IMPORTANT: June 16th School Board Meeting in Groves


500+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Not sure how much stipend for each sport, but besides football, Coach Cary was head track coach and in charge of summer rec.


2,000+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

If you ask me Faircloth and his staff are way under paid as well as the teachers. These men and women put in a lot of their on time with no pay to educate and teach our children about life. Maybe Big Cav can take pay cut from his 130k+ salary. I see most of the coaches at every sporting event. May see Big Cav at just a couple.

png fan for life

Active Member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Just and fyi. Faircloth and most of his staff will be at this meeting tonight. Please come and show your support.


1,000+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

png fan for life said:
Just and fyi. Faircloth and most of his staff will be at this meeting tonight. Please come and show your support.
Yes, as I was told by a png teacher/coach it is over a 4,000.00. Moving bonus new out of town coaches got that was supposed to be one tome only expense but the payroll office forgot and they have been receiving it every year they are here.

Putting them 4,000.00 more than coaches that live here.

School board approves wages and SHOULD NOT require them to pay back the years of being overpaid by the 4,000.00 amount


Staff member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Wow, that's a huge oversight, and a difficult circumstance. As in a corporate environment, it becomes a very touchy situation. From an accounting/payroll standpoint, it's clear cut. But from a PR/morale point of view, the individuals have good reason to be hacked off. I guess the big question is, did they realize the oversight?

And is the business/district willing to take some responsibility for the mistake. If not, that could be a substantial lump sum. At the very least, it could be handled like a no interest loan.


1,000+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

IndianFan said:
Wow, that's a huge oversight, and a difficult circumstance. As in a corporate environment, it becomes a very touchy situation. From an accounting/payroll standpoint, it's clear cut. But from a PR/morale point of view, the individuals have good reason to be hacked off. I guess the big question is, did they realize the oversight?

And is the business/district willing to take some responsibility for the mistake. If not, that could be a substantial lump sum. At the very least, it could be handled like a no interest loan.
Don't know the particulars, but agree not right for local coaches not getting the 4 grand like the others.

Any correlation with no area coaches from this area are not new coaches in our system?

Sure it will be in the papers tomorrow.

Best of luck with this bs we are dealing with

Let's just win a state championship.

No more questions . Winning answers all questions


100+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

so what happened at the board meeting? I know there are some pissed people..... Wanted to go but had family priorities.... :angry:

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

No report on the meeting yet? I've been out of the loop lately and was not aware of the meeting, or I would have been there.


100+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

In an attempt to hear the whole story about the stipends, I contacted Darren McCutcheon (409 960 1325 and he gave a verbal to give name & number)and this is what he had to say, Quotation:

In February 2009 when Coach Faircloth hired his first two assistants (Cary & Kroeker) it was realized that they would have to take a pay cut to coach @ PNGISD. Coach Faircloth was told by admin. that a $4000.00 moving expense could be attached to their salary. It was soon discovered that this would not be feasible and he (BF) needed to attach additional duties to their job description. For example, JDC was named the Assistant HC but also was given the OL as an additional duty. Coach Faircloth then requested that any coach receiving the $4000.00 stipend should have their contract attached to his. In other words if BF was to leave or be dismissed then every coach tied to his contract would also be let go unless PNGISD chose to retain/protect said coach. The legality of this has been challenged lately but the latest opinion is that it is perfectly legal and is practiced by other school districts. End quotation. At the beginning of the meeting the Assistant Superintendent said that these Stipends are included in BF's current budget. Being he is the AD, it should be his decision whether or not to award this stipen to a coach for extra duties. So my question is.... why did 2 board members want to take these stipends away immediately??? All of this crap is causing alot of stress on our AD and his staff and is uncalled for. I mean, really? 4 out of 5 years in the playoffs AND all because of a measly $12,000.


100+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Also, come to find out, we have 4 less coaches than Nederland does. And Coach BF who is our AD/ Head Coach, also has the title of QB coach unlike our neighbors across the tracks HC. So my question remains.... Why are a couple of board members causing stink about this unless they have their own agenda???? :popcorn: :punchingbag:


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Who are the board members that are making a big deal about his situation?


Staff member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

PN-G HS has had a disadvantage in coaching numbers for years. Burnett dealt with the same problem.

I think both communities probably support Faircloth 100%. A few thousand dollars to maintain a good coaching staff and athletic program should not be an issue. have they forgotten how much money the football program alone brings in? Not to mention that it's the pride of the community.

Everyone better stand behind Faircloth, or the years of having an exciting program will likely come to a premature end. There are plenty of programs that will gladly support Coach Faircloth and his staff.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

Tribe, can you name those 2 board members? That should be public record.


Active Member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

IMO, if two board members are creating all this ruckus, first who are they? And second when is our next school board elections. By now whomever this two board members are, realize how much community support coach BF has behind him. With all this, I feel they will reconsider all they have done and take a step back. If they don't , come election time they will be gone. So tribe, where can we find out or who can we call to get the names of this two members.


2,000+ Posts
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

TexasTech84 said:
IMO, if two board members are creating all this ruckus, first who are they? And second when is our next school board elections. By now whomever this two board members are, realize how much community support coach BF has behind him. With all this, I feel they will reconsider all trecenthey have done and take a step back. If they don't , come election time they will be gone. So tribe, where can we find out or who can we call to get the names of this two members.

The community has been given the chance to remove these 2 during recent board elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT??? They got voted back in!!!! I've stopped complaining about them because I felt I was the only one who felt they needed to go!!

:shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:


Active Member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

If you were at the board meeting on Monday you would have witnessed these two board members attempt to have the $4,000 stipends taken away from these coaches effective immediately.

Why don't we show these two board members how we feel about those who don't support our coaches?


Active Member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

By the way, $4,000 a year works out to about $77 per week. Anyone who thinks our coaches don't put in the extra time to garner another 77 bucks doesn't know much about the mentality and committment of our coaching staff.


Active Member
Re: May 12th board meeting in Groves

I wasn't at the School Board Meeting, but from what I've heard, the two board members are Walters and Balsamo.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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