PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Word is that WOS QB Reggie Garrett suffered a seizure o the sidelines of the Jasper game, and passed away at an Orange hospital.

Please pray for the Garrett family and the entire WOS community.


500+ Posts
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

Very sad day, will keep the family and community in my prayers in the days and weeks to come.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

This is castastrophic to this area. Great kid may god bless his soul and his family.


100+ Posts
This is so tragic. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who was at this game and especially to the family, friends, coaches and team mates of Reggie Garrett.


100+ Posts
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

So sad. I'm sure that this will forever change many peoples lives. Prayers for this family, friends, coaches and team mates of this young man.


Active Member
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

Just devastated over the death of WOS qb Reggie Garrett. When you have a son out there playing, as a mom you always worry about severe injuries. But the death of your child from playing football usually doesn't enter your mind. What a nightmare for his family. My thoughts and prayers go out to the coaches, teachers, students, friends and family. I think it would be nice if our boys could go and pay their respects as a team. I know we don't play them but they are part of our community.

RIP #12 :angel:


500+ Posts
What a terrible and tragic loss. My prayers go out to the Garrett family and friends. You will be in our prayers. May God Bless You all during this difficult time.


500+ Posts
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

This is so tragic. I'm lost for words. Here in SE TX football is life. This affects everyone regardless of which school you attend. Its a brotherhood for all the players and to loose a player hits hard. Our prayers go out to the Garrett family, loved ones, friends, team mates, coaches and class mates. May God guide you thru this difficult time. We will keep you in our prayers and minds.


500+ Posts
Re: Prayers for WOS and the Garrett family

Prayers sent from Nederland. My family and I were completely shocked into silence upon hearing of this tragic event on the news last night. May the good Lord instill peace in the Garrett family and the entire WOS community.


Chief Touch The Clouds
What a tragic loss for everyone surrounding this young man.My heart breaks and am reminded of how fragile life is.Praying for this family and community.


100+ Posts
i was upset when i hear this.. such a tragic and makes you really think about what important in life! Prayers to the family , friends, schoolmates! God Bless


100+ Posts
this was on the Today show... http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/39255381#39255381

So tragic! I had dreams about this all night last night. Prayers for his family, friends, and teammates!


1,000+ Posts
A friend of mine from West Orange posted the following on his facebook page. Has anyone heard if PN-G has anything planned?

HS teams around the area are coming together to pay tribute to Reggie. Several have committed to wear a #12 on their helmets and take a knee during the coin toss for the rest of the season.


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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