New year for the Booster Club


1,000+ Posts
Saw the Booster Club commercial during the Football game on FOX - 1st class. How much did it cost?

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I don't know, but it was a GREAT commercial.

Did anyone make the meeting that can give us a report? I was out of town.


100+ Posts
I didn't see the commercial, but if it was the same one they talked about at the first meeting this year-- they said they were going to have the students shoot a commercial, so I can't imagine that it would have cost the BC too much $


1,000+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
I don't know, but it was a GREAT commercial.

Did anyone make the meeting that can give us a report? I was out of town.

Look whose skipping out on meetings now! I can fill ya in but it's gonna cost you... ;D!
Coach mentioned that the Freshmen team got a little too excited at times after the whistle blew during their Lumberton game, but he assured us that he "impressed" on them the importance of acting and behaving like Indians, he said they got the message... ;D! He said he tried to get BISD to play on Thursday night but they wouldn't go for it so that's how the Ozen game ended up on Sat, he doesn't like it, but BISD refuses to play on Thursdays. He went over the game film and was very impressed with the 3 players that were moved up from JV, and he thinks they'll be staying. It was obvious changes were made on Defense and he's hopeful we'll continue to see success if the boys keep playing like they did Fri night.


100+ Posts
I am glad it isn't a Thursday night game. That would be a late game and then have kids having to go to school the next day. That is just my opinion.


100+ Posts
I totally forgot about the Freshman and JV games played on that night also. I would hate to have to choose between any of those games.


Staff member
pngfan66 said:
To bad Coach couldn't get them to let us have it at the REZ on Friday night instead of Saturday in Bmt !!!

Beaumont wouldn't be willing to give up the money. It's too bad that they couldn't keep Babe Zaharias stadium as a backup for conflicts like this and let us use it Friday, but then again, the maintenance costs might be too high. They've got to pay their Superintendent somehow.... ;D


500+ Posts
badndn said:
I kinda like it on Saturday. I get to go watch our next two opponents LCM-Vidor on Friday!
Thats were I want to go as well, but my Nephew who plays for LCM Freshman team said the game is pretty much sold out. Student tickets only. Unless someone has a inside man for some tickets ?

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I didn't make the Booster Club mtg. Can anyone give us an update from Monday? i.e., injuries, etc.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
O.K. there! Thanks for all the responses! And I'll give the same report when I go to the next one!

(Thanks for the PM 91)


100+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
O.K. there! Thanks for all the responses! And I'll give the same report when I go to the next one!

(Thanks for the PM 91)
Sorry man. I was working and couldn't make it. I miss a lot of them because of work. Soooo...don't hold out on me!


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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