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  1. N

    Just a Question

    Im not complaining, was just asking a question. I am completely happy with the hard work these coaches and young men have put in week in and week out. This is one wonderful program that I am a proud supporter. Like I said just a question so wasnt looking to be beat up for it.
  2. N

    Just a Question

    Is there a reason why we dont take a knee when there is a injured player down? I was just curious because last night on three occassions that I saw we didnt even acknowledge the injury. I did notice on those same occassionsthe LC-M players and also cheerleaders kneeling. Just was wondering why...
  3. N

    Need Tickets

    I need two tickets for this friday night please. Anyone that may not be able to make it I would love to take my wife as she has never been. Thanks
  4. N

    Need some help

    complete athlete only had 2x
  5. N

    Need some help

    Yes tried there, walmart, elliots and walgreens.
  6. N

    Need some help

    I have looked everywhere today and found nothing. I am in need of a 3x or 4x purple hoodie. Does anyone know where i can find one? Does the booster club have any? Any help would be appreciated. thanks
  7. N

    PN-G vs Willis Predictions

    The boys had a wake up call friday night and will be ready saturday. Dont hold off, throttle down to the end :punchingbag:
  8. N


    Had a few errors early this morning but doing better now. :thumbsup:
  9. N

    I'd like to take a little attention away from football...

    Happy Veterans Day and thanks to all the men and women past and present for your service in the military
  10. N

    Broadcast of last nights game

    Go to main page where it shows the the indian helmet and barberss hill helmet. Underneath it click legacy sports link. Once at their site click on the tab "vault". Scroll down to week 10 and there is the video and it works for me.
  11. N

    How well do Our 2010 Indians stack up to the 1999 State Finalist offensively???

    could someone try to post some video of ron mcgill or send me a p.m. and maybe could work out somethin on gettin a copy. thanks
  12. N

    How well do Our 2010 Indians stack up to the 1999 State Finalist offensively???

    I wonder if anyone has any video of Ron Mcgill? I watched him run then and it was awesome and would love for someone to post some video if they have any.
  13. N


    Its whinning because I am stating I dont want my children to have to listen to the kids filth? I should have to listen to young kids curse me so i can watch a game? Have to dodge food the entire game? I am simply saying that its ridiculous that people cant go and enjoy the game. Sorry about the...
  14. N


    And to top it off we had 6 other couples with us who had never been to a PN-G game. Needless to say they wont be back. They were disgusted and left early, which made me feel horrible because of the hype I built up about my former school and community. They said it was an experience but wouldnt...
  15. N


    I tried that. I asked several of them to stop throwing things so we could watch the game and to stop cussing in front of my kids. One girl gave me the finger and some little boy told me to f--- off. They must have been 12 or 13 i guess. They must have some proud parents I tell ya.
  16. N


    I agreee. We had to sit in the general admission section last night and that was the first and last time. It if comes to sitting there or listening on the radio, i choose the radio. The kids were running around the whole time, throwing food, and hollering curse words. My 8 yr old daughter and 7...
  17. N

    J V Time and location

    Alright thanks, im gonna try to make it, havent made one yet
  18. N

    J V Time and location

    Where is the jv game tonight and what time? thanks
  19. N


    I know its far fetched lol, but i need 4 tickets if anyone can help me out. Call or text 330-2080
  20. N

    Band of the Week

    Ive been voting 125 total so far :rocks: :punchingbag:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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