active connections you are allowed OR exceeding the number of active connections THEIR Server can handle. You may ask if they have a redundant or mirror Server that can pick up the additional needed connections during peak periods. It may cost a bit more for the additional simultaneous connections than what your SLA states, but I would ask if they have like a burstable rate that would cover it only for short duration periods like 2 hours pre-game through 2 hours post-game. Just my 2 cents.....................

May as well start now........................




Thinking about this a little more and you know I believe this started about 3 weeks or so ago. I don't remember having problems before that and I am on the Website a lot, especially just before, during and just after the games. I don't post much except when excited, mostly a lurker. You might ask what changed at your provider's site 3 weeks or so ago. Thay may have added another customer to the same Server as this Website and this new customer is sucking up all the resources. If you can find this to be the case or that they made modifications to this Server back then, then you could ask to have them move that other customer to another Server, move THIS Website to another lesser used Server or have them go back and check their modifications. Going back through their stored history with usage reports would help narrow down when and where the issue started and what could be causing it.



Staff member
Great recommendations 76 and you're spot on. There are some specific things that I'm looking into which do involve all the things I mentioned earlier. I'll respond with more details this evening.


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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