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  1. P

    Bertrand Nominated SETX Player of the Week - Beaumont Enterprise

    And IP's can be set to change dynamicaly also. So that is not the answer. Anyone who pins thier hopes on a "fair" ballot "online" is dreaming.
  2. P

    Riding the Yellow Dog

    Found a reference to a poem written by Grantland Rice which ends "Let every game's end find you still upon the battling line; For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes - "not that you won or lost - but how you played the Game.""
  3. P

    Mr. Durham

    I always got goose bumps when marching out onto the field when Tip introduced us. I still got them as an adult hearing him introduce the band after I graduated. And when my son, a senior now, marched onto the field, hearing Tip make the same intro filled me with such pride. Mr. Durham, may you...
  4. P

    INDIAN NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can you upload it to the Facebook fan page?
  5. P

    Was it our Defense or Lumberton’s Offense?

    I have seen this kick scheme in College too. If you can manage a high kick that is fair caught between the 20 and 25 that is the goal. The shorter ones, can be muffed, and the fast deep back players can not run it back. You will get a fluke like Lumberton did on occasion, but it was almost...
  6. P

    PN-G vs. Texas City Predictions

    Which way will go travel to TX City? I 10 to 146, or go through Galveston? Google maps has the Galveston route 1 mile longer, but there would be less traffic. But the wait for the ferry will be an issue. Decisions, Decisions.
  7. P

    MidCounty Madness Tickets

    Got mine with my Season Tickets, but the reserved were sold out, so I had to get General Admission. I don't know if all of those sold out or not.
  8. P


    I do not have unlimited Texting, so I can not send it to you as a text, but I can e-mail it. PM me if you want the one I made. It is of the 1984 Band playing it after contest.
  9. P

    What TIME?

    I hope to be leaving lumberton around 4:30. Going to take 90 or 105 and hopefully miss the bad traffic. We have a friend getting there early and will save us some seats. I am ready for some Indian Football!!!
  10. P

    What time are you leaving for Stallworth ?

    I will be turning out the lights when I leave. Of course, most of my "town" is staying home. Lumberton is done. Lets GO INDIANS!!!!
  11. P

    "The Play" from multiple angles.

    Looked like #12 Benoit got the block, then it bounced off # 17 Raggio's face mask to #8 Dunbar. The rest as they say is HISTORY!!! Way to Go INDIANS!!!
  12. P

    Most exciting HS football game I've ever seen.

    This was an epic game, and an unforgettable finish. This game must be in top 5 games of all time, if not the greatest ever!! WOW!!! That was the most exciting game I have EVER seen!!!
  13. P

    Barber's Hill Playoff Game Time & Location

    My wife graduated from West Brook. She faithfully attends all PN-G games with me. We live in Lumberton. I will not miss a game and she knows that. I offered her to stay home and I would go by myself to Livingston, but she went and sat in the rain with me. I have a wonderful wife..... I do...
  14. P

    Things that went wrong during Ozen game

    This year has been amazing and fun to watch. Our coaches are teaching from the mistakes that are made, and our players respond and improve. Keep that up, and it will be a long playoff run. All the players play with class, and Harmon, never gives up. The extra yards he fights for make a...
  15. P

    We Need to Get Rid Of....

    Cherokee was "louder" but still not loud enough. The problem is not the size of the band, but the dynamics at which the band is allowed to play it. Cherokee needs to be played louder dynamicaly...that will solve the problem. We don't need to wory so much about "quality" of the tone with our...
  16. P

    Things that went wrong during Ozen game

    I think what old eagle was trying to say was the only things that went wrong against OZEN did not MATTER one little bit. I think that by looking for things that did not go great, no matter how small they are, will only make you improve. Improvement each week is what matters most. After NO PF...
  17. P

    Just for fun! Indian Band memories!

    I was mostly joking about the 3 weeks. You are right, the "head rush" I would get would probably cause my blood pressure to drop and then jump so much I would pass out before the 3rd note... But it would be fun to try...
  18. P

    Just for fun! Indian Band memories!

    I did that too! The Marching I for that playoff game, and I got to play in the stands during the game. The Freshman Tuba players were shocked at how LOUD I played Cherokee. I said that his how you are supposed to play it. Give me a Tuba, about 3 weeks to get my chops back in shape, and I...
  19. P

    thoughts/comments on "pngindians" twitter

    I watch my twitter on my BB at the game! I like to see what you say, and I enjoy being able to keep fans around me up to date on the scores from other district games. That is a great service you provide. Thanks for taking it on. I was posting on facebook one night about how the game was going...
  20. P

    Just for fun! Indian Band memories!

    1983 at state marching contest. One of our trumpet players played reveille in the parking lot at the hotel early in the morning. There were 5 rooms that were not ours, so we got fussed at. Then we played all of our contest music to all the cars as they passed by on the highway in front of our...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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