Ticket Info for Brenham Game


Active Member
:-\ This ticket situation is turning into a big mess. I do hope that our fans can overflow to their side. We all know that when it comes to General Admission, fans take more that one seat space per ticket!!! Our side will be overflowing to somewhere!


500+ Posts
Well unfortunately we have to deal with the hand we have been dealt. 4500 fans and remember + students ! I just don't know were they plan on putting everyone unless they allow PNG fans to sit on the Brenham side also. I guess we can complain, but it will do us no good at this point. Lets just deal with it and cheer on our team. The next game will have a much bigger stadium. For those that can't get in, maybe a party in the parking lot ! let the horns sound off and air horns etc....


Active Member
We will have a much bigger stadium next time, unless the situation is similar with the coaches, then who knows?


All bickering and complaining aside, it looks like us "out of towners" and some hometown Fans are going to get scr3w3d on seeing the game live. It appears like the Brenham Coach went into the negotiations with a PLAN (Cylon) to hurt the PNG Fans because he heard how fantasticly fanatic we ALL are. No sense crying over spilt milk, maybe someone will tell Coach Faircloth, NICELY, at the BC meeting to be more forceful next time. Those of us who will not be able to get in to see the game (and what really ticks me off is it is only 12 miles from my house)will just have to listen to Moe and Curly on the Radio Broadcast or Webcast. I am just ecstatic PNG is still playing and showing Texas what we are made of.

C'est La Vie
All bickering and complaining aside, it looks like us "out of towners" and some hometown Fans are going to get scr3w3d on seeint the game live. It appears like the Brenham Coach went into the negotiations with a PLAN (Cylon) to hurt the PNG Fans because he heard how fantasticly fanatic we ALL are. No sense crying over spilt milk, maybe someone will tell Coach Faircloth, NICELY, at the BC meeting to be more forceful next time. Those of us who will not be able to get in to see the game (and what really ticks me off is it is only 12 miles from my house)will just have to listen to Moe and Curly on the Radio Broadcast or Webcast. I am just ecstatic PNG is still playing and showing Texas what we are made of.

C'est La Vie

This seems like a defeatist attitude, not a PN-G fan. I sure hope our football team doesn't give up that easily!


500+ Posts
I know we will way outnumber Brenhams fans at the game. 4500 fans can still make a heck of alot of noise ! With the field and seating as it appears its almost on the sidelines anyway. So with 4500 rabid NDN fans screaming it will be like were in their face ! Maybe bringing alot of noise makers would help too.


Hey Big Chief...............

Not defeatist, just realistic. If you think I'm a defeatist, I have 2 ex-wives and numerous employees who would beg to differ with you. I can go from "nice" guy to "in your face" in a twinkling. When a situation such as this is totally out of your hands, what can you do?? As much as Faircloth has brought to PNG this year by recognizing talent and how to use it, by opening up the Offense, by teaching the proper Defense (mostly with Kroeker's input), by bringing in other Coaches who know football and desire AND bringing WINNING back to PNG, I think we can all agree to do the best we can to support our boys, even if it is screaming at the radio or PC speakers and causing the neighbors to wonder if we have gone insane (which if you can find someone who knows me, they will affirm that I am). I believe in changing what I can even when it has to be done aggressively, but trying to change this is like my Dad used to say about talking to me....It's like talking to a brick wall because it is already set. If some people who go to the Booster Club Meetings express their displeasure in the choice of Stadiums, I'm sure Faircloth will do his best in the future. Remember, it's the young men athlete's time to shine and be heros, don't let anything marr that.

K. Wukasch


1,000+ Posts
Justafan-you hurt my feelings! :'( I've been in Houston all day with my sick husband and haven't been on here at all and now you're calling my name. :eek: I did contact a board member and found out that a new board member AND an old board member tried to get admin to sell to season ticket holders first and were told "it is too much trouble" by admin. I know you think I only support the new members (which I do as long as they do a good job), but I also support a couple of the old board members!! Again, I was told that all this ticket nonsense is decided by the administration. Anyway, be mad at Brenham's coach, not PNG. IMO, I think us season ticket holders should be able to buy tickets first but its out of my hands! I would love to meet and talk to you and you'd see I don't lie and am fair to ALL.


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
Justafan-you hurt my feelings! :'( I've been in Houston all day with my sick husband and haven't been on here at all and now you're calling my name. :eek: I did contact a board member and found out that a new board member AND an old board member tried to get admin to sell to season ticket holders first and were told "it is too much trouble" by admin. I know you think I only support the new members (which I do as long as they do a good job), but I also support a couple of the old board members!! Again, I was told that all this ticket nonsense is decided by the administration. Anyway, be mad at Brenham's coach, not PNG. IMO, I think us season ticket holders should be able to buy tickets first but its out of my hands! I would love to meet and talk to you and you'd see I don't lie and am fair to ALL.

I was just trying to get a rise out of ya.... ;D ;D ;D Guess it worked!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your husband. My prayers are with him.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
OK, for all who THINK you know how it went down (like 76), you are all wrong. Coach Faircloth went into the process, in thorough detail, about how the stadium is secured. It is a long, tedious process, that must be agreed upon by ALL 4 COACHES, BEFORE the games are even played. Plus, the big 5-A schools (ie Katy) gets the pick of the litter, so to speak, and we have to get 4 coaches to agree, while none want to play where the other coach has previously played and won. I.E., no one wants to play us at Stallworth. That was an option, if we flipped Stallworth for Brenham's choice, but Brenham's choice held like 4600 fans, so it really was not an option.

So, the way it played out, Thorne was indeed the best option this week. The Aldine AD assured BF that they would accomodate "everyone", that they "could sit on the hill" and we could sit on Brenham's side too.

Hope this helps.
Not defeatist, just realistic

I understand what you're saying but I believe that to be this quick to accept not getting into the game is definitely defeatist. If you weren't so quick to give up you would be trying to find another way to get a ticket. Like having a friend get them for you. Or, since it's only 12 miles from your house you could show up at the stadium to buy a ticket on game day and maybe ignore all of this he said/she said stuff on the boards. If you can't get a ticket at the stadium, then listen to the game in your car until halftime and just walk right in for the second half! It really isn't like it would be a lot of trouble for someone who lives a mere 12 miles from the stadium! So based on the fact that it's monday and you have read on the internet that you can't get a ticket and you accepted that as the holy grail, yes I think you are a defeatist!!!!


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
OK, for all who THINK you know how it went down (like 76), you are all wrong. Coach Faircloth went into the process, in thorough detail, about how the stadium is secured. It is a long, tedious process, that must be agreed upon by ALL 4 COACHES, BEFORE the games are even played. Plus, the big 5-A schools (ie Katy) gets the pick of the litter, so to speak, and we have to get 4 coaches to agree, while none want to play where the other coach has previously played and won. I.E., no one wants to play us at Stallworth. That was an option, if we flipped Stallworth for Brenham's choice, but Brenham's choice held like 4600 fans, so it really was not an option.

So, the way it played out, Thorne was indeed the best option this week. The Aldine AD assured BF that they would accomodate "everyone", that they "could sit on the hill" and we could sit on Brenham's side too.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. Make me feel better about getting our fans in. One thing that may affect the "sitting on the hill" is that there is a chance of rain Friday. Channel 6 said hopefully the rain will end before kickoff but the hill may be wet. Having said all that, I have learn never to change my plans because of a extended weather forecast.


Active Member
Everyone keeps talking about the hills in the end zone areas but nobody seems to have the juevos to form a group to sit on the Brenham side. I think that is a brilliant idea. As the PN-G side is filling up, a slew of people should be filling in from top to bottom, section by section, of the Brenham side. All's fair in love and war and the Brenham coach declared war on our fans the second he said he wanted to play at some bs stadium. I say fill both sides and let the Brenham fans sit in the grass in the end zones. I came 1,600 miles to watch this game and I'll be dang if I'm going to sit on some hill when there will be PLENTY of seats on the Brenham side. BTW, I'll be the one in purple standing up for Cherokee!


Trust me, If I don't have to work, I will be at the game, I will find a way in.............I was mainly speaking up for others less fortunate.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!


Hey Vegas.....You're on..........If I can get away, I will be there......I'll join ya on Brenham's side if need be. I think you can pick me out.


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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