NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
Wow, I didn't realize that I was in the midst of such experts. I thought this was a forum to discuss opinions in a mature fashion. After I read such "emotional replies" to what I wrote last night, I guess I should bow humbly in the presence of some of the members. Too bad, that won't happen.

While voicing my opinion and addressing what I know first hand from players and families, I was in no way making excuses for any mistakes that the team has made on the field. I WAS trying to address some of the frustration and feelings that the players (particularly seniors) have had since 2 a days. Last year, the now seniors were promised that their football season would not be interrupted due to the stadium. In reality, anything that could be screwed up has been. The 08-09 team never started out with the "pre-season" high that the teams in years past had. For them it's been a cloud of confusion and uncertainty since school began. But from the feedback my post received, some are saying that the players need to suck it up and move on, because we (the fans) got our stadium. Don't be crybabies, we got our stadium. So what if some have a problem with it, 40+ of the team won't return next year anyway. They should have pride for the stadium.

Did I say the players weren't proud of their stadium? Never. But it has been a constant distraction to them from the start. Media interviews with team members early in the season centered around the new stadium and not about their anticipated season. These players and the rest of the students are getting to school before 7 each morning just to find a place to park.

We've not missed a game in years. We've known players and families on each team for years. We've been thru the highs and lows with these teams and I can honestly say that I've never seen an Indian team down from the beginning of the season.

We need to rally around these kids along with the band, Indianettes, etc and finish out the year on a positive note.

Just my opinion, but I'm sure I'll get ripped anyway.


Staff member
Squaw and pncoach, would either of you win a sideline beauty contest? ;)

I can understand the concern with the program but some of you are going over the edge.


Staff member
NDN fan 4ever said:
Wow, I didn't realize that I was in the midst of such experts. I thought this was a forum to discuss opinions in a mature fashion. After I read such "emotional replies" to what I wrote last night, I guess I should bow humbly in the presence of some of the members. Too bad, that won't happen.

While voicing my opinion and addressing what I know first hand from players and families, I was in no way making excuses for any mistakes that the team has made on the field. I WAS trying to address some of the frustration and feelings that the players (particularly seniors) have had since 2 a days. Last year, the now seniors were promised that their football season would not be interrupted due to the stadium. In reality, anything that could be screwed up has been. The 08-09 team never started out with the "pre-season" high that the teams in years past had. For them it's been a cloud of confusion and uncertainty since school began. But from the feedback my post received, some are saying that the players need to suck it up and move on, because we (the fans) got our stadium. Don't be crybabies, we got our stadium. So what if some have a problem with it, 40+ of the team won't return next year anyway. They should have pride for the stadium.

Did I say the players weren't proud of their stadium? Never. But it has been a constant distraction to them from the start. Media interviews with team members early in the season centered around the new stadium and not about their anticipated season. These players and the rest of the students are getting to school before 7 each morning just to find a place to park.

We've not missed a game in years. We've known players and families on each team for years. We've been thru the highs and lows with these teams and I can honestly say that I've never seen an Indian team down from the beginning of the season.

We need to rally around these kids along with the band, Indianettes, etc and finish out the year on a positive note.

Just my opinion, but I'm sure I'll get ripped anyway.

Valid opinion. But if the team was winning all the talk about the stadium being a distraction would be irrelevant.

The hurricane disrupted the season quite a bit as well.


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Squaw and pncoach, would either of you win a sideline beauty contest? ;)

I can understand the concern with the program but some of you are going over the edge.

While I understand that we owe a lot of credit to you for being able to comment on this board - You do not live here anymore and do not realize what is going on with this ENTIRE CITY - It is not the Port Neches/Groves of old. pncoach is right about one thing - it starts at the top and trickles down. The end result is SEVERAL unhappy parents/citizens for many different reasons. You are probably going to ask "why don't I move" I guess I am hoping it will get better eventually.......We had a glimpse of the old days this weekend with the Fall Festival it was a nice community get together - I enjoyed it.

By the way - squaw is retired and no longer has to "dress for success" but she always looks nice when I see her. Don't know who pncoach is....

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
MightyNDNS said:
IndianFan said:
Squaw and pncoach, would either of you win a sideline beauty contest? ;)

I can understand the concern with the program but some of you are going over the edge.

While I understand that we owe a lot of credit to you for being able to comment on this board - You do not live here anymore and do not realize what is going on with this ENTIRE CITY - It is not the Port Neches/Groves of old. pncoach is right about one thing - it starts at the top and trickles down. The end result is SEVERAL unhappy parents/citizens for many different reasons. You are probably going to ask "why don't I move" I guess I am hoping it will get better eventually.......We had a glimpse of the old days this weekend with the Fall Festival it was a nice community get together - I enjoyed it.

By the way - squaw is retired and no longer has to "dress for success" but she always looks nice when I see her. Don't know who pncoach is....

Maybe the dress code will get better when they get the rain buckets out of the classrooms and halls at some of the campuses.


Staff member
The board belongs to the PNG 'Indian Nation'. But keep in mind that a lot of people from around the state might find the discussions 'entertaining' in all the wrong ways. Whatever is happening with the season, the players still deserve to be recognized. There are still a lot of bright points in the players performance.

Living away with a few annual return trips actually makes it very easy to notice changes. It hasn't been the old PN and G in many years.

And of course no offense to squaw. All in jest. Now it's my turn to be beat up. ;D

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
If we were winning, noone would give a RIP how the coaches looked or dressed. As long as they're winning, they can wear grass skirts for all I care. And if they aren't, well, they can tuck their shirt in till their neck strains, and it won't change what really matters on and off the field.


Active Member
Proud, this ain't my board, so please forgive me, but I see a lot of parents with kids who are overreacting to the results of a team that is playing hard, but is not as skilled and talented as Indian teams of the past. Too many excuses being thrown out by parents, if that's spilling over to the kids, it's not hard to understand why ya'll are struggling. Hey, I've been there, cheering my team on through very thin years, it's tough. But it's not like PNG to be making so many excuses. If you have issues with the coaching, make a change, but parents on here talking about the stadium and everything else but the play of the team is silly. Fundamental play has hurt this team, turnovers... etc, not the stadium. Wish the PNG faithful well and hope those who have kids playing can move forward to better times.


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
The board belongs to the PNG 'Indian Nation'. But keep in mind that a lot of people from around the state might find the discussions 'entertaining' in all the wrong ways. Whatever is happening with the season, the players still deserve to be recognized. There are still a lot of bright points in the players performance.

Living away with a few annual return trips actually makes it very easy to notice changes. It hasn't been the old PN and G in many years.

And of course no offense to squaw. All in jest. Now it's my turn to be beat up. ;D

;D No one is going to beat up on you IndianFan - it is just depressing, I guess that is term I am looking for. I think maybe we are all a little over worked since the storm, I know I am. I know this is a subject for another thread - but while visiting one of the Elem. schools this past week, it is down right disgraceful to see buckets, trash cans(the big ones that the custodians use), and fallen ceiling tiles just because of a little rain. Then to go and see that big beautiful Stadium ( I know it is part of the bond - and I actually love the stadium) make you wonder what our admin train of thought is....where there priorities are...maybe after football season is over they will then begin to concentrate on the rest of district. As for now, GO INDIANS!!! Do your best and we love you!!! (Trying to stay possitive here).


Active Member
Thank you Mighty, I to am retired and my uniform of the day depends on if I am fishing or playing golf. As for the sideline beauty contest, I have not considered that option in the past Indian Fan. But, I can tell you that when I was the age of those coaches on the sideline I would have never dressed for my job in that manner. Indian Fan, I think you should put yourself in timeout for your attack on Squaw and myself. :machinegun:


Active Member
The one thing that should be kept in mind is not whether we win or lose, but how we play and teach the kids the game. Football is a team sport, you win as a team and you lose as a team. One thing that seems to be missing this year is the "Team Spirit". It hard for the players to feel like they are part of a team, when repeatedly week after week many talented players stand on the side lines watching and hoping for a chance to step onto that field, so that they can contribute to the "Team". Eighteen players don't make a team. It takes every one of those players practicing everyday and giving 100% of themselves to make a team. The frustration comes when they have put their hearts, and souls into doing everything they can to be a part of the team at practice, but come time for the game and they stand and watch. It's like they are being told we have enough faith in you that you will do a good job at practice, but we do not have enough faith in you that you will do a good job in the game. I'm very proud of every player, whether they play or not in the game. Coaches, stand up and take notice. You could have a diamond in the rough, but you won't ever know if you don't provide them with an opportunity to shine. Just remember, someone had enough faith in you to provide you with a job. Let's see if you can provide some faith in your players!


100+ Posts
pncoach said:
Thank you Mighty, I to am retired and my uniform of the day depends on if I am fishing or playing golf. As for the sideline beauty contest, I have not considered that option in the past Indian Fan. But, I can tell you that when I was the age of those coaches on the sideline I would have never dressed for my job in that manner. Indian Fan, I think you should put yourself in timeout for your attack on Squaw and myself. :machinegun:

You're welcome, pncoach. While I am not old enough to be retired yet, we still think alike. ;D Just so eveyone knows - I don't have a kid on the team - I have girls (thank God - never thought I would say that out loud) anyway, I am very close to some of the kids on the team and some from last year and the year before that, they have all been at my house from time to time and they talk to me - so don't tell me I don't know how these kids feel...I do.


100+ Posts
pngfan30 said:
The one thing that should be kept in mind is not whether we win or lose, but how we play and teach the kids the game. Football is a team sport, you win as a team and you lose as a team. One thing that seems to be missing this year is the "Team Spirit". It hard for the players to feel like they are part of a team, when repeatedly week after week many talented players stand on the side lines watching and hoping for a chance to step onto that field, so that they can contribute to the "Team". Eighteen players don't make a team. It takes every one of those players practicing everyday and giving 100% of themselves to make a team. The frustration comes when they have put their hearts, and souls into doing everything they can to be a part of the team at practice, but come time for the game and they stand and watch. It's like they are being told we have enough faith in you that you will do a good job at practice, but we do not have enough faith in you that you will do a good job in the game. I'm very proud of every player, whether they play or not in the game. Coaches, stand up and take notice. You could have a diamond in the rough, but you won't ever know if you don't provide them with an opportunity to shine. Just remember, someone had enough faith in you to provide you with a job. Let's see if you can provide some faith in your players!

Good post pngfan30 - very good!!!


100+ Posts
Personally I think the coaches do read some of this and whatever we "suggest" that they do, they do the opposite just to piss us off!!! ;) So eveyone "suggest" that we run the ball on 3 and 7 and see if they pass next week... ;D


Active Member
I have not posted in quite some time. But this feels exactly how we were feeling my Junior year, which was Troy's last year. We had a TON of talent, which shined through the following year with the Great Malone, but we could do nothing right. We HATED getting our butts handed to us but you could also sense that part of the coaching staff were just going through the motions. These young men should take it upon themselves and send a message to the rest of the district that they will not be a stepping stone to the playoffs for some teams. They should not only play the spoiler, but they should play for pride.

At the end of the day, it's all about honor, pride and tradition. That's really all that matters!


500+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
pncoach said:
14PNG said:
Hey I think we should play Plano and Euless Trinity and then right after that I think we should play St. Thomas Aquinas Raiders.
It would not matter if we played the Fort Worth School of the Blind, with this coaching staff we would lose!!

Only if FWSOB used their seeing eye dogs. :ha:

Seriously though, ya'll have got to pull together. Outsiders ( including myself) read some of these posts and they MAY get a really bad impression of what's going on over there. That's not good. You have to think of the kids who are out there practicing day in day out, busting their tails to give ya'll 60 minutes of football every Friday night. If I was a kid on the team and I read these threads, I'd feel a helluva lot worse than I already feel. Whether the season so far is the result of lack of motivation, poor coaching, new stadium or whatever, ya'll still need to stand behind these young men. Do it for the kids' sake.


Active Member
Mighty...I am a young retiree and although my player has been out of that hell hole with MB for 3-4 years now I guess. I am in touch with Dads whom still have players on the current team and coming up. You are lucky to have girls, although my Indianette has been gone from there about 15 years now, it is more expensive to have a girl participate in activities then a boy at PNG. It cost, back then, about 2 grand a year for her to be an Indianette, but it ony cost 10 bucks to be a football player. How's that for gender fairness and equality. Last week I made a post to throw to the tight end, while sitting in the stands I always listen to my radio. Well that is what the announcers were calling for, throw to the tight end they would say. It was evident that the coaches must have heard them, since they didn't throw to the TE. So I think you are right, they read these post and do the opposite. This week, play ground control, run the ball, which tires the O line greatly, get a 7 point lead and sit on it. Since Lumberton don't score many points and has no air attack and when they do score they chew up a lot of the clock. There's my nickels worth of the game plan.
Folks like Vidor Coach Matthew's stated, "everybody knows we run the ball", except MB!!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pncoach said:
Thank you Mighty, I to am retired and my uniform of the day depends on if I am fishing or playing golf. As for the sideline beauty contest, I have not considered that option in the past Indian Fan. But, I can tell you that when I was the age of those coaches on the sideline I would have never dressed for my job in that manner. Indian Fan, I think you should put yourself in timeout for your attack on Squaw and myself. :machinegun:

Maybe I missed it. Where did IndanFan attack anyone???


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Squaw and pncoach, would either of you win a sideline beauty contest? ;)

I can understand the concern with the program but some of you are going over the edge.
Oh, heck no I would NOT win a beauty contest but that's not what this post was about. These coaches, with the exception of Coach Burnett and Coach Nobles, are all out of shape, shuffle around, shirts not tucked in and, basically, look sloppy. Sloppy is as sloppy does! They ARE supposed to be role models for their students. This was discussed by many people our age who were in the stands and have been for 50 years. I agree that we were spoiled--coaches used to all wear matching golf type shirts and hats and appeared professional and in shape themselves. Am I not understanding this right or are our coaches supposed to be a positive influence on these boys?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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